Trump tried to back off Pence pick

Trump just got cucked by his advisers

>“Around midnight last night ... Donald Trump was on the phone with senior advisors trying to get out of this,” she said.

>Trump was leaning toward New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie while his top aides were beating the drum for Pence, the report said.

>“Flying him to New York. Making it and leaking it to the press that he was going to be making the call. Telling people in and around the Cleveland convention, especially where conservatives are gathered, ‘don’t worry, wink, wink, nod, nod, it is Mike Pence.’”

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not good as well

Should've just done Webb tbqh

fuck off. Trump wanted this to leak you dumbass. He's been 5 steps ahead the whole damn game. Ever wonder why he isn't spending money yet is neck and neck is the polls? He isn't a conventional candidate and he knows he can know how to fucking win. Fuck off and go collect your shillary money you cunt.

Let's be real. Webb was never seriously in contention.

Christie is just as bad as Pence.

Flynn or Webb would have been ok-tier.

If Trump absolutely needed someone to reel in the evangelicals and social conservatives he should have gone with Ben Carson, who did very well with them during his 15minutes as front runner.

>le 18 dimensional space rubiks cube meme

Why not Kasich?

It's hilarious how big a deal you faggots are making out of this. In a day or two this news will die down and the focus of the campaign will go back to Trump versus Hillary, where it should be. The VP is literally just a figurehead who has almost nothing to do with policy.

>b-but muh one heartbeat away

Fuck off.


Tell that to LBJ

Christie would have destroyed any chance of hope that Trump could win

Yeah, Flynn wouldve been a more realistic choice then, fucker needed to get some balls if he is supposed to debate

Pence helps repubs get behind Trump

I can't think of any of the other possible picks to be as useful for that purpose.

Webb couldn't get his own party to like him.

He wants to give illegal immigrants Obamacare.

I can't stand you meme regurgitating faggots.

Fuck off. It was a terrible vp choice. Pence contradicts all the values trump stands for.
>anti wall
>pro TPP
>pro nafta
>pro Muslim
>pro amnesty.
Incredibly embarrassing and he should considered someone else.

Pence would still be infinitely better than Hillary. He's as anti-immigration and anti-degeneracy as it gets.

welp, i guess Pence is better. Kasich would've been the best overall.


you moron Chris Christie's office confirmed three days ago that nobody had said shit to him in weeks about a VP nod

we knew it was between Gingrich and Pence early this week. Trump's family liked the rapport he had with Newt, but his campaign staff correctly advised that Pence was the smarter choice.

Newt was splashier, but riskier; he carried way more baggage (3 divorces does not help against a woman opponent), and Trump wasn't sure he could control him, because Newt is a former House speaker and could easily fuck with Trump's administration just by being too involved

Pence, on the other hand, would still rally conservatives around him, can help deliver Ohio and even Michigan in a close race.



I didn't know VPs run the the US

You are so cute!


True. Some guy just went to jail over the bridge

you're a paid shill

Why didn't he pick Robert Morrow?

Picking your VP is basically saying "This person is just as qualified to be president as I am, so if I am unable to fulfill my duties, this person will"

That's why their names are on the ticket together


Can we all agree that, no matter who he picked, he was fucked? There was not a single pick that pleased the majority of people. At least this pick appeals to cuckservatives.

That's not even half true

>Trinidad and Tobago

Carson would have angered all the right people

No. Just stop

If it was Christie he wanted I really don't care. If he was trying to get Flynn last-minute I'd honestly feel bad for Trump.

I am so sick of this fucking Webb meme. Fuck you you ignorant faggot

Good Lord if that fat fuck was VP, Trump would be the world laughing stock.

Seriously, obese VP of burger land. Just no.

so much for walking out on bad deals

>Good Lord if that fat fuck was VP, Trump would be the world laughing stock.

He already is

Wow. They fucking saved hum

#I'mWithHer :^)

Rand was the best choice for evangelicals and moderates, unfortunately their relationship was poisoned during the debates so Rand didn't want to accept.

>he fell for the Trump meme


> 2 posts
> both nervously say delete this!

It's okay. He fucked up and lost the election

so glad this webb for vp meme is finally dead for good.
fuck that fag enabler.

i'll take Pence over Christie any day.

I wish shilling was a bannable offense

Have been listening to Michael savage saying trump is getting sabatoged from the inside. This pretty much proves it.

Flynn is not vp material he has other uses in the administration.

(((Jared))) messed up, or was it the plan all along?

Well, Pence is by miles better than Krispy Cream.

