Hey. Just want to point out that if you want to piss off some of the chinese commie reddit shareholders...

Hey. Just want to point out that if you want to piss off some of the chinese commie reddit shareholders, you could spam it with



And of course other things too.

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Other urls found in this thread:


ok, so you cant complain on reddit, but why the fuck do you come here?


The Chinese are already pissed off they can’t even control HK. They can’t do what they want (which is another massacre); but they can’t do anything because the world is literally watching. I’m curious how HK will end with worldwide support now. I can see most of the free world turning on China as of now because of the blatant censorship and authoritarianism. HK is the only Chinese province to get a taste of democracy, guess what? They don’t want anything else you dirty commies.

Hey, I do support HongKongers from the bottom of my heart. But I don't think it will end well for Hongkongers, let alone for Uyghurs

World watching means nothing to CCP at the end.
You are not talking about a civilized country with a decent rule of law. They do whatever they want to at the end.

Buy Bitcoin

Hong Kong needs to grow up. You're part of China now, get over it. Lighting shit on fire and digging bricks up off the road (lol) ain't gonna change that.


wise man

Also, ask the apehoop people that sell their clothes lines in china what their opinions are. They will denounce anything about dinduing nuffin in the western world, but some good hard speech repression would be bad for sales in certain locations, so go ahead and repress.

How does that Chinese cock taste, faggot?

100% white here I just don't live in some fantasy land where you can be part of a country but somehow not subject to its laws

No real reason these people should be helped, people who are empowered enough to protest but dumb enough to make it about their government and not about social reform or wages, going outside and just starting riots, blocking the roads and not making any real difference. Stupid people who go out into the street and cuss out the police who not even responsible for the condition they are in. They are starting a problem for police to keep under control, there is no political movement or difference being made because they are essentially striking their entire communities while the normal people shake their heads and do their jobs. What do they want apparently to freeload and break windows. Literally any one of them could walk and start an entire new life but instead choose to crash their hometown and blame someone else for not paying the price.

What you don't understand is. CCP promised to honour the one country two system rule for 50 years minimum, when British left. That was the treaty. But a little mover 2 decades, they are trying to demolish its Democracy. If yo can't be empathetic, try to be a little sympathetic, you sociopath.

idgi this all started over some extradition bill. So they are protesting because they want to commit crimes and get away with it by hopping over to Hong Kong? Or they are worried that they will now face censure by China for speaking out against government and they won't be safe in HK anymore?

but user he is cool a Sup Forums man, he's not a moralfag bro

Go and educate yourself about CCP.
Rule of law of mainland china = shit. The application of their laws are very arbitrary and political. But HongKong has a decent rule of law status. Let's say you said something critical about Xi, you have been fine in HongKong because they have freedom of speech. But when extradition bill passes, they can come and get you out of HongKong, arbitrarily applying the law of mainland China. Seriously. Educate yourself.

well yeah. It's Sup Forums after all

He is likely a trumptard so assume he cant be saved

This whole HK thing is getting annoying. You fucking retarded american sheeples get triggered too much over it. Do they also put a fucking "must. hate. communism." chip in your brain after they cut your forehead. Fucking normies, you dorks don't even remotely know what an actual book looks like.

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

You are probably right.
Even though I do not personally like or support Trump, I do like his China policy. They have been getting away with a lot of shit that they did.

Are you some dumb retard or what? In every nation on earth if you gonna act to destroy the constitution and disobey authorities you end up very unfortunate for you. Fucking autist grow up

>How does that Chinese cock taste, faggot?

Personally, I don't think China censorship is that bad.

Attached: feelsNeckMan.jpg (160x160, 7K)

Congratulations! 10 Credits have been added to your social credit account.

Shill much?

Yeah? So you would just let authority do whatever they want to do to you? That was why Nazi happened you dumbass.
Stop being pussy beta and wake up.
We all know it will be a hard battle for HongKong, Tibet, and Uyghur. But it is better than doing nothing like you. You worthless piece of shit.

