Trans hate thread

trans hate thread

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as a straight dude, why the hate? I kinda feel sorry for those suicidal faggots

I kinda wanna fuck a 9/10 trap but most traps disgust me tbh

kill em all


Yeah seriously, all this hate is only going to make them double down and continue to refuse to admit that they're all mentally ill retards with fetishes.

Based and compassionpilled. There really has to be a middle ground between mutilating kid's genitals and ignoring all reality and wishing suicide on all those sick, confused souls. They need help.

they need love, not hate. these are confusing times. role models are no longer a thing.

I think a problem is that there are parents who never learned to say no or make boundaries, just don't understand their children and immediately think that this is the best, most compassionate way to help them.

Then I think there may also be some parents, and this is truly perverse, who take pride in their children the wrong way, and find it, I don't know "trendy" to have a trans kid? That's messed up, but I think it is out there. Look at all the trans kids in Hollywood.

tranny here. dont need hate or love, not every tranny is some twitter faggot. transtrenders want to be loved and noticed and commented on, many real trans folk just want to go about their lives without anyone even noticing or acknowledging it. the only people who know im a tranny is my doctor, family, gf, and a couple good friends, life is best that way since people who find out often lump me with the creepy and almost dangerous lgbt "culture" thats fucking up so many poor people, especially kids. feeding the sjw wannabe minorities by "loving" them pisses me off, that exactly what they want. it just teaches them that if they keep putting on an act, they'll keep being able to bullshit their way out of the work and challenge life has in store for all of us. sucks this kinda thing is weirdly hip and cultural now, makes me super uncomfortable, especially when little kids are exposed to it. children transitioning is horrifying, you really gotta do some level headed adult thinking over a long time and many experiences to make sure youre making the right choice. figured out what was up with me at 14, didnt come out til 17, havent done anything too drastic to my body by 22. being a tranny is a slow, shitty, learning experience, and having losers who want attention hopping in my shitty little boat so they can look like a special snowflake only makes it shittier. ive met one other tranny who im cool with, hate most trans people though. idk maybe its just the place i live? just seems like every trans person i ever meet has the same condescending attitude and the idea that they should be given special treatment for being trans which just really embarrasses me to even be trans. i carefully avoid all "pride" lgbt kinda shit because its always just uncomfortable and reeks of people with no power putting on costumes that look like me to demand power they didnt work for. fuck most trans people tbh, some are cool but even as a tranny i stay away from trannys


Thank you for your candor in sharing here. It's obviously a hostile environment. I really don't know what to think about gender dysphoria. I'm not a doctor. But I feel strongly about pushing it on children, giving them hormones before they've even reached puberty. That should be recognized as wrong.

You're the exception, not the rule. Hateful self-destructive piece of shit. You're an insult to trans people.

Hey! That wasn't very nice! She/he is opening up to us frankly, offering attitudes unconventional to their community and actually agreeing with some of what we're saying, with perspective and insight. Don't with the insults.

Mentally ill faggot

Come on, dude! What kind of way is that to respond to someone putting themselves out there like this? No offense, but how would YOU feel if someone called YOU mentally ill!

oh yeah, this world seriously needs some more hate yet
you're a good man

i dont think children should be able to undergo such things, no, it can be incredibly damaging. i transitioned slowly and comfortably, and as such im pretty confident in myself. just let trans people live their lives, but dont put them on a pedestal. the more people feed the idea that being trans is "good" the more people are going to be persuaded into becoming trans just to be "good" only to have a horrible later impact on their lives. one of the ways i tested myself was watching hours of videos of people who detransitioned to understand what happened and why things ended the way they did for them, and it seems most often people get very immediately invested in it, start transitioning immediately, and half a decade later they've changed their body for the worst. luckily ive got a hormone issue that works in my favor so i pass pretty well without having needed to do anything surgical. im ftm so getting rid of my tits is a growing priority, but even then, ive wanted to get rid of them for almost a decade now and im only just now looking into it seriously. a lot of people go for it immediately, and realize two years later it was a phase, which is a really freaky idea, especially when it comes to kids and teens who go through TONS of phases, its natural. i feel like you should be at least 19, but admittedly ive been told its a million times easier for mtfs to pass and be pretty if they get on testosterone blockers BEFORE puberty, and while im not mtf so i cant speak the pros and cons from that perspective, i still think its not worth the risk of fucking up a confused kid forever. definitely should be a calculated and educated adult decision.
so what if i am? theyve painted a disgraceful image of a community, im happy to be an insult to that. besides, im not out actually tryna hurt trans people to their faces, im complaining about hating some trannys in a tranny hate thread. if you didnt want trans hate, you shouldnt have come here, dumbass

even if i am, im living a decently happy and successful life so being a mentally ill faggot clearly aint the worst fate in the world, ill take it

