My name is Richard

My name is Richard
I'm a 450-pound dude that can barely walk
My health is starting to fail
I'm a continued failure on losing weight
My YouTube channel went from 8 million views a month to 200,000 views a month
I live off the charity of others
I haven't seen my penis in probably 8 years
I'm bigger now than I've ever been
I have trouble sleeping
I don't take care of myself the way I should
And I basically have to play games for a living that I fucking hate

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Where are my fucking vacuum parts??????

Dude wings is just depressing now.

Go ahead and ban anyone trying to give me any advice on anything.

Ban the guy saying I'm depressing.

Don't forget you're a slave to food.

Are people still posting his streams, havnt seen them videos show up in a while. Shout out to Sean ranklin

Ban the guy saying I'm a slave to food.

What's the story of the downfall?

Sean Ranklin, Leen and Conway command have been putting videos up pretty regularly.

looks like someone just went down the wings of redemption rabbit hole
you enjoy it?

Is that boogie?

Just YouTube wingsofredemption on YT and the first video should be a documentary that goes over his entire story, but basically he became more and more toxic and ripped off people for a cheap ass surgery.

8,000,000 views per month YouTube would generate at least $20,000 to $30, hire a personal trainer and become a Chad in no time.

Ban the guy calling me boogie.

Attached: 1521838007948.gif (245x200, 497K)

he gets nowhere near that anymore. He doesn't put shit on YT, and averages around 400ish on twitch. Claims he makes around 40k a year.

man it’d be awesome to have like a fuckin big ass thick burger with fuckin bacon on it
muhfucka with big ‘ol melted pieces of cheese, 2 patties
fuckin some lettuce. with fries seasoned just right, dip that shit in ketchup

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Go ahead and ban the guy making me hungry. I like it, but that's still a ban pimp

god dammit user
you are killing me
cease and desist or you will be hearing from my attorney about the damages to my sides

dude shut the fuck up you're a little kid

Huh you'd think it would be easier to not be an asshole

Do a strict keto diet and I mean strict. Limit carbs to no more than 30g a day. This will probably take about a year of true commitment but it will fix your weight and your health if you actually stick to it. Since you do games for a living add the weight loss to your stuff and expand your audience.

This works but it takes a fuckton of willpower since the food gets repetitive and greasy as fuck