CIA is like "IM HELPING TRUMPU SAN" by stirring up shit in Hong Kong and filling the internet with propaganda to coincide with the trade war

Tastes like i read books, live in europe, and still have my foreskin. I wish my previous post typo were real though. World would be a better place.

>>How does that Chinese cock taste, faggot?


It's not the Communism, it's the human rights violations.

At least for me, there are a good chunk of Americans who are "Hur communism bad!!!11"


its like Occupy Wall Street, but being used as an opportunity for foreign meddling in china

Clearly English is not your first language.
I am sure user meant YOU ARE SUCKING A CHINESE COCK. Does matter what ethnicity or nationality you are.

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Well i'm on the other hand convinced your social media reactions coverage is literally HK bankers propaganda. If i was china, i'd want this place fucking purged.

love it. lol
Pooh will be very hard to be killed

"Chinese Police are Violating Human Rights in Hong Kong" - Saudi Arabia's biggest ally

China is right to censor western content. Social cohesion is obviously more important than watching south park or whatever dumb anime is popular these days. Most of Hollywood is a CIA Psyop anyway, I'd ban it
or at least heavily censor it from my country too if I could

Unsurprisingly, people get pissed off if you say that Hong Kong's oppressors are communist.

Whatever you brainwashed by corporate America sheeple. You are an useful idiot caring for uyghurs lmao so credible. Then go and take all uyghurs to your country go and demonstrate for that because in China they have no chance. And dont forget what put them in concentration camps in the first place. Their radical muslim believes and terror attacks in major chinese cities with many casualties. You are garbage go play overwatch or the like as you should you retard

communists with Chineses characteristics. lol

>haha you suck a cock

Whatever bro. That's the reaction you'd expect from uneducated people when you pinch their nerves with some truth. Meanwhile i'm seeing thru your gov propaganda.

The Uyghurs thing is pushed less in US propaganda because most conservatives would hear about muslims being put into camps and think it kicked ass. Instead we are stuck with endless whining about former british colonies like hong kong

Why do you keep saying sucking a chinese cock like it's a bad thing? I thought HK was supposed to be the nice tolerant, liberal part of china.

Radical islam in Uyghur?? LMAO its all propagenda. You buy that shit?
Thanks for a good laugh, I needed that
Seriously. Educate yourself. Educate yourself the fuck up. Clearly you are chink or at least someone sucking Chinese cock soooo hard.
Go ahead. It's your mouth, not mine.

You sure put the nigger in glownigger

See that's the problems with americans. If you put them in front of their pitiful, horrible lies their leaders are spreading, you immediatly "suck opposite side cocks".

When in fact it's just being smarter than a fucking peanut. It's not that hard.

America is shit, but so is China. All you authoritarian bootlickers need to ease up on the Chinese apologist thing

Government propaganda is like shitty half ass conspiracy theories these days. If you point out a problem with it, then you become part of the bad guys in the story or at least on their side.


This is like a bronners soap for Chinese liberal causes and conspiracies

Well, as a catholic myself i'm kinda biased. I would put my trust into a buddhist/taoist over protestants any fucking day of the week. Of course china isn't better. It's the fact that USA is over reacting about it. This whole HK event is WAY MORE than just fighting censorship or bringing muh freedoms. It's just about the fucking fact that HK is one of the few money-pipe remaining around this fucking country. China want it clogged. Once again if i put myself in their shoes, fuck yes i want to regain control of it.

wish these reddit, attention whore, bandwagon hoppers would honestly kill themselves. never seen so many faggots post on blizzard subreddits in the past couple days

The only good commie is a dead commie. Neck yourself you fascist fuck.