Sorry, but it's you that's the disgrace here. And I only came to this thread because I was 100% sure I'd see a "No, fuck off" as the first comment because Sup Forums is a naturally contrarian community.


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>I only came to this thread because I was 100% sure I'd see a "No, fuck off" as the first comment

Did you read the rest of that section that turns that into an absolutely true statement?

Anyone that thinks that is true should an hero.
You have a 40% chance already anyway.

>i went into a thread titled something i didnt like expecting people to actually say things i DO like instead
its not my problem that youre retarded. this is a trans hate thread, were not bashing skulls in, were complaining. you could just as easily not intentionally sit here and read things you dont like and then pitch a fit about it. some people are gonna hate trans people, and when theyre with other people who hate trans people, they might just talk about hating trans people. if you dont like it, go somewhere else, a whole perspective of life isnt gonna vanish just because it gets your panties in a twist

Show tits for curiosity

>i went into a thread titled something i didnt like expecting people to actually say things i DO like instead

Again, no. I came here expecting people to react in the opposite of the requested manner, as usual in threads in this style. It's not rocket surgery, mate.

wouldnt be worth your time. also i aint gonna bother with that. still, not a great sight, ive been working full time since 17 which means wearing a chest binder 10-12 hours near every day, my tits are like empty bags at this point. kind works in my favor, will probably get nicer results from top surgery since theres not a lot of boob left properly ON my chest to get rid of. had D cups and crushed em down to nothing over time cause i didnt wanna get surgery too early and fuck myself if by 19 it really was just a phase. coming up on 23 now though and lifes better than ever now that i pass, so might be time to get on it

If you aren’t baiting, then you’re reaching unimaginable levels of retardation

you just claimed you didnt come in here expecting people to say the opposite of what OP stated, and then tried to defend it with that you came in here expecting people to say the opposite of what OP stated, you just reworded it like some twitter/tumblr bitch. you came into a trans hate thread and then got mad that there was trans hate. you not only came into a trans hate thread, you read my entire lengthy paragraph of bitching, instead of stopping at any point before or during intentionally stopping to read what you should have recognized was not what you came here for and thinking "Hmm this isnt what i expected/wanted, this isnt the thread for me" and leaving, like anyone with more than two braincells. you stayed, replied, and replied some more, despite it being very clear that people weren't going to turn against what this whole thread was started for. again, its not my fault youre retarded. you are in a trans hate thread. if that is not the kind of thread your pissy little ass likes, go into another one. common sense.

Just speaking from a guy's perspective...I just don't get it. You had DD breasts and wanted to get ride of them? Why? And that's something everyone likes. Straight guys, lesbians, straight girls, even gay gays like boobs on some level.

buddy i think ive made it clear i aint one of those gender queer "look at me" types, if im out here with facial hair, a beer gut, and d cup titties its gonna be fuckin weird. might be some genderqueer types wet dream, but sounds like an uncomfortable nightmare of too much attention and people minding my business. again, just tryna live my life and not worry bout this sort of stuff. i mean hell yeah especially when i was younger it was fuckin awesome, played with my tits more than you can imagine, tits are great. theyve been fun to play with, definitely sometimes closed my eyes n pretended i was touching the boobs of whatever girl i liked sometimes, good shit, but not worth the problem of not being able to go to the pool/beach or be able to take my shirt off. besides, got a long term gf, she might even be the one, so i can get my boobie fun from her from now on, got all my bases covered.