This is so silly. You do realize that Trump has been slurping Semitic semen for quite some time now?

why would anyone give a fuck about the VPs?

VP does fuck all and always will do fuck all

OP is a retard

So his own aides betrayed him? Why arent they fired again?

Unless they assassinate him the VP is irrelevant except for entertainment value.

In that respect Joe Biden is the best VP you guys ever had.

bill (((murray)))

JIDF, pls

He is neck and neck in the polls because his opponent is Hilary Clinton. She has lost every presidential election so far, most people don't like her

If you think Trump listens to his 'advisers' or 'aides' you're a fucking idiot.

He was notorious for doing whatever the fuck he wanted - against everyone's advice - at the height of the primaries; what in the FUCK makes you think he suddenly became a lapdog now that he has the nomination in the bag?

hillary would have been the best vp choice

defo get the woman vote

Here lies Donald J Trump

Born: June 14, 1946

Died: February 19th 2017

45th President of The United States of America

Father, brother, businessman, and an American visionary.

His life was tragically cut short by an assassin's bullet

May he forever RIP

>Donald J Trump was a revolutionary figure in American politics. We will forever remember his service to our country. I will do my best to uphold President Trump's legacy while engaging America in the new world global order of tomorrow.
-President Mike Pence

If Trump was ever considering Flynn then Webb must have been considered at some point as well. They are identical except Webb has legislative experience to boot. Plus Manafort was asked about it.

Is this a threat?
Should I file a report to the FBI?
I think I will. I don't like the tone of your post.


Ben Carson is part of some weird Christian cult that most evangelicals wouldn't like. It would be Romney all over again



seriously though
How fucking stupid are you
Answer my question faggot

Oh good, just like how McCain's advisors screwed him over with Palin. I figured Trump would have more control over the situation, turns out he's just another chump who does what others tell him to do.


>every presidential election
This is her 2nd time running.

>anti immigration

I thought he was pro amnesty.

Randy? Oh, you mean the guy who blew his whole wad in Iowa and got less than 5%? Who pissed away eight years of his dad's work?

Flynn isn't a good speaker really. He'd be destroyed in VP debates.

>Chris Christie

Wow, its literally fucking nothing. Im not too familiar on Mike Pence, but anythings better than that fucking RINO.


Hope she enjoys being sued for not keeping their mouth shut about Trump's personal endeavors with staff.

Johnson's VP is even worse, he's an anti-gun neocon.

Gary "I think Trump is racist" Johnson

No thanks.

Agreed. I can think of at least three other high level positions he'd be good for in a Trump administration. Vice President wouldn't necessarily be one of them, but he could serve well as D/CIA, the DNI, or perhaps SecDef.

Christie would function better as Attorney General than as VP.

Jeff Sessions would have made a good VP. On the other hand though, he and Bob Corker will prove more valuable remaining in the Senate. Either one of them would make a fine Secretary of State.

Lack of funding. He's desperate for the GOP base to not pull out so he can finish his run.


Trump supports touchback amnesty too desu. Pence supported a fence at the Mexican border in 2006.

What good is the VP pick if not to checkmate the rebellion in the establishment GOP? All the cuckservatives have a man in the administration now. Thinking he could just give them the finger for the next 8 years and get anything done is as wishful thinking as Cruzcucks thinking God will appear in Cleveland and make him the nominee.

>Who pissed away eight years of his dad's work?

His dad was a retarded conspiracy theorist who belonged in the Libertarian Party.

He raised 51 million in a couple of days, just to make a point.

He didn't win the nomination like some chump, he won it with record turnout.
He won't have any trouble raising money.

Also, he's basically tied with Hillary even though he's spending practically nothing, and she's throwing away fortunes.

Money ain't it.

I know, she lost to the black guy

>blatantly fucks up
>i-it's all p-p-part of the plan! the j-jews wont know what hit em right lads?

Pence is the smart VP choice. You want a VP who s different from you to bring in more votes. Picking Trump #2 wouldn't do shit. Pence will bring in evangelicals and the tea party.

Rand was the best choice. Should have just went for the manlet.

It's not a big deal. Christie will surely be in the Administration in some way, probably best that he's not VP.
Not sure Pence was the right pick though. Yes, it will be good to conservatives, but Trump needs more democrats and independents to vote for him. Pence may just drive them away even more.

Trump is already beating Hillary soundly with Independents and he does better with dems than she does with Repubs. To begin with this whole election will come down to turnout.

Congratulations on securing states that were already dark red.