>can’t do anything because the world is literally watching
they\ve already disappeared at least dozens of people, 108 suicides since June means they're killing them and throwing them in the canal or leave fake suicide notes, dont be so naive or trust what the CEO says

the taxi driver who ploughed into a crowd got paid $50K by a pro Beijing group, victims got charged with rioting which carries 10y sentence while driver gets a parade

Atleast finally OP found some purpose in life and he feels like a king now. After years of a miserable existence in his room consuming all the entertainment hard and software he now jumped on a bandwagon and talk gibberish without even gathering sufficient knowledge of this shit like most of the plebbitors.

Chinese government can eat a bag of dicks

It's important for other countries to show their support. Otherwise why would they even think twice about just forcing themselves in? How else do you think the people of Hong Kong have managed to escape a slaughter for this long? China knows the world is watching and sympathizes with Hong Kong. Hing Kong isn't China, and the people want to stay that way. Don't put yourself in the shoes of shitty governments.

Well they could be doing much worse things

Chinese have tiny cocks. Chinese jealousy of big American cocks makes upset. Dont be upset. Small pathetic Chinese cock still good for slaving away in factories making trash for America.

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>the world is watching and sympathizes with Hong Kong

That's not even true. You really think china wants people of HK slaughtered? What have i been missing.

Also, saying HK isnt china is like saying ukraine isnt russia. It points out a lack of basic geo-strategic knowledge.

Honestly i'm not even worried for the chinks, they'll get HK back. Yeah i said "back". Not only it's far far away, but nobody would fuck with china. Especially if it's just a bunch of uneducated cunts slamming the screen of their phones like HURR DURR FREEDOM.

Fuck outta here.

Is it just me or do pro-chinese people have a complete inability to rationally argue a point?
Is that mainland thing? All hong kong people and people who left before the revolution Ive met can have logic, but pro chinese is like an opressive religion. It teaches people its evil to think.

>50 cent spam
NY has universal suffrage and human rights and freedoms.

(((fine internet users)) are pumping out memes to try and ensure that the term "Chinazi" is applied to the Chinese oppressing Hong Kong, because they don't want the word communism associated with this awful event by Chinese communists.. That's also why more focus is being shifted on the terrible capitalist businesses here at home that funded the communists, and not how Hong Kong and China's communist government are at the direct fucking root of all this.

The Marxist Jew work by exploiting fads to focus a sudden fanatical hatred for an enemy within the minds of the NPC, and they can command goyim to crush other goyim just like that. But this time, communism is blatantly linked to those they are manipulating the goyim to fight. If the NPC were capable of making that final neuron connect with one more neuron to make that realization, that would be bad for the Jews' plan to make the U.S. communist.

And so, they weasel away, and use Chinazi; the connotation connecting it together with "Nazi," and therefore "whites" (which was also tainted). You just can't win.

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This is the welcome opportunity for the US to weaken China without having US fingerpribts on it. Thats all what matters. The US doesnt give a shit about it at all from a morale view. All what matters is to weaken and destabilize its biggest economic rival. Basically divide and conquer.

>Country that is literally engaging in a current day genocide
> You really think china wants people of HK slaughtered? What have i been missing.

They don't necessarily want to slaughter them, it's just an easy way to get everyone in line whith the massive protests going on. Like wanting to hit your kid but you're out in public

>Honestly i'm not even worried for the chinks, they'll get HK back. Yeah i said "back". Not only it's far far away, but nobody would fuck with china. Especially if it's just a bunch of uneducated cunts slamming the screen of their phones like HURR DURR FREEDOM.

It's not just uneducated retards though, it's literally the people of Hong Kong. What's wrong with supporting their freedom?

And the funniest part is i'm sure there's not a SINGLE pro-chinese in this thread. Just because you realise what's really happening doesn't mean you simpathize with any side.

How do you do my fellow antisemites

Counter-semite, my friend.

Justifying the actions of the Chinese and trying to say they're not wrong IS sympathizing with them

Yes and the highest social inequality of the world. Millions barely make it while a few sit on billions of dollars

Yeahh! Elon...you was all time!

