So fucking politically incorrect to deny an adult of ordering a kids meal! Discrimination at its finest...

So fucking politically incorrect to deny an adult of ordering a kids meal! Discrimination at its finest. Involving police was the best thing that could have happened. Sad ending for sure though

repulsive people.

I couldn't agree with you more. The man has cash money and they still argue with the poor soul

>I'm Jewish
>I'm German, soooo

Did they even stop to think that maybe he identifies as a child?

i am laffin


this faggot went on leddit and did an ama and everyone was telling him to kill himself

im suprised even they hate him

wow finance shaming him over only having a $100 bill with him

wtf I hate restaurants now

Children are adults and adults are children. We are all one in the same


At what age is it ok to deny someone ordering a smaller portion?

Did you guys see the fat fuck joyously eating his meal?

my grandma orders off the kids menu all the time

how the fuck is this an issue

the age at which this sort of behavior goes from quirky/endearing to fucking annoying

guys, 15-18, girls, 20-25

He's a kike
Kikes have to pay full price because they never tip

the manager says they only do it for elderly or medical issue

the faggot says his medical issue is spending alot of money

hes just being a fucking kike

When he blurts out I am jewish I really wish the manager had the ability to say "I can tell".

>here is a $100 bill miss

why do they do this? why do they hate being deceived and catching clowns over nickels and dimes?

your Nana is old nigger, she deserves respect

yeah its really rude to do that to save money

You've been posting this for like 2 weeks now, are you the guy getting arrested or something?

>A jew eating off of the kids menu because it's cheaper.
>wew lad

What if they couldn't eat more than the kids portion? Is it right to force someone to over order?

Kids menu is cheap because it comes with adults buying regular food.

What an idiot.

Why didn't the manager use his right to refuse service to anyone?


>being an antisemite

>being an antisemite
Reserves his right to gas the kike

im sure if you explained that they would let you

Adults don't have a right to a kids meal unless they want to pay full price.

look at the rest of his videos the guy is an asshole

OP are you the faggot in the video? if so you should kys

>this fucking face at the end when he finally pays but then uses a $100 bill for it

Oh sweet Jesus Christ I don't think I've laughed this hard in my entire life