Do you remember this guy?

Do you remember this guy?

Brock Turner was the Stanford rapist, who dragged this girl behind a dumpster before committing his act while she was unconscious.

He’s either been released or is going to be released shortly due to good behaviour (only served 3 months) which is what I’d chalk down to him being a good athlete, but this is NOT why I’m writing this.

The girl who was raped wrote a book, and is now writing more. This bitch is cashing in on her rape and milking it for everything it’s worth.

Maybe you could say, getting raped was the best thing that ever happened to her?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is her first book

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Highest paid sex worker

Shes actually the reason he got such a light sentence.

She was close friends with him and actually pleaded to the court for leniency against him during her testimony.

Not making this up, google it.

The plot thickens

The news articles everywhere are blaming the judge and white privilege for it, there’s little mention she asked for leniency

I forgot her name already

pretty sure she'd prefer not to have been raped by that retard, but I get how the incels feel about this

Moar liek ‘channel miller lite down my suck hole and put your penor in me’

Hahahahahaha. Woooooooo got her ass #rekt

>Unattractive chinese girl with no boobs
>Blonde All-American swimmer


I googled and couldn't find it. I'm not asking you guys to do the googling for me, but I seem to need a tip, because I only find the direct opposite (that she was shocked at how light the sentence was)

sprung by liberals so he can vote for them

brock turner is a good man

kek hate to break it to you user but you can become an author without getting raped

I'm sure she would have preferred to become one without the whole rape part

>"I don't know you, but you've been inside me. And that's why we're here today."
Doesn't seem like she was too familiar with him kek

I’ll give ya a tip. :)


To make it as an author tho is extremely hard...
All I’m saying is, being a raped author will make you more money

>To make it as an author tho is extremely hard...
>All I’m saying is, being a raped author will make you more money

I wonder, if you were raped, would that make you a more successful retard?

Yeah, if I decided to write about it at least. The way the current political climate is really helps

404 :(

He didnt rape her it was sexual assault

I hope he got sexually humiliated a lot in jail. If not, it should happen to him anyways. Maybe a walk of shame a la Cersei.

In jail he probably had to get naked with 20 other men and let guards inspect his penis, balls, and asshole. Maybe they had female guards watch.


It's sad the number of people who blame the judge for not giving a harsh sentence for rape, when the jury actually found the guy to not be guilty of the rape charge

Of course, the media never bothers to include that part of the story

yeah they even do that at some juvie places. he'd actually deserve it.

What does Sup Forums think should happen to him?

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

I think the girl would rather not be raped, OP.

dude, she was raped

Best thing that happened to her? absolutely not. He's a degenerate and should be in prison for over a decade. The book will help keep his name in the public eye. It was her only option given his release.

Brock turner is an innocent angel who did nothing wrong

He hooked up with some chick, like a true athletic stud, at a frat party.

Everyone saw her eating his face off and being a drunk mess

They stumbled half way back to his dorm when she fell over, like the basic drunk bitch she is

Our hero attempted to help but her slutty ways tempted him to give her a gentle fingerblasting while they made out on the grass (there was also a dumpster in the general area)

Around this point, a couple of Nordic white knights came along and Brock decided to head off when they appeared to be mad and coming for him

The Scandinavian Virgins found some passed out drunken mess of an asian on the ground and took her to some on campus clinic or police station or some shit

It wasn't until she was told by those who inspected her that she might have been diddled that she decided it was rape. She can't remember anything past the frat party where she was consensually hooking up with our Stud, Brock

So that her boyfriend didn't find out how much of a slut she'd been, she lied and constructed a rape story drawing on details from the two guys who found her

Dumb bitch ruined an all american athlete chad's future career and character just so her boyfriend didn't find out she's a drunk slut

He was drunk. She was drunk. She was coming on to him before she passed out. If this had happened in a dorm room instead of out where someone saw, it would be a non-issue like thousands of other drunk hook ups that happen every weekend. This is just more clownworld,

>she was coming on to him before she passed out behind that dumpster
Fair point kek

>Highest paid sex worker

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I wonder how many books she can milk out of this? Maybe a movie deal also.

Hahaha top marks ole chap

Or a couple train rides to Siberia

>Maybe you could say, getting raped was the best thing that ever happened to her?

Are you asking to be raped, white boi ?

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No, that gook loved every minute of attention she got, from Turner, and from everyone else. Turner should write a diary about his experiences with the system.

how scared are you of white people becoming a minority? That your default advantages in society will fade over the years and eventually you won't be able to get by on being a white nothing pile of human?

>that gook loved every minute of attention she got

Tell me user, why are you a shit ?

I mean, you were surely a decent person when you were a toddler. So, at some point you must have decided to choose the Shit Life.

>This bitch is cashing in on her rape and milking it for everything it’s worth.


>Maybe you could say, getting raped was the best thing that ever happened to her?

You should KYS faggot

I have to ask, would he call it The Turner Diary?

any woman can go do heroin and get raped by a Black college athlete at any time, to get raped by a White college does mean something

she is lucky one – gets fame and cash, her writers talent flourishes, everybody envies her and all because of intercourse
tl;dr rape is good

Just saw her in an interview on TV. She's on some heavy drugs.