Quick question are you stupid

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trans people are a waste of medical resources that make society tip toe around their feelings

how am I stupid? i pointed out things as clearly as possible. this is a trans hate thread. you came here and read long trans hate posts. you did not stop at any point and realize this is not your kind of thread, and leave, like any normal person would. instead, you intentionally stayed here and bitched until all you had left is petty insults and no clear arguement. Again, the bottom line is if you dont like this thread, then leave. this is a thread to discuss negative opinions on trans people. we will complain for a while, then the thread will 404 and life will go on. you remaining here and continuing to bitch will not change any of that. i dont know how much clearer i can make this.

no for real are you dumb as bricks or somethin

im not 14 and im not going to spit petty insults back and forth as such. i have made the facts of the matter as clear as possible and you are continuing to hide from it and spit out whatever shallow insults youre using to hide from the fact you fucked up, made a fool of yourself, and had a bad time because you lack the capacity to understand that when you dont like something at the internet, you go look at something else instead of crying over it. youre still in a trans hate thread, despite being very well aware that this is not the kind of thread you like. theres nothing i can do for you if youre going to commit to sitting through a thread about something you dont like. its pointless. when you have nothing but insults, its clear that you have no more arguments left but are too stubborn and retarded to give up on a lost battle. you came into a trans hate thread and got upset at trans hate and now youre repeatedly saying "oh yeah well youre stupid and dumb!!!!" except just like you did before, you phrased it in condescending twitter/tumblr speak as if it does anything to hide the facts of the matter.

im askin you a legitimate question

this is now the third time in a row you've leaned towards "youre dumb!!!!!" instead of anything i can properly respond to. ive made it clear that barking pointless insults back in forth is not something im going to waste my time on. Im willing to further discuss why youre a retard for not only clicking this thread to begin with, but then reading the posts and sticking around the whole time instead of leaving at any point, but ive basically been talking to myself for three posts now. if youve got something to actually say, say it, but if youre gonna waste my time nothing but pointless insults to continue your denial of the basic facts that i have repeatedly stated, im not gonna waste any more of my time here

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on one hand i just straight-up haven't bothered reading your text walls. on the other hand, that's still not an answer.

Do you agree that being transgender is a mental illness? Obviously I'm not talking about trenders, specifically the people who actually experience gender dysphoria. Also, ignore the retards that are calling you a faggot or telling you to kill yourself. You're obviously not like those crazy trans people who want to cut off the penises of little boys just because they enjoy tea parties.

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ive consistently repeated the same bottom line fact that you came into a trans hate thread, expecting not to see trans hate. you saw trans hate, and did not leave the thread. you read the trans hate, and got upset over it. this could not be more simple. i dont know if your tactic is to just repeat "youre dumb" until people get annoyed and leave so you can pretend that it was because that one particular time you called them dumb out of however many of the same dull insult, you hurt their feelings like they hurt yours, but congratulations because i can only listen to "oh yeah well ur dumb" for so long, and four times in a row over the course of almost an hour is enough for me. if you havent even read what ive written then i dont even understand what youre crying over, did you just come in here to pms all over the place because you saw "trans hate" and got instantly offended? is that how you cope? see something ya hate, dont stop to think about it, and start pulling shit out of your ass at the closest person you can bother to vent how triggered you are? im startin to see why youre so mad, you seem like the transtrender faggots i was talking about. idk man, but you can keep living in your little world where your logic makes sense, but if you do youre just gonna keep throwing yourself into situations you dont like and being upset the whole time, ive met people like you. i dont get it, its retarded and pointless, but have fun i guess.


and yet I've still only read about five words from each post

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ive been on the internet for more than a week, i can handle being called a faggot/told to kill myself lol. and thanks, yeah, i appreciate being recognized as not one of those real awful trannys out here abusing kids for instagram likes or whatever. anyways to get to the main question yes i think its a mental disorder. my stance is that its a mental condition of some sort, but depending on the individual circumstances, not ALL people with this condition may need to transition. some people just have issues to work through, as mentioned previously i watched tons of detransition videos to better understand what i was potentially signing up for, and sometimes people just fucked up, it happens. for me, i think transitioning worked out for the best, but again i spend YEARS, almost a decade now slowly working through this. generally, it seems people transition over 3 to 5 years which is terrifying, im on year 9 and only in the last year or 2 have i felt 100% confident and comfortable in my choice and even begun to consider permanent changes to my bod. even if there was a chance i couldve brainwashed myself to be a happy dyke, frankly im rather happy as it is, so im not too concerned about it anymore. yeah, sometimes i get dysphoria about my body, but i can recognize theres something mental and weird about it. im call myself a guy and i have a vagina, im not a moron, theres something obviously amiss there. The only way to fix a guy brain in a girl body is to get a girl brain or a guy body, and since i cant change how ive always thought and functioned, i bought a strapon and picked out a guys name and ive deemed it good enough. feelsbadman, but gets the job done, ive actually enjoyed my life in the last few years so i guess its good enough

