You Stormfags sure got cucked hard today. Here's a speech Mike Pence gave to AIPAC a few years ago where he describes his unwavering support for Israel:
Mike Pence: "My Christian faith compels me to cherish Israel"
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Goyim plz
Here's another lovely part of the Pence legacy:
>Pence voted for the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 that started the Iraq War
There goes Trump's ability to hit Hillary on HER vote to invade Iraq.
daily reminder trump is merely pretending to be pro-israel to trick the merchants
>You Stormfags sure got cucked hard today.
True pro-Whites, White Nationalists and National Socialists would never support Zionist Trump or now Zionist Pence.
>daily reminder trump is merely pretending to be pro-israel to trick the merchants
Too bad that you literally have zero evidence to back up that statement, huh?
I'm waiting to hear Pence take questions before I cast judgement.
He may have a "I was wrong" moment soon, likely because of all the recent attacks filling him with redpills.
>True pro-Whites, White Nationalists and National Socialists would never support Zionist Trump or now Zionist Pence.
Who would you support then, you pathetic faggot?
>There goes Trump's ability to hit Hillary on HER vote to invade Iraq.
This. Is he fucking retarded? He also can't hit her with the TPP anymore.
>Who would you support then, you pathetic faggot?
No one, you cuckservative sheep.
None of those faggot candidates are going to save the White race from extinction.
All of those faggot candidates would gladly sacrifice millions of White lives in order to protect their precious kikes.
You don't actually think that voting makes things better for anyone other than the yids, do you? LMAO!
This election is still about Donald Trump, not the man nominated for the office "not worth a quart of warm spit." Do not let the pro-Hillary trolls dissuade you.
Trump supports Israel and sold his daughter to the jews, too, but you fags never call him a shill.
Israel is not the problem you fucking imbecile, why would the entire western media be against Israel and pro-Palestine if they were controlled by Israel? You retards are so obsessed with the idea of jew behind everything that you don't even use common sense anymore. Soros is the problem, Rockfellers are the problem, Rothschilds are the problem, not fucking Israel.
Jews are smart and know how to civilization. If I have to support them to destroy Islam so be it. There also arn't enough of them to be a serious threat. The old rich jews are going to die and their cuckold sons are going to spend the money on dragon dildos.
>Israel is not the problem you fucking imbecile,
t. schlomo shekelstein
>not realizing it's all part of his 8 dimensional multiverse chess plan
Fucking pleb.
Here's 3 more gallons of fuels to the fire.
1st gallon
Still better than HIllary
>Not participating in your voting system whether it's rigged or not
Pleb-tier argument faggot.
2nd gallon of fuel
And 3rd
Israel is a tool of the international kike just as much as anything. Implying they wouldn't destroy it if necessary to preserve their standing is foolish.
Where do these Israeli fellating evangelicals come from? Also Pence was a shitpick but it doesn't really matter. Look at how tight they keep Biden under wraps.
>>Not participating in your voting system whether it's rigged or not
Whoever you vote for, it's ZOG for President.
>Pleb-tier argument faggot.
I should just vote for the candidates who are controlled by the kikes and contribute to White genocide, right?
Stupid goy sheep. You deserve the chains the yids have put on you.
These are way more problematic then the israel support. Jesus fuck did he just completely destroy his chances.
Trumpfags on literal suicide watch
USA literally cannot get enough of that circumcised jewish cock
Thanks for correcting the record friend. I'm now #MentallyJill
>Stupid goy sheep. You deserve the chains the yids have put on you.
As you argue about muh white genocide over the internet but probably have no white children and live in a cuck shack.
>Where do these Israeli fellating evangelicals come from?
Scofield bible and the teachings of Darby.
Before those two anti-Christian fuckups, Christianity was anti-semitic as fuck.
(((Jared))) is doing g-ds work.
>Christianity was anti-semitic as fuck.
Christianity is a sect of a semitic religion
i will never understand why christians bend backwards for jews, and its not even USA government helping israel, but random christians even from Europe, holding jews on the pedestal, dont christians remember it was the jews that killed Christ? wtf
>As you argue about muh white genocide over the internet but probably have no white children and live in a cuck shack.
You're anti-White and pro-kike.
You're so stupid you think voting actually matters.
On top of which, you've deluded yourself into believing everything the kikes and the kike enabler Trump tells you.
>Scofield bible and the teachings of Darby.
Well fuck those guys.
>Christianity is a sect of a semitic religion
That's funny, I must have missed the dozens of times Trump spoke publicly about his support for Israel
On muzzies
>We must resolve to bring to justice all those responsible and defeat this enemy civilization at its source
On rapefugees
>Now that we know a Syrian refugee was involved in the attacks in Paris, I just determined as the governor of Indiana it would be appropriate for us to suspend any further resettlement of refugees in the state of Indiana unless and until we could bring about the changes that would give us absolute assurance no one would be a threat to our people. As governor I have no higher priority than the safety and security of the people of my state," says Gov. Pence.
Pence has already voted for building a wall in the past
Pence voted YES on deporting all illegals caught receiving hospital treatment
Pence has a 100% rating with FAIR, indicating a record on restricting immigration
Pence advocated ending birthright citizenship
Pence CO-SPONSORED a bill to declare English as the official language
>exposing the truth makes me a Hillary supporter
Fucking hang yourself immediately
>Christianity is a sect of a semitic religion
Christianity was the result of disgust about Jewish practices. Jesus threw the moneylenders out of the temple.
