Hey faggots. My wife died. My kids are with my in laws cause i lost my shit...

Hey faggots. My wife died. My kids are with my in laws cause i lost my shit. I left my house and company behind with no desire to return. I wont an hero. Whats something an able bodied white american can do from here. Communes? Militias? I need somewhere to go where i can lose my identity

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Kill self

And abandon your kids? Just kill yourself you worthless cunt.

What happened to your wife user. You may need professional help disappearing.

Was it a train explosion?

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Probably will

Niggers don't feel pain like people do. They won't even feel that

Depends on how much bitcoin you have. You could buy drugs pretty cheap from the deep web and resell them at a higher price. Alternatively, fake IDs aren't hard to get your hands on. Explore what the deep web has to offer. You can act out your wildest fantasies now.

be a hobo. not sarcasm

Ive been with my wife since i was 14. Im 32. I cant even feed myself. Let alone take care of my kids. My wife was taking medication for post partum. She mixed it with booze and she suffocated while i was at work.

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Rather just an hero than be a bum

Go to some eastern asian monestary and help the monks live. Pick up their ways. you've already given up your possessions.

go travel and find yourself
and also leave us be

Im a niggerfaggot with warrants so i cant leave murca

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It's cliche, but have you considered the French foreign legion?

5 years and you'll be a French Citizen with a new life. With the caveat that the first year will make hell look like a relaxing summer vacation.

Central California, take up any orchard or farm work you can get. In my opinion, many of the immigrant workers can benefit from hearing your perspective of life and love.

you have to go back

Go take care of your kids asshole

You man the fuck up and take care of those kids. You think you're lost and hurt, imagine what they're going through. Quit being a selfish child

Your wife died and your kids, now more then ever need their Father.

Go back to your children, go to therapy and get a job. Your suffering must be intense, I empathize. But you can't walk away from everything. Your kids need you. They deserve their father.

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Youre right. Thanks faggots. Im going home

don't leave your kids you faggot.
french foreign legion btw, they will not give a shit WHATSOEVER who you were before

Yirk is only hero, only god and only master in all of worlds.

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Buy a copy of falling down. Get cucked or get blacked.

So you want to larp. I don't think it's a good time to be a manchild buddy.

You could do nothing. If you don't give a shit about your kids. Plenty of people do nothing.

Another popular option are karate classes.

If you want to start a new life:
Move to North Korea: Only if you want to live good but without any entertainment(“But they are starving!” Shut the fuck up American boot licker)

Move to Canada: You will have to work way harder than in North Korea but you will be able to see entertainment, you might get recognized though

Or you can obviously get your shit together

If you live through them they might give you a source of entertainment.

People in the 50s did this with pee wee baseball and they turned out fine.

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Just become a homeless drug addict. You'll deff lose your identity and the drugs will make you feel fucking great

return to your kids NOW.

just shoot yourself.

One day you will realize that the only thing worse than your own pain is the pain of others.
There may be saving you yet. Don't abandon those who need you.

Jesus Christ, bro. I'm so sorry. That's horrible. Take a breather, give yourself time to grieve. You don't have to hold it together ALL the time. Let this one run its course, and know that it can't kill you-- only characterize you.

You left your kids??? You’re on here complaining????? Man you need a massive kick to the throat...I wish I could assist you on you loosing your identity...first I’d beat you to an inch of your life and than throw in a small dog cage. And if you said the slightest thing or and answer that I didn’t like I would beat you with random objects...I would shave your hair and eye brows..you don’t need those anymore..and I would tattoo a nazi swasstika on the base of your face that covers your nose lips and cheeks... you want your identity lost??? I’d fucking be happy the assist you faggot.. I’d treat real fucking special by being my punch bag GIMP