ITT thread was you were genetically fucked

ITT thread was you were genetically fucked
>deviated septum (couldn't breath via nose. Caused me to be a mouth breather and sniffle all the time)
>severe gynecomastia
>recessed mandible

Yes, I'm ugly and never had a girlfriend.

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just get rich


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Wait how did you find that you had a deviated septum? I sniffle and mouthbreathe a lot

I have one testicle. Also have vitiligo on my nutsack and apparently mental illness.

i'm a 6'4" manlet

>awful dental genes
>tooth decay so bad i need dentures at 30

>regularly get hemorrhoids

>severe myopia to the point of being legally blind
>eyes so misshapen that a good hit to the head could tear my retinas

>got my dad's anger issues & my mom's schizo


fucked because i grew too tall in a short amount of time.

>I went from 5'5 to 6'4 in just under a year.
>my legs became unstable for a while which caused my knees to fuck themselves up then healed over now my knees are fucked to this day.
>i started looking anorexic because i didn't know how much i needed to eat.
>i couldn't eat enough in the same time frame as before and would spend at least 2 hours a day eating slowly since my stomach wasn't strong/big enough to support the food i eat.
>im currently suffering from acne as im not sure how much water i should be drinking to keep myself hydrated. i can go from clear pissing to a deep orange piss in the same day.
>i have a lack of clothes because everything else is too short and buying quality clothes is a task itself.

Went to a ent doctor and had to have surgery to fix it. They fixed it.

i just wanna contribute by saying that i've actually been doing bodybuilding and boxing for the past 5 years and girls don't even like beasty-looking dudes that much. Maybe even less than normal.

Not as attractive on men.

>didn't brush teeth for almost a year because I never left the house
>no tooth decay
Feels good man

I have chronic fibrosing pancreatitis that makes me unable to eat pretty much everything and will get me into my grave early, also I have heart disease
Always lived a healthy life with no alcohol and smoking, thanks universe with your gay shit

That's not how muscles work, bro

>had to receive surgery and get liver transplanted for autoimmune illness
>have bellybutton no more, completely covered by surgical scars as well as the whole stomach area
>have to shit 4 times a day, in a lucky day, and it's inevitable and mandatory I do or I'll feel like dying

As for the rest, I'm 1.86m (sorry, I can only use non-retarded) quite handsome and people loves me because of my coma child-like history.
Not rich, not poor, but still living with my parents because of the listed health problems.
Went back in hospital this august for a liver septic infection. Dismissed two weeks ago. Left ex gf yesterday. My life is a rollercoaster of sadness and joy, rise and fall.
I've been happy, should I die tomorrow I would be thankful. Only 20/25 years max to live for me, at this point.

>7 inch dong
>Full head of thick brown hair, facial hair
>Decent face/bone structure
>Green eyes
>Nice clear skin
Thanks genetics
>Mild autism/severe depression, not sure if genetic tbh
>Hereditary brain tumour, not sure what it does yet
>Hereditary rare bone disease that will ruin my body eventually
>Half of family has cancer so I probably will get it too
Damn it genetics

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>Hereditary brain tumour, not sure what it does yet

inb4 everything you experience at this moment is not real and just a hallucination, youve been in a coma for like 4 years now

I'm 24 with no teeth, full upper & lower dentures.
Its not as bad as I thought it would be but still makes me want to kill myself each morning.

Pectus excavatum, bald at 16, autism, anxiety, bad joints, flat feet, prone to tendonitis, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis etc

>5'10 so not tall but not manlet
>Had cancer
>Kinda fucked me up
>Immune system sucks
>Bones suck
>Play bass in a band, still get puss

Life is okay

True. Got laid more after getting fatter. Self confidence and a good talk works though. Too bad I can only pull that off when drunk or high on coke because I'm autistic as fuck

I'm attractive and have a big dick but I'm extremely short.

So it just looks big on you but its really not

How big?
Also what's your personality like? Its literally true that most chicks will overlook height if you've got a killer personality.
Source: tall guy who's an asshole to women.

Absolutely fucked. Even if you get rich, you won't have a girl that'll stay loyal to you. They will be married to the money, not you. Therefore they will feel guilt free fucking other people behind your back.

You'll just have to get used to that.

23 m

Gynecomastia, excessive pelvic tilt which gives me a female looking ass, moderate to severe acne from 11 to 21, bipolar disorder and OCD with anxiety

Good news is my acne cleared up and I’m pretty facially attractive. Have only had sex with 3 pretty sexy girls but got my dick sucked by about 10. It’s cause I played football in high school

Show dick.

That has been your experience, where I'm from and most places I know about.. girls love a guy who's physically fit.

Pick one. Those two sports are very conflicting.

5'5 to 6'4 in under 12 months holy shit bro you must of been buying new clothes every week

got a gnarly set of teeth since one of them decided to grow in-between the existing ones, shoving the front part upwards & the back one layered behind it.

No point in getting braces, thinking about pulling them out before my wedding but dentistry is expensive in my country.

Grandfather had depression and killed himself, partly because my grandmother was an abusive sociopath. Mother has depression, father has ptsd from the war of independence. Diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder been hospitalized twice, on meds now completely avoid human contact been a neet for 4 years now with no education. Could be worse.

Damn man, I hope you make the most of the time you have here. Hopefully you'll have more time if medicine keeps advancing. Come back and chat with us if you ever need to. There are some good guys here!

