So many fucking newfags on this page

So many fucking newfags on this page.


Take all your porn to /r/

Quit logposting, you're the only one who thinks you're funny.

Fuck your traps and loli's off to the porn board too.

Let's free this space up for actual random posts like it used to be.

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>Take the porn I don't like over to /r/
>Take your Loli to /r/
/r/ is for requests
Sup Forums is the only board lolis are allowed
I'm not sure you know what the boards are for

Imagine thinking this post makes a difference
10/10 bait would reply again
>Yellowfag mad

go back

99% of the porn shit is requests for more of the same porn, therefore it belongs on that fucking board you dumb newfag

No, most of the porn threads are themed threads, where people can post and share images of a like theme. You know, so it's organized

True too many fags came here with those shitty traps

u must b new here

A theme you say.

That theme being requesting the same theme of porn.

Which is why it belongs in the porn thread you smelly fucking newfag cuck

No, I was around in the early days faggot, and have just watched this joint be flooded by newfags like you with no fucking OC and barely any fucking entertainment any more.

Send the porn to the porn thread and keep Sup Forums for random shit.

Yes, it belongs in the porn thread that it's in, of a similar theme to the rest of the porn in said thread, on Sup Forums

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grow the fuck up!

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>Send the porn to the porn thread you not know the difference between a thread and a board?

shit in a beard the newfags are dumb these days

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we all knew that was coming newfag, get some oc or fuck off

nitpicking is for faggots

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>I'm all out of arguments, I'm gonna call you names now
You know, the young republicans are always recruiting

Just because you can't wrap your head around facts, doesn't mean you win, dumb cunt

>I've been corrected several times, but I'm going to ignore that, and continue to call my opponents names

Attached: Big-Meanie-P-reddxx1-26356847-225-225.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Ehh, I'm bored of this

Good luck on your next visit thread, this one's just not holding my attention


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Digits checked

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noone else cares about quints.
Sup Forums really is dead.


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also checked

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yep, thanks to all these newfags who can't figure out that posting the same tripe every day is not how this board is supposed to operate.

You're the literal newfag here
>I came to Sup Forums and I don't like that there's porn!!! waaaaaaaa!!!

Attached: b3.png (225x224, 65K)

>op was a fag

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checkem twice

You realise you're literally describing yourself here right?

actually, I'm literally the oldfag, I was around back when you couldn't post text without adding a picture.
you wouldn't remember that though, because you're a newfag.

whatever, faggot.

you're just abusing me and calling me names because you've been proven wrong and have no return argument.
