What was your first computer and how much did it cost?

What was your first computer and how much did it cost?

Attached: computah.jpg (800x800, 42K)

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My first computer was a 66MHz 486 DX4 with 16MB of RAM. Didn't cost shit because I got it out of a dumpster in 1994, all I had to do was make the fucker work. I installed MS-DOS 6.22, Windows 3.11, and IBM OS/2 on that bitch. Loved it to death.

age of you?

I'm 36

IBM Ambra 486

windows 95, 1.5 gb hdd, 16 mb ram


Attached: ambra.jpg (262x193, 9K)

Color Computer 2. It was called Coco 2. Had a external tape deck to install anything I wanted to play. Not sure what it cost. Xmas gift.

Ah the Tandy Radioshack CoCo. A classic of the home micro scene before IBM Compatibles took over.

Tandy TRS-80, i have no idea what it cost

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that mac plus. pictured. about 3 grand. not including imagewriter ii and external scsi-2 hd

Was it Y2K compliant?

Trash 80 mark 3
Tandy, bitches

Attached: trs80iii.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

what does it even do? lol

C64. Colour monitor, dot matrix printer, cassette and disk drive. $300

Was the shit

Shit no. It didn't freak out or anything either.

Do you still have it somewhere or did you get rid of it?

The TRS-80 had a fairly substantial library of games in addition to a good variety of productivity applications.

Ooh dual disk drives, mine were external with a crazy ass ribbon canle

My first real computer was like 2g back in 06. 8gb ram, 8800gtx nvidia, 500gig hd. Had neon lights.
I was the coolest kid in my Kara raid group.

Apple 2... Free
I stole it from my elementary school

I don't know. Ask my mom :^)

That poor bastard died in 2001, I couldn't repair it so I got rid of it.

>what does it even do?
Maths, dummy
Its a computer

but where's the screen?

If THAT was your first real computer, you've got to be a kid yourself.

Commodore Vic-20 and I have no idea what it cost. I was like 10.

First one was a Christmas present from my parents back in 1993 or so. No idea on make/model, all I remember was it was pure text based, but not DOS - green screen style. Managed to put it together Christmas morning. Came with a book of games you had to manually type the code in every time. I'm assuming you could have saved them to a tape or something, but I had to manually type them all in. The only one I could be bothered doing was the smallest one, a basic "guess the number in X attempts to successfully launch the rocket or you die" type thing.

First 'official' PC was a 386 with 4MB of RAM, 500MB hard drive. Came with 1x CD ROM, dot matric printer, Windows 3.1, and a ton of games and programs like Grolier (the poor man's Encarta), Iron Helix, Return to Zork, Lemmings, Sim City 2000, and heaps more.

The MicroComputers like the CoCo, the C64, the Vic20, and such all hooked up to your TV unless you wanted to spring for an RGB monitor to hook it to.

My cousin gave me a Compaq P3 windows 95 PC he had gotten from his work. I played the fuck out of Age of Empires 2 and Roller Coaster Tycoon on it. Wish I still had it

keep talking about your old computer days please, I'm stroking

Did you have internet in the 90s? If you did how did it handle it?

Oh, and I think first one must have been less than $50. Second one was about $5k.

Digging that fucker out of that dumpster set me on the course that eventually became my career. I work IT for a hospital now making nearly $30 an hour.

I didn't get internet until 2002, I kind of live in the sticks. By that time, I'd replaced the 486 with a Pentium 3 running Windows XP.

friend had one of those. He added 4k ram/4k rom and a cassette tape drive, it cost $4000 in 1978 usd.

I had like a windows millennium that I played morrowind on and like a windows 98 that I played diablo on, but they were like hand me downs from family. Barely functioned aside from like AIM.

Cheapest IT guy evar

Then THOSE were your first computers. If you played Morrowind and Diablo on them, they weren't barely functional.

After the recession, wages tanked in my field. I'm lucky just to have this fucking job right now.

What DOS games did you have?

49pounds they were

One of these bitches.
The whole setup was around $350 I think.
The keyboard and processing were all in the keyboard case.
Had a 1200 baud dialup modem, used GEnie and Compuserve for internet access (this was in 1983 or so). Connection cost something like $3 or 4 a minute. BBS's were big at the time. Took forever to download a 5k porn pic.

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you hooked it up to your TV as a display

I played a lot of Sierra games and I had all the Ultima games up until Ultima 6.

Fucking boomers in this thread man. Played minecraft for the first time on this bad boy. like $500 in 2007, don’t remember

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Oh, and I also had the first 5 Might and Magic games.

You realize that the oldest millenials are 38 now, right?


Original IBM PC with VGA card and color monitor, dual floppies and an Epson MX-80. With Wordstar and whatever else I think I had around $3000 in it.

The millenial generation is generally considered to start in 1981 and end in 1996.


Vic 20. I don't know what it cost at the time, I was a kid then.

And we had chan before chans
Before fucking www was anything more than a cat stepping on your keyboard

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Let William Shatner tell you!

Macintosh SE/30 similar to the one pictured. My dad bought it for about 5k back in the early nineties.

The first one I had was a 286 with 40 MB hard drive, MSDOS 3.1, and it was about $2,000. Prior to that I had used an 8086 at my dad's work. I'm 38.