>my zionist protestant interpretation cherishes the state of Israel.
>Jesus threw the moneylenders out of the temple.
Pic related
Christianity and Islam are both globalist, monoracial, one world, one kingdom bullshit.
Judaism, the foundation, is a racial nationalist religion only for Jew.
With all three, Aryans lose.
White nationalists are kike slaves, there only exists National Socialism anyone adding to this is an enemy of National Socialist, 1 people 1 state end of story.
>Well fuck those guys.
They actually teach that the "jews" of today are somehow "God's Chosen People".
Despite the fact that according to Christianity, non-Christians go straight to hell.
And that everyone must unconditionally support Israel and the Jews otherwise God won't "bless" their country. (as if the USA is a blessed country despite its unconditional support of Israel)
And don't get me started on the whole rapture bullshit.
Remember, when someone says "Judeo Christianity", they're actually putting Jews before Christians.
>You Stormfags
this is Sup Forums
stormfront is another website
you should go there instead of here
hating jews is a meme
hating israel is a meme
>if I just stay in my mom's basement like a pathetic virgin I am on the election day, things will solve themselves
Lmao, you're a stereotypical Stormweenie, alright.
You are retarded, the ones who have authority over the Church and thus Christian faith isn't any state or merchant authority.
>Pic related
Fun fact: Coins have these notches around their sides because the (((moneylenders))) often scraped peaces of gold from the coins without people noticing
>White nationalists are kike slaves,
>there only exists National Socialism anyone adding to this is an enemy of National Socialist, 1 people 1 state end of story.
I'm NS myself, I don't discount entire swaths of my pro-White brethren just because they're not NS, (yet).
>hating jews is a meme
>hating israel is a meme
What's up JIDF
did you know that trump also supported the war before it happened? he said in interviews prior to the war that he supported it.
>hating jews is a meme
>hating israel is a meme
You zionist cuckservatives would love to make that the truth, wouldn't you?
Keep those (((Christian))) Jewish traditions alive and thriving.
Enjoy the death and destruction of European traditions and values all for your invisible kike.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all enemies of Aryan people and all three need to be destroyed.
Your history and values are antithesis of European Western values of strength, might, and hatred for the enemies.
Hating Jews is a meme, hating Israel is historical awareness.
>Lmao, you're a stereotypical Stormweenie, alright.
Said the anti-White doing everything his Jewish masters tell him to do.
I dare say it's the opposite, actually. Jews living outside of Israel are the problem.
>implying jesus is real
>implying the bible is real stories
>implying Christianity's rise isn't directly related to the outlandish degeneracy in ROME.
>implying Christians weren't loyal to the Maccabees of israel and hated the Herodic jews of Israel.
Yea go take a real history course my friend
>Hating Jews is a meme
So you're saying we shouldn't hate (pic related)?
At least I'm DOING something. Your method of saving the white is doing literally nothing substantial and just angrily shitposting online like an autist.
>hating Jews is a meme
Fuck off back to the_donald.
That's the best you have, kike lover?
YOur infograph is wrong though. Christianity takes the Moschiach and bends it to its will hence the story of Jeebus. You niggers are retarded.
>At least I'm DOING something
Really? What are you doing? Propping up the whole Jewish system by voting for the Zionist candidate of the Zionist party?
Oh yeah, you're really helping the White race out.
>Your method of saving the white is doing literally nothing substantial
I never suggested doing nothing. You're lying.
>and just angrily shitposting online like an autist.
You're the one shitting his pants because I'm calling you out on your unconditional support of a Zionist.
If you don't want people calling you out on your kike cock sucking, stop sucking kike cocks.
Jesus Christ, you're triggered.
>Propping up the whole Jewish system by voting for the Zionist candidate of the Zionist party?
I'm not American, I can't vote.
>I never suggested doing nothing. You're lying.
Oh, so you'll open another angry thread on Stormfront tonight. Great job, m8, white race is saved.
So european culture didn't exist before christianity came along?
I'll never understand how they rectify the constant denouncement of the Jews and their practices in the New Testament with them being God's chosen and needing to maintain Israel. It's probably because they haven't read the bible.
Then do something white nigger. Get off your ass and go start a political party otherwise fuck off. YOu sound like a whiny faggot.
If only he knew what actual Christians think of Jews.
OR christians kikes and mudslimes are the same cunts with different words.
>screencaping a screencap
Not even a shill here. Trump is a sellout. If you aren't disillusioned by pence you are as bad as the berncucks
>implying kike lovers give a fuck about the truth
All he's interested in is power and money like all the rest of them.
>When your religion is based off of Jewish cuckoldry.
protestants are the fucking worst
they singlehandedly handed over the american government and economy to the jews
>the race chosen by God to kill muslims is bad
How is this bad? I don't understand Sup Forumss obession with antisemitism.
>wah they import muslims so we'll hate them and fight their battles for them
Doesn't that mean we needed that to happen to wake us up? Aren't they doing us a favor? If might makes right doesn't that mean the Jews are always right?
You know who else hates muslims? Indians. If Pahjeet and Shlomo want to kill mudslimes then good on them.
All he has to do is say he's changed positions since then.
Anyway, I can't for the life of me remember an election where the VP actually mattered in terms of voting.
Because European faiths are a total joke.
Foreign Semitic Desert religions are where it's at!
Implying I don't support Israel
>implying Im a stormshill
hes still a neocon faggot though
>You Stormfags sure got cucked hard today
I always supported Israel so this is just more good news for me.
>I always supported Israel