>yfw west europe is the 3rd world shithole now
>yfw east europe is the new 1st world
Yfw west europe is the 3rd world shithole now
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>mfw will move to prague in 3 month
Please don't. We don't need any cucks here. Shame that you have ruined your country but you don't need to do the same with us
nice, you are welcome here. As long as you keep multikulti and Mutti out of my land of course.
Noi romanii tot rahat mancam
Mai bine salarul ceva mai mic decat sa-ti futa un negru nevasta si sa-ti taie capul pe strada
Yup, I would pick Romania, Poland, and Hungary over Germany and France to visit. Western Europe has shown itself to be shit so any sane person would never visit those shitholes.
hahahah is opportunity for us!
Fuck off. We are full. You come visit us a tourist if you are white and are a Christian. Expect a lot of booing at Francis.
Can foreigners earn citizenship by serving in Romania's army?
fuck western Europe is my granddad is from pic related if I go anywhere in Europe it will be here not some Paki ghetto know as London or an Arab one called Paris
a já také naucit se jazyk, ale jeste není tak dobrý
I uderstood that.
Hey Czechs, I'm comming to you to visit Brutal Assault metal fest this year.
I understood that as well, sounds terrible now tho.
Even if the people were nicer, there'd still be nothing to see. Hungary is a poor man's Austria and it's best eastern country by far
The point is, I don't know Czech, my slavic brother.
I like how you act as if Romania isn't even shit tier for Eastern European standards.
EU keeps putting sanctions that if we don't get mudslimes in then we get monetary fine.
About 50 mudslimes were taken in by us this month alone in hotel that has 3 stars (all payed by taxpayers) and no one knows about it, let alone retaliate.
We will take in 1700 more of them this year alone, yet nobody knows a thing.
None of these mudslimes want to be in Croatia, but they don't mind as long as they get the free money and government housing.
We have shit economy already, we don't need this burden.
I know this story in many version, even as tale for kids that my Grandma told me when I was really young.
Anyway I also dont know Polish and yet I still manage to communicate when I am in your country. It is hard but not impossible, Polish was our language too hundreds years ago.
Do you really not want immigrants even if we are White, Christian, skilled, and love Poland?
We would already be 1st world if it wasn't for 45 years of communism.
You also have to a) have money
b) speak polish
English is cool and all, but without polish you will never integrate into our society.
Hope you learn from our mistakes