Are we really the most hated board on Sup Forums? Even /x/ tells us to fugoff

Are we really the most hated board on Sup Forums? Even /x/ tells us to fugoff.

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Half are degenerate niggers and half are people who hate degenerate niggers. of course were the most hated we even hate ourselves.

Pretty much

You're far more cancerous than Sup Forums with your dumb nationalist ape memes

On the other part you're also the easiest board to troll so it's all good

Most hated, probably.
Worst, doubtful.

And /x/ is just jealous of Meme Magic actually working

pretty close but I think /r9k/ is most hated


They literally can't handle the truth.

>try to bring up the Jews, racemixing and general race crap on every other board when people just want to discuss stuff without politics involved
>wonder why you are hated

We're the only real Sup Forums board left, that's why

Any old Sup Forumstards left are posting here, the rest of this site is 99% redditfugees now.

Any boards they bring offtopic shitposting to the other boards are hated

Nobody cares about your redpills,we just want to talk about anime, papercraft, food, animals, gay furry shit, etc

/x/ can't even do magic like us


Sup Forums makes them uncomfortable

This is true

made the old noggin have a onceover desu desu

We're in the top three most popular boards(not that Sup Forums counts) and are ultimately that which the spergs all over this website come to avoid and distract themselves with....

Reality. It's no coincidence that sucide and drug abuse is dramaticly climbing, especially among white males. But we're the only ones with the balls to address these issues, rather then stick our head in the sand of vice.

The problem is isn't your views for the most part -- most of Sup Forums would agree with them. The problem is that a large proportion of this board are newfriends who like to harp on about things like degeneracy and don't understand where they can rant about niggers and when not.

Not to mention those newfriends eventually decide to browse other boards and end up shitting up the rest of the site.

>Implying there aren't redditors on this board too

they are just jealous about our diversity


The rest of the site believes the exact opposite, funnily enough.

And judging by the board activity numbers I can guess which side is correct.

Probably because you're the most vocal one, and your dank maymays have even surpassed Sup Forums's. Also
>complaining about anything
The fucking irony.

i was led to believe /r9k/ was the most hated, degenerate board in the civilized world right now

I don't know, but probably the most hated.
The only other boards I go to are /ck/ and /out/. They never mention Sup Forums. I prsonally hate Sup Forums the most.

I once made a swastika out of my breakfast cereal and posted it on /ck/. Just a simple thing with toast. They thought it was amusing.
Some fucker made a hammar and sickle design out of his dinner. And posted in reply. Best keks I've had for ages.