Best games ever made

Best games ever made
Pic related

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In a way yes as it took the kids from every game and threw them on one pille of garbage

Praise it brotha

Bully (candis canem edit)

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Yeahh! was all time!

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updated the original and added things that made the game even more fun than the original

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hl2 also

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ez best rpg

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what a faggy reddit answer

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Metro games are pretty cool

I'm definitely checking out this game. Looks dope af

how has no one said halo yet

Cuz nobody here is a xbox fag

shit-tier at best

One of my favorites.

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It is SO fucking good. SO good. It is like Legend of Zelda meets Genji from Overwatch. SO COOL

Tell me your godtier then

I know the lead designer from that game. He was my teacher. I have told him many times that bully was the best thing rockstar ever did. It would really make his day. He had to fight really hard all throughout Bully's production to make it the gem it turned out to be. The whole dev process was apparently a nightmare and the higher ups tried to axe it many times.

guitar hero ur all niggies

Oh shit a couple of my buddies worked on this too. Though I think they've both left Larian

Go back to your call of duty, faggot. No one cares about your opinion if you shit on everyone else

I was considering this till you said that.

I added it to my wish list on steam. When I get paid I'll most likely pick it up. Thanks for the recommendation, user!

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Best game ever made It was the first game ever made, because It started all, and it still being pretty fun to play today

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Don't listen to that soyboy
The game is hella good and the soundtrack is a masterpiece


>Hollow Knight
>shit tier

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best game
>pic related

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No spacewar was the first one

No it's not. It's a small ass, shallow indie game. Only thing it has going is the neon artstyle. It's decent at best, would be boring if it lasted more than 3 hours.

So good , i spend a complete summer playing this Game

You must feel so cool openly hating good things.

same. wc3 and freelancer my favorite games

It's full of flaws, had to work with awful Bethesda game design and runs on a shit engine but god do I love it.

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you know whats up

Not the best but still love it to death

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Yeah, i know, but spacewar waas boring and a low profile Game, pong was casual and It make people buy a computer or tv console, he open the door to the rest of the games in a lott of homes

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UPS, sorry
The text wass for you

No love for Diablo II?

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Ok im drunk and i cant cuote properly, im out of here xD Lol

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super doge ball. played it for a decade straight.

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Thats because diablo 2 is shit

>never played diablo 2

Replaying it every couple of months, bless the modding scene, though I fell in love with this game without any.

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Kenshi, where getting your ass beat is considered a good thing

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The first Game that really make me feel something

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Tell me whats so good about it then

Halo man would fuck you up.

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Its edgy becaus the name of the game is diablo , so It must be good

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This man knows whats up.

Fucking boulders man, they haunt me.

Story 10/10
Art 10/10 sound 15/10
Gameplay a bjt repeditive

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idk man its hard to play with one hand

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Sad but true most indie games are like this they have 3 hours of the best shit then the story stops and the game goes down hill since you finished the whole game these games also cost like $20 its really disappointing but also you cant deny the absolute flawlessness of the game before that point

L2p with your feet nub

get educated

I wanted to put this here also

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hollow knight isnt even the best game in its genre

My vote is for this one. Probably spent more hours on this than any other game in my 29yrs of life

Then wat is the best metroidvania in your opinion?

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if we're sticking to the standard melee weapon/fantasy type you cant go wrong with sotn or aria of sorrow. momodora 4 was pretty good as well.

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I picked that up like 2 years ago never bothered playing it, should I?

Nah, go read a book or something instead

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not best but fun to play

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Haven't gotten the chance to play sotn or aos since i can't get my hands on an affordable copy (should probably start to emulate) and momodora 4 doesn't have the same feel of exploration since most places look bland and nothing to discover.
Also the game punishes you too hard for a metroidvania as the genre is all about exploring and taking risks

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Warped > 1

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I'm already reading a book as I check this thread

>no factorio


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i remember this game. nice one

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Best game coming through

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hollow knight was let down by it's gameplay and bad combat, everything else was amazing though.

anyway ck2 is the best game.

momodora 4 certainly feels more akin to a 2d souls like than your standard metroidvania.
konami released castlevania requiem not too long ago for $20. it has sotn and rondo of blood in it. sadly the sotn they use is a port of a port rather than a direct port of the ps1 version.

i cum everytime i hear the main theme

Started with MH on the ps2 but FU was the peak of my childhood

That's just a mode for pubg

This game is older than most of you faggots and is still one of the best RPGs ever made.

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I can't agree more


I like you

But i'm op and liking op makes you gay as op is always gay

Factorio is a sublime game. Not for the graphics, but gameplay and possibilities. It also has great mod support.

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