Why can't they get along?

Why can't they get along?

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deep shit 9 was plagued with war to attract pleb actionbabbies and had little to do with exploring humanities potential for progress.

Thanks for explaining why DS9 was the most enjoyable Star Trek show

Gee I wonder why

One is a security officer without much interest or passions aside from his job.

The other is a space jew who runs a bar filled with space bandits, and aside from the alcohol, casino and holoporn business always has some other shady business in mind.


They do get along... in their own special way.

They enjoy fucking with each other, but several times they have been shown to go out of their way to actually help the other when they really need it.

*space Yankee trader

Their relationship worked because they ultimately believe in the same thing but take the two exact opposite approaches to it. The one thing they both value above all else is order; Odo believes in the Law and Quark believes in the Rules of Acquisition. The difference is Odo believes these rules/laws are meant to be taken and followed literally Quark sees them as a challenge to work around.

They both follow technically follow the rules, Quark just does it in a way that Odo doesn't believe in which is what bothers him; He knows Quark isn't technically wrong so he can't truly hate him.

I'd say he's more of like a low position jewish mob member, Ferengi's whole culture is centered around profit, including marriage. And concepts we'd find shady and/or illegal like briving and scamming are normal around Ferengi

I know they called them Yankee Traders in their introduction in TNG, but them being greedy merchants with oversized ears instead of noses is an obvious reference to the cartoon jewish stereotype.

This is correct

>I know they called them Yankee Traders in their introduction in TNG, but them being greedy merchants with oversized ears instead of noses is an obvious reference to the cartoon jewish stereotype.
Thanks for this detailed postmortem of an ironic shitpost

Because stupid people are attracted by conflict, that's why all soap opera and teenage shows focus so much on drama

because they're not stranded in the Delta Quadrant

>grows up with holodeck
>don't give a fuck about Earth
>entire crew is brainwashed
>Seven, Naomi, and the Doctor unaffected

>space jew not getting along with space nazi

Tell me captain, if the Ferengi are so great how come they didn't just buy the Dominion?

Pretty much. It was obvious that Quark liked Odo, and there are a few occasions that made it clear that Odo liked him back, at least a little.

Odo's duty was to enforce the law.
Quark was absolutely determined to run bullshit scams.

This is like asking why Lahey and the Trailer Park Boys can't get along.

Odo liked the challenge. To him it was like the detective novels he would read, Quark was just the nemesis that he needed to foil in this week's novel.

Odo, how bout you morph into someone with a personality?


Shall I destroy them?

Everybody knows the Bajorans were meant to be the space jews.

>Just b urself, Odo
>Turns into a puddle

They were portrayed as having their land unfairly stolen from them so clearly they were Space Palestinians.

The Cardassians were kind of the space nazis, Odo was more like a space Seymour Skinner

The Bajorans were the six million gorillion space jews, the Ferengi were the trading jews who lived happy and comfy during WWII and massacred Palestine afterwards

Were the Palestinian's captured and experimented on by unsavory doctors?

Do Palestinians have lots of weird holidays?

They do you human idiots.

Americans don't understand subtle relationships.

could odo turn into latinum?


Quark was in the right all along


The Ferenginar were too decentralized and individualistic to mount war on a massive scale, they would only risk their lives if there was a lot of profit involved while hoomans enjoyed dying for King Chad. Selfish, maybe, but when everyone selfish it makes the masses very difficult to exploit.

Odo's philosophy was the polar opposite, he served the Cardassians and Dominion who tortured families of rebels to prompt them to give themselves up because he believed "justice" and "stability" was for the greater good, and he was right, a civilization of meek people is better off with security because then at least they can develop the economy and maybe one day socioeconomics will favor political liberalization. Though, it could all be avoided if everyone was an übermensch like Quark to begin with.

Nothing can turn into Latinum, that's why it's valuable.


Brunt, FCA. Don't mind me, I'm just here to cuck you for the 19th time during this show.

Finished tng now I'm almost on season 4 of ds9. I like that it's different from tng and while it may not be focused on muh exploration and progression it's at least different. I like the characters and that's what trek is really about

>I like the characters and that's what trek is really about
Watch TOS next

I'm slowly picking away at TOS and even tas over time. I don't have the desire to binge it but I really like it especially after some dude weed lmao

TOS is good for what it is and it's time but it's not as genuinely good as TNG (post season 2) or DS9.

thread hidden

TOS is forty-five percent solid, thirty-five percent old TV nonsense, and twenty percent gold.

And the acting from Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley keeps the nonsense ones from being unwatchable.

And never forget that Spock's character was originally a female, and was changed by producers.

TOS has no characters
The only ones that barely have any character are Spock and McCoy and even them just jump to what the plot needs them to be based on the episode


as far as characters goes, stop this meme about TOS being anything good or having good writing. The movies are the only place where TOS characters are actual characaters instead of just plot movers


I was with you until your hot opinion of a ranking. Go fuck yourself.

DS9 > TNG > TOS = ENT >>> VOY

You know what?

I'll allow it.


I liked Quark. I wrote an extended fanfic based on this episode about all the things Quark had to do while a woman in order to finalize the contracts.

German stereotype
Jewish stereotype
Writes itself.

missed a spot

can I see?

We missed you, BashirFaggot

>rating TNG diplomats always hours away from Earth higher than actual explorers

Ferengi are western stereotypes.

He's too stupid to recognize NOMAD as a character.

