Sup Forums, I'm a 21 year old virgin. How do I lose it?

Sup Forums, I'm a 21 year old virgin. How do I lose it?
Am poor moralfag; NO HOOKERS, NO RAPE

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Rape a hooker

By getting the fuck off of 4 chan.... imagine coming on here for actual advice??? You should give me advice on how I can find you and punch your incel face

Just be yourself dude, it's always worked for me

>By getting the fuck off of Sup Forums.
Yeah, I know that's the first step.
>Just be yourself dude
SO I meet a girl being myself, and find myself interested in her, even though I barely know her. What do then?

1. Don't ask Sup Forums for advice.
2. Being yourself is shitty advice.
3. Work on yourself. Get hobbies, interest, stable.
4. Be direct about if you like a girl. Rejection is normal. Keep trying
5. Eat better. Exercise for mental health. Get out of your bubble. Learn to be uncomfortable
6. Realize that girls are just people and you only make it weird by being weird
7. Socialize doing things that you like. You can't meet girls being anti social
8. Don't be a creep.
9. CONFIDENCE is key. Don't let the internet fool you into thinking dick size or height or body fat can stop you from getting laid.
10. Learn to flirt and tease without being creepy or mean.

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Do I look like I have a freaking magic wand or something? Had you tried erotic self-suffocation?

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Read Models by Mark Manson, worked for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Start going to the bar/parties and drinking.

Im an introvert and 90 percent of my hookups as a young dude were vodka fueled.

>1. Don't ask Sup Forums for advice.
Yeah, first mistake. Figured a hive of autists would be able to understand my position better.
>2. Being yourself is shitty advice.
Note taken.
>3. Work on yourself. Get hobbies, interest, stable.
In progress, will be in progress for a while
>4. Be direct about if you like a girl. Rejection is normal. Keep trying
How direct is too direct? Definitely don't want to open up with "Hi I want my cock inside of you" as soon as I meet her.
>5. Eat better. Exercise for mental health. Get out of your bubble. Learn to be uncomfortable
Note also taken
>6. Realize that girls are just people and you only make it weird by being weird
Gonna take me a while to find the line between weird and not weird. Unfortunately, people talk, and a lot of potential gfs may find out about a weird thing I did from 1 random girl.
>7. Socialize doing things that you like. You can't meet girls being anti social
Mostly covered, little success so far.
>8. Don't be a creep.
Kinda hard to do when your self-image is as bad as mine. You tend to think people see you as subhuman, regardless of their actual opinions.
>9. CONFIDENCE is key. Don't let the internet fool you into thinking dick size or height or body fat can stop you from getting laid.
Yeah, I'm aware. Unfortunately, there are shallow bitches out there, and I have no idea if I have my eye on her at any one time
>10. Learn to flirt and tease without being creepy or mean.
Gonna take a while to find the line of being interesting and engaging without being creepy and mean

> pretend to be a happy person
> talk about inane things

Lost mine at 26. The thing is that I'm not bad looking and was in good shape.

Its 100% psychological why you're not getting laid. Not an easy answer to take but you literally just need to go out there and mingle.

Look i lost mine at 15, and every chick from 15 - 21 involved booze. Im an introvert but drunk I start hitting on chicks hard. Like slapping asses or saying "i wanna fuck that". Be drunk, be frank, get laid.

So just become a functioning alcoholic and I'll be drowning in pussy?

Have a social life and don't act/look visibly autistic

Also 21 isn't so bad so don't sweat it

>21 isn't so bad so don't sweat it
I know, but considering my only relationship was a 10 month fluke, I'm likely headed down a road to fearsome wizard powers

Desperation bump

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I lost mine at 21-22 to the girl I'm still in a solid relationship with, before that I had nothing but three bullshitty kissing only "relationships" at like 13-14 and then a dry spell of nothing, so really don't worry about it.

Just make sure you're getting out of the house and do shit. For me, my gf was a girl from my college course who took the same bus as me sometimes. I would get talking to her as we were waiting, since we already recognized each other. So look out for opportunities like that.

whos this? need more

Get a girlfriend that's what I did lost it at 20

I'm fairly social with people in my college major, so there's that. Unfortunately, I don't see anything coming of that anytime soon, if at all.

No idea, here's the only other webm of her I have
I've been trying for 5-6 years straight with nothing, mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing...

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I mean dont be an alchoholic, just on the weekends and get that one night stand ass. Eventually with some exp you can turn that into sober hook ups and legit relationships.

>get that one night stand ass
Not sure if that's for me. It'll get me to what I want, but probably not with who I'd want.

idk maybe try joining clubs and societies if your college has them

Its about leaning. You aint gonna get wife material the first time. Just get laid

Question: Would I be going about this ass-backwards if I went looking for a gf BEFORE I got poon?

settle for some below average looking girls. they are easy. don't bother with the pretty ones, you'll waste your time.

Because beauty is subjective, what do you define as below average?

>Unfortunately, people talk, and a lot of potential gfs may find out about a weird thing I did from 1 random girl.
Unless you did something really weird it probably won't matter

Depends on you. Ive had more luck just hitting on drunk girls while drunk myself...

>Unless you did something really weird it probably won't matter
Yeah, I tend to overthink EVERYTHING
Guarantee I'd be a depressing drunk, not the life of the party drunk. Not gonna help me there lol

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