Documentary Kino

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Anything but /our guy/ Michael Moore.

i want phone posters to DIE

>Being poor



That one where Alex Jones sneaks into Bohemian Grove.

lib cuck brainwashing.

The Thin Blue Line is an obvious choice. I also really like To Be and To Have. It's about an elementary school teacher in an incredibly small town in France.

>spend 4 hours slamming a jew

sure thing lad

The Thin Blue Line is one of my all-time favorite movies, let alone documentary.

Was McKinley /ourguy/?

But this was a fantasy, it turned out user was a faggot the whole time, and nobody was the wiser.


It's incredibly entertaining. The fact that it's all real just makes it that much better. It's really a great cast of characters. I like the one cop who's always having run-ins with the real killer. He seemed like a good guy.


>untold history of united states

is this legit? heard it was chock full of inaccuracies

Herzog >>>>> everyone else

Werner Herzog eats his shoe is the best film of all time


very good. that whole bbc 2 series is kino.

What's the one about the con artist who moves into the Texas family

the imposter. good one.


Seen a few. Lo & Behold is average at best. Herzog does ask philosophical questions on the future of technology but the answers from the experts are mostly forgettable. Happy People is comfy. My favorite is Into the Abyss.

I wouldn't call them inaccuracies, just biased interpretations. Stone is clearly a leftist and takes every opportunity to put right wingers in a bad light. That said all the factual statements he makes are true and there are lots of interesting things I've never heard of before. It persuaded me for example that the US was basically the aggressor in the Cold War; Stone treats that as a bad thing but in the end how you feel about that fact depends on what you think of the Soviet Union.



thx user. first few minutes are pretty decent

Also perhaps the saddest movie I've ever seen.

Stone's "W." was sympathetic

My best fiend is pure.kino and so is Into the Inferno.

is there any documentary kino available on n*tflix guys?

it varies. the imposter is probably still there. grizzly man as well. they get some herzog titles from time to time.

I hear everyone saying that. I've tried watching it more than three times - I watch 20 minutes and lose interest. I really want to chug through it - can you convince me to try again?

reminder that Billy Mitchell did absolutely nothing wrong

don't forget burden of dreams

Blackfish and the one about lost twins meeting eachother are mucho kino

>grizzly man
I think this is the greatest dark comedy film ever made.

Step aside plebs

you might be right. i still don't know what to make of it.

Kind of, it was critical of his worth as a president but makes it clear he was in over his head rather than evil. It's the same in the documentary series, he has an agenda but also has the restraint not to demonize people (mostly).

I did the same thing my man. The first 5 minutes i thought it was cheezy as fuck. But trust me you gotta chug through it it turned out to 1 of my definate favorite documentaries.

This one was better because unlike Billy Mitchell the "villain" of this movie actually did cheat and was wrong. And the main character is even more pathetic.


>submits a new world record via video tape
Most kino verification process evar?


Pic related.

As a side note I would like to mention that Theroux' "My scientology movie" was better than I expected. Perhaps not his best work, but still pretty good.

Yeah, that one really put the zap on me.


It's pretty shoddily made but there is a good turn of events about halfway/two thirds the way through that will get your blood pumping enough to want to finish. Prepare to get pretty fucking mad.

Herzog Docs are God-tier.

>Cave of Forgotten Dreams
>Lo and Behold
>Encounters at the End of the World
>Land of Silence and Darkness
>From One Second to the Next

>>Encounters at the End of the World
Why did he do it?

One second I'm losing my shit over how funny the people in this doc are, the next I want to fucking kill myself due to the overwhelming sadness.

It's good.

>Theroux' "My scientology movie"
It was actually pretty fucking hideous and a pretty stupid move to try and follow Gibney's "Going Clear" with that tub of shit.

The only redeeming feature were the unscripted oddities like Paz de la Huerta showing up. So perhaps 1% of the material is somehow funny or worth watching.

Not only is there nothing new or useful revealed or explored, it actually isn't even about anything. It has no theme. He flirted with the idea of guilt-tripping defectors but let that go pretty quickly.

I've been wanting to see this for a long time. It's James Rolfe's favorite movie.

I like Happy People.

Rate my Top 10 Docukinos

Jodorowsky's Dune
The Last Waltz
The Fog of War
Capturing the Friedmans
Joe Hisaishi in Budokan
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father
F for Fake

Memes aside, this is kino.

Tell me Sup Forums how was this film called?

Its a sad story but its a fucking terrible documentry, come on.

One of the few films that made me cry.

Those spoilers looks like Duckman taking a shit

>A deranged penguin fills me with ennui
Herzog is pretty amazing
Empire of Dust

Watched it this week, this part was fucking savage.


I hate that more people haven't seen it.

This is the one.

Well, it should be said that my expectations were REALLY low when I watched it. I agree that it's not very informative but I found it to be surprisingly entertaining and funny. But yes, Going clear is far better documentary.

>tfw you realize Philippe was an asshole who used and abandoned his closest friends

This was pretty good.

actually cried like a bitch

I was bored one night and came across the title on IMDB. I didn't read the entire synopsis; only what's shown on it, which is "People suffer largely unnoticed while the rest of the world goes about its business. This is a documentary exploration of the mythic beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge, the most popular...". I'd thought it was going to about a civil engineering documentary or something. I was glad that it wasn't remotely close to what I had expected.

one of my favorites. Anyone know of other documentaries about artists?

This one was also top curtiskino.

Dope Sick Love


>The Last Waltz
my nigger

The documentary was terribly done, but the story is worth it.

Made me fear going to sleep

This documentary about a comedian took a real unexpected dark turn


Anyone saw Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills? How is it?

Any documentary that shows someone's childhood is guaranteed trash, prove me wrong

No mentions of this GOAT and it's sequel? Most unique I've seen

It's pretty good.

Actual documentary kino coming through.
>inb4 muh time lapses

fucking art hipster trash

>start watching it
>opening credits
>'savage films'

>you'll never eat his sushi
feels ___, man

>only honest working black dude who's speaking Chinese gets shittalked to death by his bosses
>chinese talk about shit and how chicken shit stink, prior to this praising cow and goat shit
lmao, cow and goat shit is just perfumy
>chinese dude wants everything on a silver platter
>can't deal with shitty work force
yeah, I bet every Chinese is a hardworking fella who never stole jack shit.
>can't negotiate at a chicken coop
>doesn't look at the chickens until they load them into his car
>doesn't just go elsewhere when he's not happy the whole time
>anytime he wants to buy gravel or rocks he doesn't say how much he wants to buy
>wants discounts anyway
that's not how barter work, dumbass.

is he dead? just eat his son's sushi

Kill yourself

time for kino

lao did nothing wrong

exit through the gift shop

>chinaman:this measure sucks
>chinaman:it's complete crap
>of course, it's made in china
>chinaman:how do you know that?
>it says right there
>chinaman:.... let's measure it
dumbass chinese.

>ctrl f
>touching the void


saw this at a festival. was mindblowing.

this one is amazing, watched it last year for the first time.

I saw a documentary about a village with just kids in a TV guide years ago, anybody know what I'm talking about? sounded weird and interesting. I think I ripped it out of the tv guide, need to look for it.

Jesus Camp is absolute atheistkino
*tips fedora*

That kid preacher was pretty impressive desu.

Creepy stuff