EMH > Bones > Bashir > Crusher > Phlox > Pulaski


Picard > Kirk > Archer > Janeway > Sisko

Voyager > NX-01 > Enterprise D > Defiant > Terok Nor > NCC-1701 no bloody a b d or c

Scotty > Trip > LaForge > O'brian > BeLanna

That scene shows in just a minute why DS9 is so much better than TNG, in TNG the Ferengi were assholes who would show up to be a wacky ugly comical cartoon villain race, trying to scam humans but always losing.

In DS9 they're of course still the same type of greedy space merchants, but they're developed so it'd be understood how the advanced as a society, how they were actually really good engineers, and how individuals in the Ferengi society would have different opinions, Nog's arc in DS9 is super satisfying because no one except Jake expect anything from him.

A major problem I have with TNG is their lack of depth when it came to enemy alien races, Cardassians, Romulans and Ferengi were simple bad guys with different facial features. Klingons were allies by TNG so there was finally some further explanation of them as a culture instead of simply "Muh honor", this exploration mainly coming from the character of Worf of course.
In DS9 both Cardassians and Ferengi are better explored and understood without really having to become good guys.

Haven't watched ENT yet, but I agree.

I take that back Sisko is a much better developed character then Janeway.

Also I realized I only like O'Brien because he made Star Trek into a fun buddy sitcom with Bashir. Alone he is boring and his wife is named after a SeaWorld pet.

I'll never understand the violent hatred for Voyager, it's not TNG but it's hardly unwatchable garbage. It's a 6/10 mid-tier show, still pretty enjoyable.


I just rewatched that.

Ferengi definitely had slavery and subjugation of their women.

They also had wars memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Ferengi-Lytasian_conflict

Quark did have the best line about humans/Starfleet though: youtube.com/watch?v=-D2SHNqkjbY

It ran along DS9, as you can see by this thread DS9 fans are all about shitting on other series so they can elevate their favorite one above everything so of course the series that ran along DS9 has to be bashed even more

Watch Stargate SG1 next.

It's a more fun version of TNG

Uhm excuse me Trip and Travis are literally Biblical illusions and thus are Kino and thus should be green

Why stop there? SGA is really fun!

Will your whining never end?

Doctor Who is a better TOS
SG1 is a better TNG
Babylon 5 is a better DS9
Lost in space is a better VOY
seaQuest is a better ENT

woah, Star Trek sucks

>post facts
>le whining

maybe if you guys ever stop shitposting

>Babylon 5 is a better DS9

Doctor Who is terrible.

Only the first season of the reboot is ok, then it just becomes weird, silly nonsense, that panders to minority teen girls.

Reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong


>they don't want to have adventures with Flotter T. Water, III, Trevis, and the Ogre of Fire in the Forest of Forever

>implying warp 10 salamanders arent pure kino

Just finished Bajoran coup storyline in the second season of DS9 and I have to ask if this is what the rest of the show is like. Bajorans and Bajoran politics sucks.

>second season

Has Sisko shaved his head and grown his beard yet? That when DS9 turns edgy and fun

>And never forget that Spock's character was originally a female, and was changed by producers.

No, you idiot. The first officer was a female, but Gene wanted to cast his lover Majel Barrett and the producers didn't want that so the existing character Spock got promoted to first officer.

the only problem with that episode is that they treat Warp 10 as something special when in canon the ships have gone faster than that already

They switch from imperial to metric between TNG and Voyager

Nobody had ever gone THAT fast, regardless of what arbitrary number you assign to it

>simple bad guys with different facial features
What is Chain of Command? What is The Wounded?

they went to warp 11 in TOS


And they went to Warp 14 in TNG

After which they switch to a metric 10 scale

Different warp factor scale. Warp 10 in VOY is infinite velocity.

Doesn't he look like Mr. Potato Head?

I mainly want to know if the rest of the series has as much Bajoran politics and religion. I know that it's a former Bajoran station right next to Bajor but holy shit is their religion and politics dumb.

Leave Chakotay alone

It gets less annoying, yes

>Leave Chakotay alone

t. A-koo-chee-moya

The warp scale was changed between TOS and TNG. That's how that was explained away.

The problems with that arise from the future TNG episodes show ships going warp 13 I believe it was and the VOY warp 10 rule of maximum warp limits before you enter trans*warp and instantaneous travel anywhere.

My own explanation for this is lol Voyager.

Space Jews are hard to trust

How the fuck do you know what I'm doing Sup Forums? I'm literally watching a scene with the two of them arguing right now.

Which one is the jew?

Spotted the Jew!

Did somebody say Moya?

The scope of the programme expands beyond Bajor without giving spoilers. Bajor is always a part of it because of what you typed, but its worth decreases as time goes on.

Kira even gets less annoying, well all of her annoyingness gets refined and amplified with someone else that is a sadistic mirror of Kira who is in a handful of episodes but no spoilers from me.

>that is a sadistic mirror of Kira who is in a handful of episodes but no spoilers from me.

They go to the Mirror universe from TOS where everyone is an evil, slutty version of themselves

Mirror Kira is basically a lesbian nazi commandant

Was he /our guy/?

Tell me Dukot, if you are are great why are you trapped in a cave?

I suppose they weren't perfect. Though the Ferengi Lytasian conflict appeared to be very small in comparison to the millions who died in hoomon wars.


too real

This, and Odo actually kept Quark sharp, a federation security Chief would have been too easy to for him.

each have their merits

I enjoyed Picard's moralfagging as much as DS9's grimdark

The series represented their perspectives, Picard was an explorer whose goal was to remain as morally blemishless as possible so as not to piss off any new civilizations he discovered or start a war. Sisco was already faced with war and had to do morally questionable things to survive and delve into the nuances of the Cardassians and useful people like Quark.

You have to be pretty amazing to rip off the dominion and survive