Just found this on twitter while looking at black lives matter supporters. Seems like a lot of black people are into it. Is it some kind of a religion, or some kind of political thing? Seems like maybe it's both. What does it have to do with Black Lives Matters?
Can someone explain this meme to me
Other urls found in this thread:
It's called being "woke" and involves a lot of narcissism and historical inaccuracies.
All I know is, do not call an Egyptian person an "African American"
Too bad other black people sold you out as slaves for the white man.
Yeah. Everyone calls Egyptians what they are, sand niggers.
Nigger wuz export grade slaves.
Couple of Dynasties in Ancient Egypt were black Nubians.
But they were considered conquering foreigners and short lasting, like the mongols over China.
They take that kernel and claim everyone was black.
That's about it.
so when are blacks paying reparations to jews for enslaving them
Black people within America (and really anywhere that's not Africa) have no history or major accomplishments as a race so they look to the past to make themselves feel better and use Egypt as their symbol for success. Of course this is completely ludicrous but hey, more laughs for the rest of us.
Even ignoring that Egyptian aristocrats weren't black, African Americans are mostly descended from West Africans.
They enslaved the Jews. Reparations now!
>Egyptians kicking negro butt in the olden days,
Lol the Egyptians were the Masters of enslavement. Look at the pyramids. (((((Irony intensifies)))))
>do not call an Egyptian person an "African American"
The egyptian kid that works at a corner store near me almost spontaneously allah snackbarred when I ran this shit by him. Watching him google "we was kangz' was priceless
Haha, do you have a source of that picture?
Pyramids weren't built by slaves.
There is no historical evidence at all for the Hebrew Exodus. it's a founding myth.
Actually it was built by slaves.
Egyptian texts say they where mainly black.
The really bizarre thing is that the majority of black people in America are West African. Which is on the other side of a big continent from Egypt. I'm Scottish but I guess I'll post pictures of Estonians on my facebook wall.
Lies. They were built by farmers in the off season
False - unless you don't consider Egyptian documentary sources to be documentary. lulz
amazon - Velikovsky, Ages in Chaos I
West Africa was colonized by France and Belgium and are currently some of the most shittiest shitholes.
Rich black Americans who go back to the "motherland" invariably end up in South Africa or Kenya, the English speaking countries, whose people are genetically and culturally different.
Oh well.
Black Americans know their ancestors come from Africa
Americans think only black people live/come from the continent of Africa
Therefore Americans think Egypt = Africa = Black
Subsaharan blacks are a bunch of genociding tribal warring savages, even today.
Thats YOUR heritage, Jamal.
>Russian fanfiction
>""""""""""Egytian""""""""""" history
This is all retarded Nation of Islam stuff.
I knew a skinny wanna be gangsta Arab kid in High School, his family was from Egypt, so he kept insisting his was "African for Reals."
I honestly wonder if they just pull this stuff out of their ass and make image macros of it?
"Hey... uh... no noses on this statue! I bet whitey did it! Yeah! I'm woke as fuck! Educate yourself!"
Any cursory research would reveal that muslim Imams desecrated the monuments because they saw them as pagan idols.
Egypt was invaded by asiatics around 1700BC.
Everything that goes against their pet theory is a "white man's conspiracy," its no different than the X-files loons anyway.
How do you go from Kangs to slaves?
asiatic invaders of ancient egypt youtube.com
that's where (((they))) come from.
Whitey escaped from their underground cages and enslaved everyone using their devil powers.
No hyperbole, that is literally what they believe.
Soo they belive that they were always inferior to whites? Gee..I did not know they are such huge losers
Look up the following:
* Nation of Islam (origin of white people specifically)
* Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ
* Nuwaubian Nation
* Rastafarianism
* United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors
* Nation of Yahweh
* Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge
A lot of these happened when black diaspora get ahold of the Old Testament and insert themselves into the history of Semites (or the Quran).
It's fucking stupid. The origin of race theories some of these religions preach is amazingly stupid. It's shocking how dumb followers of these cults have to be to believe their own horse shit.
A lot of Wu-Tang is involved in the 5-Percent Nation... Nation of Islam bullshit. Jay-Z wears their symbol even though his wife is more white than black.
Real mudslimes consider nation of islam apostates. Worse than being a non-believer.
What I love is they conveniently forget that Egyptians are famous for owning slaves, yet they hate white people for it.
Also just found this article from vice of all places, and its pretty based:
Hard to argue with things that are inscribed in stone, user. Wiki touches on it, but Velikovksy translated the whole wall. Deuce on u. ;)
Ok so they think that sub-saharan Africans were ancient Egyptians? How do they even argue that?
Why are they all fat?
Looking a bit up about 5 Percenters...they seem to believe that all whites need to be genocided...how the fuck does JayZ get away with being open about that kind of belief?
Can't wake up
check my super paint skills
It's basically like a Finn claiming he WUZ SPANISH COLONIALIST N SHEIT
Because genocide is power + murder
Blacks don't have power, so it's not genocide when they do it. Only whites are capable of genocide.
He has a lot of money and knows the right people, same as anyone who gets away with doing shit the peons can't.
Wait. But didn't the Egyptians enslave the Hebrews? Isn't them then being enslaved justifiable?
The poster doesn't mention who is "we".
Joke aside, it's just an american thing. I've never heard a black african refer himself as a descendant of the egyptians. It would cause a severe case of lol.
>Rapes white woman
My sides are in another galaxy right now
I also want off this ride ASAP
Here let me show you,
Really makes you think
they watched yugioh too much
I wonder if he'll do it, the mad man blessed of Kek