Why does Sup Forums constantly shill for women...

Why does Sup Forums constantly shill for women? You people rival Tumblr and Reddit in how you absolutely refuse to criticize women, and you blame everything on men.

It's pathetic. You're pathetic. You have no issue with women being given "equal" status to men while also being given special treatment. You want to tell yourselves you are special little intellectual snowflakes, and that you're not like Tumblr or Reddit, but you're pretty much exactly the same.

Why blame children if you can blame the pathetic excuse for a father which allowed them to become a piece of shit?

I have blamed men for it. The omegas, the betas, the modern "alpha male" fags that allow women to be promiscuous degenerate sluts and whores. On and on.

Women are given "equal" status and special treatment, and I blame the entirety of the situation rather than just men. Women have been given agency for a long time now, and they motivate their co-genderists to be degenerate. Men validate their degeneracy, and refuse to keep them in line, and worship them, and that together forms the entire system which allows women to basically be superior to men and get away with.

Women aren't superior, they're just getting two-way treatment. I assure you most women want to be the stereotypical housewife but love the idea of feminism. It is a unfortunate bi-product of the education system. You've got a massive amount of normal woman who just want to be housewives but get daddied by the state and turn into demanding cunts via social studies/women studies/etc.

Pol is the most white knight board of Sup Forums. See them screaming over Mexicans and Arabs "raping" innocent and pure White womyn.

I hate women
They are only fuckholes and a means to breed strong sons.

t. Proud misogynist

It was the duty of men to keep society safe. It was the duty of men to provide a moral backbone to society. It was the duty of men to maintain the cultural integrity of our societies and honour those that came before us. We have failed. You're just a bitter child if you don't realise that we fucked up, and we will have to be the ones to change things for the better. Do you think women can?

Grow up and be a man. No self-respecting man hates women, although he may think they are misguided.

White western women are the most spoiled and deluded people to have ever walked the earth. They:

>live in safe and generous societies which provide them with food, water, shelter, and entertainment,
>are cosseted by a wide array of civil rights law to give them a leg up,
>enjoy huge advantages in education from kindergarten all the way through a doctoral degree,
>are the subject of nonstop media mollycoddling, and
>are better able to determine the shape of their relationships, their careers, and their livelihoods than nearly anybody alive or dead throughout human history.

In spite of this, they are convinced that they are put-upon victims of great injustice.

No i hate women and the funny thing is that every single woman I've treated like shit has fallen deeply in love with me. I've cheated on them, told them to an hero when they threatened suicide as a sympathy ploy, i've put myself first and been a selfish asshole. And they love me more. This is why i hate women. They do not deserve respect. In the past before the retarded meme of women's rights i would have pitied them but now in the year of cuckdom 2016 they have even more advantages then men and still they are pathetic and weak.

The problem is when women, like they are now, are given feminism and gynocentric chivalry. They have to choose one or the other.

Calm down, you British faggot. Of course we fucked up, but this is not 1802. This is current year, and the situation is different. I have to reference the years because things change.

You say "grow up and be a man", yet you have no idea who I am. So what is your idea of "being a man"? Pretending we still live in the stone age, and worshiping women, and allowing them to have both feminism and chivalry, while I'm just a disposable tool? Nope, I'm not doing it. I refuse. From the looks of it, a lot of other guys refuse to. If women want to be cherished and respected by men, they have to earn it.

Women are destroying our society from within and nobody seems to notice.

Litterly nobody cares sage.


>I found countless low-tier woman and behaved like a negro

Well done. Most women, like most men, are weak-minded. Any man with a hint of confidence could do this. What's the point?

That's why you're supposed to try to find a good woman. That's actually difficult.

I don't actually disagree with anything you just said. Being a man is making the change you want in the world, and taking responsibility if you fail. I agree that feminism is unnatural, and that men and women need gender roles. Seems like you agree that it is ultimately the western man's fault. So what's your fucking point, leaf?

Wtf are you talking about? We shit on women all day here at pol.

I do not approve of women benefiting from feminism AND gynocentric chivalry. They have to pick one or the other, they cannot have both like they do now. Men have no incentive to do anything when things are stacked so heavily against them with no reward in sight.