It's a breath of fresh air to finally have found a tranny that isnt a complete fucking retard. Would you mind telling me about your experiences with dysphoria? I'm trying to talk to as many trans people as I can so that I dont come off as nothing but a bigot or "transphobe"* when I tell people who obviously arent trans that they're not trans. It's annoying as hell seeing all these "allies" constantly validating people who call themselves trans when they're really just indulging a fetish and dont actually experience gender dysphoria.

*transphobe is kind of a misnomer. Why would anyone be scared of a faggot?

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dysphoria for me is best described as a disconnect. there are things that i naturally want to do, especially with women, and it almost takes me a minute to remember i have a vagina, and when i do, its like a punch to the stomach. it almost feels like an injury, i mentioned my breasts feel like tumors. i can tell i sound mental when i say this, but i feel like my body is currently disfigured, like something happened to me that changed my body for the worst and now im trying and failing to adapt to those changes, even though ive always physically been this way. transitioning is like undoing those changes that never happened. the more emotional stupid part of my brain almost sees it as like getting medicine when youre sick, like theres something wrong with me and changing my body will fix it. Already, ive always felt a million times better wearing a binder. i wore a binder for two and a half years before i even came out as trans. its like your brain is repeatedly telling you there is a problem, whether it be injury, illness, whatever else, but theres nothing there its just my body existing. i try to embrace it, but it just feels uncomfortable, and the feeling that something is "wrong" gets worse. i dont even stick stuff in myself, i cant get off, feels weird, i gotta rub one out to get anywhere. ive got physical parts my brain wont connect with despite my efforts, and ive got motivations and thoughts connected to parts i dont physically have. somethings definitely wrong with me, but transitioning has been the closest thing to fixing it so far, so thats what im going with. and thanks, glad to be recognized as not one of those trannies, its upsetting how many people act like im the first trans person theyve met with a functioning brain. theres a reason i dont tell most people im trans, and its not transphobes. people are gonna hate ya no matter who you are, the soon you get over that that the better. its being lumped with tards that im really scared of

fags go to hell

Put the meth pipe down retard.

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>ur trans that means ur all the bad things other trans people do cause all trans people are dumb and bad and dumb
sorry for having a coochie, im as pissed about it as you are, mate

mind your own business, nazi asshole.

Thanks for sharing. It definitely sounds like genuine gender dysphoria and not a fetish. I'm sick of seeing so many people say "I get sexually aroused by putting on clothes of the opposite gender does that mean I'm trans?!?! I dont think I have dysphoria because I like my feminine penis but I really really wanna be a girl!" And then a brigade of feel good retards enable them by saying "Youre definitely trans!! Many trans people dont have dysphoria and it is 100% valid. Love you sis!! *kissy face*". That, in my opinion, is why the trans issue is so big now. People who arent trans being told they are when it is CLEARLY a fetish

>mutilating kid's genitals

I bet you're circumcised faggot

So what if he is? We didnt exactly choose to get circumcised. I didnt come out of the womb with an opinion on whether or not I wanted to keep my foreskin

