How cucked is your country...

How cucked is your country? I don't think there was ever a map that was more representative of the real situation than this.

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Explain yourselves Lithuania

lmao yuck

what a weird way to spell "is it ok to rape someone?"

>what a weird way to spell "is it ok to rape someone?"
You can't rape your gf or wife m8

Pretty much. If you're in a relationship where sex is expected, only a retard would think you can rape your partner.

You can ever since they changed those laws in the 1960s or so

if by "forcing" you mean not upholding the current widely accepted SJW principles of having your female partner write 2 authenticated copies of consent and undergoing sobriety tests before being allowed to even look in a libidinous manner at her, then I can see where this graphic is coming from


You have to go back.

Back where, Helsinki? But Vantaa is alot cheaper to live in.

Wait, I thought you guys hated Muslims for being rapists or whatever. Is rape cool now?


when you're married you do the best to pleasure your partners need

Muh patriarchy

If you're married you should love your wife enough to respect her wishes on the odd occasion that she doesn't want to have sex.

this is cuck the comment

this is Ahmed the comment

enjoying your fetish?

strange i tought that we have 8 percent of muslim , fucked up map


Well, I'm not going anywhere and in my opinion you're the one who should be leaving

It's all le Russian barbarians, everyone knows LITHUANIA is the best and civilized.

Why are Eastern Europe and Italy such shitholes?

Imagine being good and looking at this shit

I know why it's full of depressed people, now

*being God

like this?

netherlands senpai pls recolonise the east indies tfw

>Projecting this hard

nice baits


There's nothing wrong with being a Cuck

>women being traumatized over their boyfriend/husband having sex with them
then why are you in the fucking relationship in the first place? oh wait, it's so you can collect betabux while fucking Chad

>Marital and GF rape is a right. If you disagree you like watching your wife fuck someone else.
Ok then. Consider me impressed that a Dutch Saracen has learned English.

how does not wanting to rape someone translate to being a cuck?

Daily reminder that if your country is under 15% it is not HUwhite.

>2 authenticated copies of consent
you need three, one for her, one for you, one for the state

underage virgins

reminder that if you believe this, you belong in one of these countries.

Why? There's something that requires you to agree with every single policy and law your country of residence has?

>t. whi- 56% knight

It's the shared (lack of) values of shithole countries (that contribute to them being shithole countries).


Good luck finding wives if you think it's okay to start raping them as soon as they say "I do".

And the same people wonder why divorce-rates are on the rise. Fucking disgusting

It seems that all the European countries have succumbed to the directives sent by the EU, which is the equivalent of peer pressure on a rather global scale. It is one of the requirements for being "first world" - putting women on a pedestal.

Did not know there were so many muslims in Europe on int considering the alarming rate of people that cannot take "no" as an answer

There truly are a lot of Muslims in Lithuania.


Apparently, the "purest indo-european genes" make you more rapey, who knew.

btw this has nothing to do with being a cuck