So guns are not alowed in my country and its getting filled with muslims
Good night.
So guns are not alowed in my country and its getting filled with muslims
Good night.
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You deserve all bad things
t. polan
I find it terribly ironic that people say "Hitler was oppressive", yet he legalized guns in Germany.
Yet in the "free, democratic" society, guns are outlawed.
Guns being the ultimate tool of rebellion, and the final bastion of the power of the populace against tyranny.
It's the same with how they claim that anyone can run for head of government, but the second an "extreme" political party gains traction, it is banned and, in some cases, actively hunted and persecuted.
Good night sweet Goyim
The slingshot youtube guy lives in Germany and he has a fucking arsenal.
Join a shooting club.
You don`t need a gun, user. Just get a nice truck ;^)
Make your own.
You can make guns and explosives you dim cuck
>the most powerful country in Europe is irreversibly compromised
How do you wake up in the morning?
Oh no. They are not allowed!
Ask Slav criminals how come they have guns.
fuck of kike, germany is cool guy and we should've been allies in ww2
Not on Sup Forums you idiot.
pretty easy if you know how to craft a tube that accepts, fires and extracts cartridges
That's completely bullshit, if you're not a criminal then it should be no problem to get guns in Germany, just need to get a license (which won't be refused unless you do or did something stupid). You can get 8 guns per license I think, just have to request another one when it's done. Also, can only fire it in a range, but I think you can buy your own ammunition.
>he is burning
You reap what you sow...
You Germans do nothing but destroy Europe time and time again.
We should have dropped the nukes on you instead of the Japs.
The whole crisis had a really easy resolution too: Poland gives Danzig to Germany, Germany concedes all further land claims on Poland; Germany supports Poland's land claims on Lithuania. Lithuania joins Poland (this solves the issue of Polish land claims on Vilnius and their independent access to the Baltic for international trade).
Everyone would be happy except for a handful of hardliner Lithuanian nationalists, and Poland wouldn't lose a third of its land to Russia and end up communist slaves for half a century.
USA should have dropped a nuke on its own self, they were the biggest puppets of the jews in history, and their people were too stupid to ever realize they'd been used repeatedly and to this day.
Can't you still buy crossbows and swords. Get that shit
What is the internet?
That picture isn't allowed either, goy.
>USA should have dropped a nuke on its own self
they dropped 2, google Eureka nuclear accident
If I remember correctly leaf you ran up that beach in Normandy right beside us.
>spend several years to master the use of more or less traditional weapons
>one asshole shows up with a gun
>die like last samurai
they did like over 1000 times lol
When the Muslims come for you, at the cinema, at the shops, at the concert, you will be castrated, your eyes plucked out, and you will get to hear the screams of your gf as she is disembowelled and her womb spilled into the pavement, the beheading that follows will be a blessed relief. And then your politicians will cover the whole thing up to preserve the "peace".
Such is the future of Europe.
Do you want me to crash a cargo ship filled to the brim with AR's and .223 into Hamburg or something? You do with what you have
We just do whatever our master Britain commands.
Start with chemistry chanels on JewTube, if you manage to make explosives and are still alive then you will have something stupidity impractical to defend yourself. And pipe guns, you are a german, you can over engineer that
Then move to the U.S. or if you are unwilling to do that then practice civil disobedience and get a gun anyway.
Go whisper your little prophecy in your goat's ear, Andool. No one here wants to read that filth.
Making a threaded barrel will be the hardest part. From there, making a receiver will be complicated but fairly simple if you study a few designs. Bolt and the trigger group should be simple enough. Everything else, just goes from there. Keep in mind that backyard gunsmiths in Philippines make them and so do people in the Kypher pass. All by hand.
Don't worry. Soon it will all collapse.
We're breaking the conditioning
Oh yeah, you guys would have been a huge asset to Germany.
Worthless idiots, the lot of you.
Don't give in, that's what they want.