Ylyl, cunts

Ylyl, cunts

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Other urls found in this thread:


saw this in drawception

Attached: yeeds.png (300x250, 106K)

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That’s bs, they always pile my pickles in one clump

go home white boi

Attached: chickfila mascot.jpg (532x708, 41K)

Because they know it's you

Attached: 1504140418777.jpg (540x537, 54K)

>some gay shit
>retards laugh at it
cool bro

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Attached: 1.jpg (600x560, 145K)

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Oh man, that reminds me of this old classic


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you stealing my fuckin memes aye?

Attached: 1560993509868.jpg (780x800, 112K)

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Always nice to what celebs were like before they got famous

> Avril Lavigne looking bitch

Attached: IMG_1435.png (660x680, 91K)

Get out

Its not gay to recive only gay to giive.

Attached: 1565313986418.jpg (600x400, 42K)

I'd fuck Sneaky's boi pucci


if one were to try and find this gamer for their gaming content, what would one have to look up

For the gaming content, r-right?

yes exactly, for the gaming

Is this what you mean by "gaming content" user?

Attached: Sneaky Peach Selfie (1).jpg (1512x2015, 1.04M)


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give me that sweet nintendo content

Attached: Lol.jpg (1236x1345, 164K)

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I love Snacky and his cosplay, but good god, if he has kids, there is no way he can hide this shit lol.

fuck off

No way he's having kids
He's a sissy and he girlfriend already has him on hrt.

Attached: Commie (7).jpg (600x600, 41K)

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More like
>it is easy to bounce back when the government wants you to


Haha! Nice little reddit memes you have there my newfriend!

Attached: Freedom Mei.jpg (1147x720, 54K)

Dude is currently growing facial hair, so I doubt he's on HRT, And his gf is hot af, so whatevs

Make something original then Sally.

Nice quads

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I don't like china, but it'd be foolish to say they are not successful

Nothing gay about getting a blowjob. The faggot is the one with the dick in his mouth.

Attached: 1569951426247.webm (352x640, 1.8M)

What? Nobody said that. Are you a god damn Chinese Commie bot or something?

Attached: Freedom Mei 2.png (601x601, 486K)

Not with that trigger discipline you inbred

This post
Said communism failed in every country. I pointed out china. Retard

Shit chicken sandwich.

Your fucking psycho bud

Attached: tictact.jpg (1280x960, 276K)

Why are the other three pics overhead, citywide shots?

Attached: Reparashun.webm (1000x562, 1.94M)

They didnt melt, they got soft enough to bend under great weight. You moron

Because the shitty part of Detroit is rather small, and an actual aerial photo doesn't do it justice.

To see the true destructive power of niggers, one needs to look up closely, and hope they don't stab you while you take photos. The trick is to do it at 8am, niggers hate 8am because it makes them feel like they're employed.

This gets me harder every time i reread it

This guy gets it.
One time I thought my ice melted but then I realized it just got soft.

You're an idiot

Luckily your structural ice wasn't supporting thousands of tons of building above it.

Why I was just busy softing some butter in a pan and you call me an idiot

> Nick Kroll getting milked

Attached: 1566016326960.jpg (260x194, 6K)

Structural butter

but China is failing, Hong Kong is rebelling and Taiwan is essentially its country within China. With the way they are running their economy the whole system is going to collapse in on its self. Sure they show short term success but overall they will fail just like all the others before them.

Attached: Freedom Mei 3.jpg (586x829, 72K)

because they were tampered with before the panes struck, you ignorant sheep.

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Its a horse fucking dog
What are you, dumb?

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I wonder what happened to building 7...
no jet fuel touched the building

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Lost on first pic. Fuck.

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Fuck off, SJW dipshit.

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Im getting sleepy over here!!!

Attached: the-goyim-know-shut-it-down-jew-walkie-talkie.jpg (600x929, 71K)

My essence hurts

Uh huh, sure

Attached: 266C37E26EFE44A19919429A25499148.jpg (1000x1250, 783K)

>I wonder what happened to building 7...
>no jet fuel touched the building

Building 7 was determined to be a threat to the rescue workers. It was deliberately destroyed by a demolition team when it was decided that it had sustained too much damage from the two towers that fell beside it - and because it was struck by some of the debris.

You are a moron for not knowing this.

Attached: wrg4h537ejl11.jpg (630x430, 45K)

You triggered?

Flaming pieces of the towers hit it

Attached: 3dca31705f8c42bd8ebc586ec33d393abb3b34e686ef8b8cd1845b3ea51b7674.gif (250x125, 1.69M)

He? Oh God. That's a good trap.

>Building 7 was determined to be a threat to the rescue workers.
>because it was struck by some of the debris
nice try shlomo

Attached: think.gif (330x216, 1.02M)

quad sixes checked, hail ultrasatan (also low key the racism bots and shills start ylyl like 20 times a day so they can post their faggot "im afraid of jews" bullshit, dont worry about it)

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> not a gay troll?
hm, so the WTC
was just a card tower?
or whatever it's called in A.E.

god, I knew these tards in highschool. still wondering which one posted it.

It wasn't deliberately demolished. It collapsed due to damage and fire.

This made me really happy. I hate Rebecca sugar, and I hate Steven universe.

Nice. And it only took them 18 years to come up with this story.

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Soo...he was behind all that!?

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Too late!

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Scariest part is he's a pro from one of the best teams in one of the largest player pools