i 100% agree, congrats you just more or less summarized why i dont tell people im trans. people like that disgust me. absolute retards mocking everything ive gone through to make themselves feel good. "supporting trans folk" my ass. and i agree with the fetish thing, ive had a LOT of people immediately gain interest in me when they found out im trans. not always in a sexual way, but always as if be being trans is a big positive or cool thing about me, rather than something that happened to me and i now live with. ive met girls who talk girly with girly inflections and tones, and hand gestures, they dont always wear a binder and have makeup and girly haircuts, yet theyre injecting fucking testosterone in their teen years, its fucking terrifying. testosterone in a physically female body causes changes that can never be undone. you gotta be certain of that shit before you do that, but i didnt really have a choice since i have too much testosterone cause of a birth defect which honestly i think may be a big part of the reason i feel male inside, ive got a shit ton of testosterone inside, makes sense i guess. i dont think im a "male soul" in a female body or any gay shit, i think a number of physical, emotional, and environmental matters conditioned me into a person that lives a happier life as 'male' or as close to it as i can someone who understand just how much bullshit has to line up for this to happen, i saw no way in hell this many people nowadays could even possibly ALL be trans unless theres some mass problem with how children are developing, being trans is BAD. its a PROBLEM that i needed to face. people try to make it good because they want to be trannies but theyre pussies and cant deal with the reality of it, hence why transtrenders rarely actually commit to surgery or transitioning. its all for appearances sake, and i only ask you keep in mind that not all transfolk are that retarded. im pretty retarded, but not that bad.

>A boy's brain in a girl's body
I don't get why this idea is accepted as truth. If anything I think it downplays your condition, as well as your fight. By fight, I mean you against yourself. Dysphoria comes in many types, not just Gender, but at it's core the brain is playing tricks on itself which causes changes in perception (either in you or the world). You're right in that dysphoria is a spectrum disorder (in that severity differs from person to person). The cruel fact is you are a woman, with a woman's brain, that thinks it isn't. But that's where cognitive behavioral therapy comes into play so long as the symptoms aren't too bad. It's just like mild bipolar and schitzoid personality disorders in that you're life isn't doomed to misery. I have a close relative whose trans, and it took him 45 years to be diagnosed. That's what the SJW types fail to realize, gender dysphoria is still misunderstood and equally difficult to diagnose. And most interesting of all, it's all neurological...NOT societal. John's Hopkins has been doing some brain scan studies with white matter structures related to gender dysphoria. Real science, not some social psychological crap...they also have papers on opposite sex hormone therapy and its long term consequences.

Youre absolutely right man, part of me knows its all a big illusion to appease whatever part of me is misaligned, and while i know theres something fundamentally wrong with me, frankly i feel like ive simply accepted it. this is how i function, and this is how im happy, flawed as i may be. ill never be a proper man, ill never feel like a proper woman, and that is how my life will always be, now with the added trouble of all that struggle being used to connect me to all sorts of revolting ideas i want nothing to do with. I exhausted every option other than transitioning before i did since i did NOT want to be trans, but once i did transition, everything got better. I just feel normal now, even if i know im not. I think the reason why im so ok with it is that i pass decently well so it doesnt haunt me every hour of the day like poor trans women who look like a burly grandpas. most of the time i just dont think about it, sometimes something reminds me of the fact, but its just something shitty i occasionally need to work around. being trans fucks me from time to time, but as i get older, things are getting easier. that said, i still agree, my success doesnt mean all other trans people all valid. the time it takes to transition is a good indicator ive found to see if its legit. bottom line is 16 year old "trans/queer" people are likely just looking for attention and should not be considered trans.

also apologies im bout 2 head off to bed, work in the morning, but its been nice having a civil conversation about this. its rare i find someone who can address the facts without either crying over the fact that im a faggot even though theyll never meet me, or immediately putting me up on some creepy pedestal for sjws to fawn over. being trans is just a sorta shitty reality for some people, i still dont fully understand how it became this mainstream dramatic ordeal, back when i was first starting to confront this no one knew a damn thing about trans shit, now its everywhere... makes me uncomfortable.

I'll be honest, i'm fed up with the SJW and LGBTQ+ peoples, but you.. I could be friend with you, you seem like a reasonable person with a kind soul. The kind of person i could call friend. Thanks for sharing.

What do trans people mean when they say they feel like a girl trapped in a mans body?

How does one define feeling female?
The desire to wear a dress? I honestly can’t figure out what people mean by this idea

gtfo trannie this isnt upyoure personal blog

this is Sup Forums you faggots go have disgusting, abominable tranny fag cyber sex over on wow with the other communist libtards

i come here for mass edge and to vent. this soft shit is for Sup Forums with the weebs

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