When did Sup Forums peak?

When did Sup Forums peak?

For me, it's the 2014 World Cup. Plenty of memes from a wide array of cultures, incredible shitposting, and many foreign qt3.14s.

>the 2014 world cup
You were close.

When I came into your sis lmao


>bro culture
>power rankings
>shiggy diggy
>funny trips
>FlaccGod and Sup Forums's reckoning

early 2021


I think my all time favorite thread was the prom draft in spring 2014
Some canadian user found 60 girls at one high school through facebook for draft information and the mods let it go two full threads

this. the first [USER WAS RHYTHMICALLY SLAPPED FOR THIS POST] was the beginning of the downturn

Sup Forums peaked when /wwe/ was moved

wasnt that ~2014?

i think that was 2016.

If that was 2014, ive been here way too fucking long. all this shit is blending together

>not Gamer Gate and the influx of mobile posters

Pretty sure it was 2017. If not, late 2016.

who the fuck even asked for them to move? They were fun and didn't do no harm. Bunch of no fun gayass snitches

lmao look at all these newboi underage faggots who are like 18 and 19 saying shit like 2014 and 2016

it was objectively 2012

2010 WC

the year of >moyes

It was 2015 lmao how new can you be?
2017 was literally a month ago do you have CTE

There is no way it was 2015.

No, really, please don't tell me it's been that long. Please.

Epic comeback turks euro 2008
No flags


the slip

There was time when /trans/ have 5-6 threads in one night.

i did

Either TORRES or Ianb owl