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Freedom to struggle to survive and pay the ever increasing rent of your Kushner apartment. But i guess its the american freedom to get evicted and end up sleeping in a storage room because you gonna no matter what keep your only sauce of income the wagecuck job

Okay i accidentaly picked a side. your logic is pretty accurate, if you start a debate about x or y you gonna have to pick one and try and defend it. I'm just debating though, it's not like i'm not worried for the people of HK.

Oddly enough my favourite part of debates is when i'm wrong. Because i'm very cynical but kind at the same time. I honestly hope the people of HK is going to be fine. I hope i'm wrong when i say they're being manipulated (most of them are young people, students) and as much as i'd have a hard time believing it's just about civil/social rights, i hope i'm wrong on that too. I'm not pro-chinese, just a very cynical person.

How are they bring manipulated? They're the ones who started it. They know what they want, and it's to stay separate from china

If you're serious you'll need this Sup Forums. My warchest folder.


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Because they are backed by the americans who see this as a welcoming event. But ofcourse officially the US is neutral

Dude that's exactly my point. It doesn't even matter if they started it. Just watching the "western" world getting involved via social media support is, and i'll admit it's almost maths formulas i'm not discovering anything, a form of manipulation.

What disgusts me is NOT the movement itself, it's how it is handled in here, in my "western" (god i hate this term) part of the world. I think it's pathetic.

Also i want to insist on the fact that it's not hard to have students react to some political mistake. It's like a day job for some people.

>some political mistake
>CCP government breaking the Basic Law promise of democracy ie universal sufrage before 2007 (it is now 2019), constant encroachment by china, erosion of freedoms, people getting kidnapped, tortured and forced to "confess", people getting disappeared, police and triads beating, shooting stabbing and driving over people, people getting fired for having a dissenting opinion and beliefs, CCP elite speculating on property leading to even less housing and forcing more into cage homes, police calling people cockroaches, police shooting rubber bullets and blinding people, police shooting 1800 tear gas and 200 steel-rubber bullets in one day, police shooting an 18 year old armed with a plastic tube with live bullet in his chest, Carrie Lam refusing to withdraw extradition bill even after 2 million people protested

>some political mistake

Obviously i was talking about the SPARKLE that started the fire. Dude i'm in france atm, i know what a police state looks like. It has been going for almost a year now, every fucking week.

China doesn't care about democracy. China doesn't care about Carrie Lam and they don't care about the people of HK. We'd agree on that. Where we'd disagree is of course when i totally understand (and i didn't say support) why is China trying to have a grip on HK. They have been waiting for this. What you describe is of course disgusting and true, even though i don't like cherry picking. When world leaders fight themselves, and you may have notice this, it's always the common people that fights/dies/pay the full price for them. But i'm convinced HK people are meatshielding more than just cultural values and civil rights. HK is a nasty place when it comes to international business.

They wont if there will be risk for other country to intervene

I see the hk protests as an unfortunate late symptom of the poisoning of the british empire which started it all when they were criminally selling drugs to the chinese folk and after the opium wars they took hongkong. Just a late effect of colonialism. Fuck you brits

The only fucking commies you'll piss off with this are the damn tankies who have shoved themselves into the anarcho-left. Free Hongkong, and fuck China who has abandoned all the ideals Mao set forth for them, except of course the large military action controlled by the worse off of the world

all of that is irrelevant when the HK people have been cheated out of freedom and are getting beaten, shot and oppressed, when they know exactly what they want, they pay taxes to China why shouldn't they get representation in exchange? China claims to own HK based on the Basic Law yet China tramples all over everything that the Basic Law says, they were promised democracy by 2007 that's nearly 13 years ago, every time they protest the government thinks they can just wait it out but this time is different, everyone in HK knows if they don't stand up now they will all be silenced one way or another, so you see they don't much care about the geopolitical considerations of foreign leaders, they just want their promised freedom and to stop the white terror and CCP oppression

Noice collection, thanks, I'll put it to good use, fuck reddit and their Chinese investors.

But are these protesters not the bad weed from the british colonialists from the 19th century?

Her name was Chan Yin Lam.

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