Yes, ultimately, men need to fix all this, since women are stupid and incapable of doing it. But I am tired of all the woman worshiping, everyone refusing to criticize them, everyone putting them on a pedestal, everyone allowing them to enjoy all the benefits of being a woman and getting special treatment while they do nothing to earn it.

So that is my issue, and I don't like how Sup Forums shills for women, and I also wonder how men could possibly reverse all of this.

Pick one
There's a reason woman has been linked to the downfall of man throughout history. It was eve who had to eat the fruit of the nigger tree after the talking nigger dick told her she had to and then got adam BTFO of eden.

There are no good women. You just need to find one that has good genetics to pass on your genes and you need to treat her like shit. Not exactly like shit but you need to treat her like a pet and assert dominance. If you don't, like a badly trained dog, she will resent you and act out. Just watch the dog whisperer and apply what he does to train bad dogs to how you train your bitch.

Fuck a bitch.

Even if all of that is true which I don't really agree with, why hate them for it? You're pretty much just saying that it is their nature and yet you still need women. Doesn't that make you bad too, for needing something bad? That's an unhealthy attitude. If you're going to hate woman you may as well become a MGTOW cuck. Even if you think women are like dogs, you don't hate dogs.

Women act like stupid jews

that looks good

You sound like a woman at this point, and considering all of your posts here. I don't hate women, but I understand why many guys would. I am more focused on a solution to all this. They can't keep being put on a pedestal like this. It is ruining everything.

>I am more focused on a solution to all this

The solution is not attacking women. As soon as conflict breaks out in the west gender roles will naturally be restored. Men will understand what they're supposed to do, and women will be reminded why they need men and why they need to be women. You're highlighting the wrong target.

You're too sensitive. I can criticize whoever and whatever I want. I would have no problem with gender roles, but as it stands right now, like I've explained, women benefit from gynocentric chivalry and feminism. They are not expected to do anything to earn anything, while men are still expected to be a "real men" and worship women. It's a lopsided situation that makes men want to opt out.

Listen mate if you think your own women are a greater threat to you than the traitorous men who control your society, or the barbarians at the gate then fine. There are greater problems than you complaining about being expected to pay for dinner. Of course the current dynamic doesn't work, but the fact that you want Sup Forums to spend more time woman-hating and less time working out how to get back control of our culture and governments makes me wonder if you've really though about 'solutions'.

I have asked about solutions a few times in this thread. People didn't reply, really, and I wouldn't expect much beyond some knee-jerk shilling for women. I'm not going to pay for dinner or what is expected of me until things change. I don't like how Sup Forums shills for women, we need solutions, but I have asked many, many times for solutions, and I either get no responses or just pro-female shilling. So I am disillusioned at that.

Fair enough. Maybe we don't disagree as much as I thought. I thought you might be one of these guys who is hysterical about the minuscule problem of a few obese white women burning coal, or is ass-pained about women not giving him attention, and wants to vent on Sup Forums. I disagree that Sup Forums shills for women though, just wants to protect them from what they don't fully understand.

Women sometimes give me attention, I brush it off. That's life. I do not worship women so much that I would get angry if they didn't give me attention. This topic, and these conversations, are always derailed by people saying "omg ur a virgin u cannot get laid". I want to punch those people in the face, since they are ruining every single chance we have at a normal conversation.

I refuse to worship women, or put them on a pedestal, and they are not above criticism.

Lol, if you believe this, you don't look at this board that much. A lot of people on Sup Forums have a lot more to say about cunts than reddit. The difference is that reddit tells you to just submit to their craziness and not take control and tell her what to do. Sorry if I want to have a beautiful wife and children. Women shit test because they just need you to put them in their place.

I come here every single day. Both Leddit and Sup Forums both think that women should be able to have feminism and gynocentric chivalry. Same thing, different websites.

>Sup Forums both think that women should be able to have feminism

Yes. My experiences here have told me this. It's a repeated pattern.

HeΙΙο reddit

No. Reddit is just as degenerate as this website, although I prefer Sup Forums for anonymity.

You're delusional. Very delusional.

I always get those types of responses when I bring it up, since Sup Forums can't accept that they are really no different from Leddit or Tumblr when it comes to women.