Exactly. It's only slightly above average. I used to laid so much in highschool probably because they assumed I was still growing into myself, but being short in adult life is different.
7 in. I used to be outgoing back when but now I'm pretty reserved. I have some niche hobbies and stuff. Not really looking for a relationship right now after a very long and serious one but worried about getting back into the dating scene. We started dating young and I'm stupid in the context of dating again.

Anyone else ITT have Pectus Carinatum?

Feels bad man.

>Pectus Carinatum
Got a buddy with pectus excavatum (opposite of your condition), seen him use it as a bowl to put chips in when he was lying down watching a movie.
I'd probably be in a similar boat if I broke up with my girl, been dating since 9th grade (am now 22) so I have no idea how I'd even go about finding a new chick if we split up. Never used any of the dating apps or sites cause they didn't even exist when I was single.

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Extremely bad memory, attention is utter shit. Very high intelligence thou (mensa official test 132 new standard which is 148 old standard of measuring), so it's frustrating as fuck because i poses the intelligence for complex things but sound like a retard explaining them without being able to remember the proper terms to use and constantly drifting out of focus of what i'm talking about.
Also severe anti social nature.

It's kinda ironic because I'm quite tall and naturally strong and healthy looking, but i never have any girls so people around me think I'm gay and hiding it, when in reality i just don't want to deal with another person in an intimate way.

Not as bad as most here but i find humor in it so why not share.

They're only conflicting at Pro level, easily manageable to do both as a hobby

You dirty pig

>Size 17W shoes
>Shoulders wider than any and all seating
>Baby face
>Facial hair won't connect beard and mustache or grow soul patch
Thanks a fucking lot, Dad.
Pic related, self portrait from a college photography assignment

Attached: Self Portrait-1.jpg (2400x3600, 1.9M)

Get ready. It will eventually happen most likely. Relationships are not the same as they used to be. Not saying that's bad but people change eventually and I think that's mostly is what happened with us.

We started dating when I was 18 and she was 16. 6 years. we were both planning to marry and have a kid. Just don't get your hopes up friend.

If things do actually work out with you both then that is beautiful though, and regardless I wish you the best of luck.

Nearly forgot family's predisposition to addiction, typically tobacco or alcohol.
I ended up overeating.
Fuck me.

Holy shit this is fucking hilarious.

Do you think your facial hair is why women don't want you?

>Diagnosed as a type-1 diabetic at age 4
>24 now. still in relatively good shape
>receding hairline/balding on the back of my head
>wonder if the hair issues are due to genes or diabetes
>mediocre height and penis size (5'7' and 6in erect)

otherwise i can't really complain. I still have immense athleticism and a decent IQ/social skills. just an...average guy lol.

Who said anything about women? It just bothers me.

will do if more than one person wants it

OCD, Level 1 Autist
Huge overbite

5'8 and ginger
LUCKILY not a full on daywalker with bright white skin and yellow eyebrows, my face is ok but shortness bothers me and it's obviously not something I can change

What grade did you get in that class?

>6'2'' (188 cm) height
>broad shoulders
>master's degree in biochemistry and looking for PhD position

>rare autoimmune disease
>muscle atrophy
>need Rollator (mobility walker)
>skin inflammation and destruction
>severe depression
>personality disorders

>no friends
>no gf
>basically incel
>involuntary neet

Alright, I like em chubby

Have you tried avoiding milk and dairy? It helped me a lot with allergies and inflammation

tripps of truth

Yes, I have a diet where I compleatly avoid milk and milk products among other things duo to my illnesses.
It helps a little, so I can reduce the medication levels.

First of all, ITT stands for In This Thread, which means you wrote "In This Thread thread". Second, "was you were genetically fucked"?

Your status as mouth breather has nothing to do with a deviated septum, you fucking gargoyle.

Pretty much genetically gifted but look bad due to lifestyle choices. Naturally broad shoulders, over 6ft tall etc. But I'm fat because I can't stop eating.

food is a terrible drug
I know your situation and feel very good.

I do not have a good solution but when I have something tasty at home I imideatly dovour it.

Therefor my frigde is always almost empty. Only Chicken breast eggs and vegetables and some fruits. No comfort food, no snacks, no dessert.

That way, when I have crawings, I can not follow them.

>cystic fibrosis [type 5]
>diagnosed as teen
>scars of untreated pneumonia
>regularly have tough periods
>on antibiotics for about two years now [co-trimoxazole or flucloxacillin]
>have ventolin
>on pantoprazole

>deviated septum
>headaches every day [even after surgery]
>breathing got worse through my nose up until surgery

>oily skin [mostly face]
>after showering my face gets oily

>shitty feet
>fucked up ankles, knees and hips
>back is not great


>born with male an female reproductive parts
>never knew because no external female parts except tits
>age 24 wife drives me to hospital for horrible stomach pains
>turns out there was a connection between my urethra and uterus caused by an infection
>holy shit I got myself pregnant
>this isn't supposed to be possible
>one C-section later I have a baby girl with fused fingers and toes but no other defects
>undergo surgery after I'm recovered to have a hysterectomy since it's the only thing my insurance would cover

So that's the story of how I found out I was intersex and that my man tits weren't actually man tits. See a doctor more than one every 10 years kids.