Giga Nigga lives and can't be stopped

Giga Nigga lives and can't be stopped.

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looks like hes probably pretty short though...?

A single sticker between his shoulder blades would defeat him.

Kai Greene seems like a pretty cool guy though. He's ok with me.

Challenge him to a workout that his mass makes impossible to complete?


2 stripe fake adidas kys

These dubz sayz he ain't about shit, Jack.

He looks like Lou Ferrigno's poop.

>giving a fuck about gym shorts

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super juiced



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its not the shorts. its the idea of stealing slav culture and being too broke to do it proper but still trying to get the clout. you can kill yourself

But my quads!

yo dawg, solve (2+2x)^3 = 24

Sup Forumsro

nice bait
also checked

Is that a death addict watermark in the corner? I bet he got stopped by something.

That guy looks strong.

i wanna suck his bbc

He spec'd into biceps too much now he won't be able throw punches correctly.

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like your 5'7 100 pound weeb ass is gonna stop them

get into the ring with him then?

Soo...he was behind all that!?

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My bait worked! Nice!

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babys first troll:) really well done man !!

Gigga nigga got stopped hundreds of years ago and has yet to rise up.

Fuck off.

These trips will stop him

nice try

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How the fuck do you get your back that swole?

Confirmed bitch nigger with a baby dick who can’t do shit buy cry and jack his baby black dick

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I don't know user, a shotgun to the back of the head would do the trick.

A reference only few would still understand.

The answer is 24.

I met him at a fitness expo a while back. Nice guy.

Paper cut

I'm glad somebody got it.

Trips kill this faggot

why does he wear the mask