People's Republic of China is a great nation

People's Republic of China is a great nation.
We Westerners must show our support for the glorious tomorrow.
We Westerners must remember to "Hold high the Flag of Mao Zedong, march on!".
What is your favorite thing about People's Republic of China?

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That it's so far away

Kek good luck with that


Being a product of Mao’s and the people’s of China fight

Chinese girls are cute and I like Chinese food but the nation of China can fuck right off.

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China women are the sexiest order me a male order bride or take me too visit with you so I can have some sexy slope eyed rice niggas

The PRC is a corrupt communist states who's only interest is in maintaining it's own power.
>Tianamen Square Massacre
>Great Leap Foward
>Cultural Revolution
>Lietrally fucking psychologial torture and organ harvesting to Folun Gong practiconers, no reason other than their religon doesn't completely follow party doctrine.
>The one time they let a village hold "Democratic elections" But really the votes went straight into the burner and their "Democratically elected representative" was actually a PRC puppet, also the guy in government who let that happened got purged by the PRC
>Still supporting North Korea.

Want me to name some more? Kill yourself you brainwashed communist faggot.

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>Refusing Tibetan sovereignty to any extent, all regional leaders of Tibet are Chinese puppet figures.
>The Dali lama is a Chinese puppet figure.
>Speaking your opinion gets your arrested
>No freedoms of fucking anything
>Extremely corrupt full of leaders who care only for themselves

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Compared to what? A short list of failures is to be expected to accompany 70 years of overall success in a country of 1.4 billion. You can't realistically expect a spotless record in history and a leadership of unerring saints in these matters. The successes outweigh the flaws. People's Republic of China is a great nation.

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I dunno dude, killing millions of your own people, suppressing political dissent, invading sovereign countries and claiming they've "always been part of our country" even they have distinct languages and histories, stealing intellectual property, and squatting on islands obviously nearer to other countries is pretty heavy-handed and fucked up. Not too sure I care for fucking China right now

Ahh, the 'ol 'the ends justify the means' argument. doesn't seem so bad until you're the one getting re-educated

We embrace our Great Dear Leader Winnie the Pooh to teach us the true way of Juche

My favourite thing is that it's going to soon enter a protracted period of population decline.

I love how efficient they are when brainwashing idiots in believing that China is not one of the worst countries to ever have existed.


That's a Best Korea thing, knob.

Typical result of PRC restructuring policies in the 60's and 70's:

1. Not even the best governing can prevent a famine.
2. And what's the alternative? Encouraging political dissent? Nobody does that, not even USA.
3. Well they have always been apart of our country. Distinct languages and histories don't prevent unity, the Chinese national anthem even starts with "March on, heroic peoples of all ethnicities!"
4. Well following intellectual property morals is up to creators, shouldn't be a governmental issue.
5. Indonesia and Filipinos have enough islands trust me. PRC can do more with it than anyone else.

Taiwan numba one!!

wow u so smart

thats not a fucking short list. PROC is a shitty place and anyone whos not brainwashed by them or a fucking puppet can see that. they are one step above DPROK

>1. Not even the best governing can prevent a famine.

You cuck! Mao and the Chinese Politburo CREATED THAT famine through their draconian policies!


>2. And what's the alternative? Encouraging political dissent? Nobody does that, not even USA.

We have representation in government. Don't deny it. That doesn't exist in China.

>Indonesia and Filipinos have enough islands trust me. PRC can do more with it than anyone else.

You have two cars. I'm taking one. Problem?

>Well following intellectual property morals is up to creators, shouldn't be a governmental issue.

Sure, when you have a sham court that is beholden to the executive body, of course. When you have a proper independant court, everyone gets their say. Proper democracies have independent courts, not a government body.

You don't "get" democracy, do you?

Not the same thing. The islands and those living on them continue to exist regardless of which country claims them.

Consequence of not having independent courts:

Not by international law my cuck friend.

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>1. Not even the best governing can prevent a famine.
Tell us more about the "best governing" of Mao's Kill Sparrows Campaign that caused the famine

Communism has killed millions of people wherever its been implemented. Its NOT a great system of government.

>Kill Sparrows Campaign

We are sure to make mistakes no matter how noble our intentions are. We must not blame the past, but use the lessons learned as compasses for our actions in the future.

A legacy of really BAD ideas enforced on the Chinese population.

>We must not blame the past, but use the lessons learned as compasses for our actions in the future.

Right. The lesson is: communism is a REALLY bad idea.

It's not about the islands, or the resources within, so much as controlling the transportation routes.

Don't forget the theft of western technology.

that they’re far away and incapable of meaningful force projection rendering them neutered in international geopolitical competition and reduced to literally making new islands to support their military overseas

also that taiwan exists and there’s literally nothing they can do about it

Don't use that name please.
It's called Vocational Education and Training Center ((职业技能教育培训中心)

>Don't use that name please.

Fuck you. I don't live under your slave masters in Beijing. I'll use truth, thank you.



My favorite thing about china is that the vile, over populated, brainwashed shithole that it is, will eventually breed the plague that will wipe out every dirty chink there & take down the rest of humanity with it. I wish bird/swine flu on all of you tiny dicked, elevator pissing scum

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Are you wearing your uniform while you post? I hope that cunt of yours we've jailed in Canada gets raped to death in a US prison

Chinese are genuinely, worse than niggers

100% the worst "humans" there are

>international geopolitical competition and reduced to literally making new islands to support their military overseas

They want to be like the US as far as geopolitical power in the world. Problem is they didn't save the world from Germany in two world wars like the US did. They desperately want a legitimate reason to assert world power and have none.

Their reason to assert world power is that they need to eat it; the world that is. They've overpopulated so badly that they'll literally eat anything & everything. Cannibalism would make china great again!

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China is a piece of shit and I am waiting for it to fall apart.
They are their own worst enemy and they are a cancer.

People's Republic of Cuck.