Awesome deck bro! Had like 2k of shit games.

What are millennials called then? We got boomer and zoomer, so would it be moomer?

I believe we are called 'wage slaves', but I'm not 100% sure on that one.

Somebody's Daddy was rich.

Hey, does any of you oldfags know about a logo that looked like
•\/• Or •/\•
It had the colors Red and Blue, I don't remember whether the dots or the V were Red.
I had one of those when I was a kid, also I remember for a second seeing one image of it in a video about emulator computers.
It was probably manufactured in the 80s, maybe 90s
The only thing I could play on it were SNES and SEGA games, wich makes sense if it was really made for emulation after all.
I don't know wether it was some modification, but it had windows XP (previously it was Windows 95/98)
He looked like pic related.

Any info will be greatly appreciated.
Inb4 I'm not expecting any "personal army", if you don't have any clues as to what I'm talking abt it is perfectly fine to me.

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No, he was a plumber who really liked tech.

TI 99/4a. Learned assembler on that bastard. About $1000 in 1980, with the peripheral expansion box, floppy drive, floppy controller, 32k of ram, a parallel card, and an RS-232 with acoustic modem.

Kek, had the dam same thing, but at least we got porn

don't remember the cost

Attached: commodore-vic-20.jpg (800x564, 75K)

Good plumbers make plenty of money.

Apple II + purchased in 1984 for $2300. Which was over a month's pay for my Dad at the time

Cosmic elf 2
Built it from a kit
100 dollars. Had 256 BYTES memory
Hex pad key entry
Suck my wrinkled old cock.

At least once a year or two I get an itch to buy myself one of those.

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When I bought mine they were 120


Look at that beautiful esthetic. pic related. fuck yeah.

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Shit forgot picture

Attached: netronics-elf.jpg (594x338, 61K)

Sony Viao, maybe?

It might have been a Commodore, but I'm uncertain. Your description is a bit too vague, I'm afraid.

Attached: CBM_Logo.svg.png (1200x1200, 29K)

First was some old Win95 workstation my dad got from work around 96-97. when I turned 17 I got a decent job and bought a Sony VAIO Digital Studio RX650 Intel P4 1.6 GHz - 512 MB - 80 GB because I was into video editing.

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IBM PC Junior. 1984. $950....It was a decent machine. Although they didnt really sell very well. I used it to learn MSdos. And won my science fair by writing a Pong game on it.

The PCJr had so many unfortunate flaws. The Tandy 1000 did everything the PCJr promised to do, only better.

Oh I paid around $1,500 for if iirc

? Maybe en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_512K

S-100 bus z80-machine in an euro card cage. Most of the components came from my father's workplace which manufactured the early logic-controlled and computerized elevator systems.

Maybe a couple hundred euros in modern money was spent.

Agreed. They were flawed. But when I got it I was the coolest kid in the neighborhood. I got lucky because my dad worked for IBM at the time.So we get a really good deal on it. Unreal to think a modern calculator would smoke it though.

Compaq Presario running Windows 3.1 with a 3 gig hard drive and 64 mb ram, 36.6 kbps modem. For it's time was a top of the line computer. Loved playing multiplayer doom on dial-up and listening to art bell on the radio over the weekend. Damn I miss the 90's!

I don't disagree, the PCJr could have been top tits if it didn't have those flaws. It was a very capable little machine, with a ton of modular upgrade options. Unfortunately, in the base configuration, it was basically useless because it had so little memory. You essentially HAD to get a memory upgrade to play anything on it.

that funky looking imac that looked like a see-thru blue tv set

squish for mac, cool game

Oh, nice. I started on MCS-85 in a computer club and built my first 8085-based SBC a couple years later.


No, but I see where you're coming from, thx!

Colors match, but the logo looked like •\/• or •/\•
I know I'm being very vague, but tbh that's all the information I have in my memory, asked my family members and they were just as clueless as I am, thanks for the reply!

You mean the iMac G3? A VERY capable machine of its time.

Attached: bondi-blue-imac-2008-100756817-large.jpg (699x466, 37K)

IBM 5170
>was the fucking shit!

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He might be something like a YouTuber.

Lol now that's old ass shit

To this day, i could still do a 30 minute run of Leisure Suite Larry, Space Quest, Police Quest,

I put that together 1979

Dad worked as a banker when I was 5 or 6 and they gave him a IBM ThinkPad. He gave it to me to play racing games on it and play around on paint. Now I'm a graphic designer.

Attached: IBM-T60-1_original.jpg (1414x1520, 750K)

thats nice. i had the very last laptop to ever have that logo on it

That escalated quickly.
Does the job pay well?

Ours had 512 KB. So it wasnt that bad at the time. I wish I could remember the names of the games I used to play on it. My favorite was a dungeon exploration game. Think Zelda but with 30 second load times between levels. But that was the best thing my dad ever did for me. Taught me programming and changed my life forever.

Pentium 166Mhz. It was a Gateway with Windows 95 on it. It had a 2GB harddrive. I don’t remember how much memory anymore. Probably 32 or 64MB

It was in 95 maybe early 96 and I think it cost like 2k but my parents bought it.

Use to play Duke Nukem and found mIRC to chat with random people

As I said, upgraded memory. The base configuration of the PCJr only had 64K of RAM. The upgraded machine they offered at the time had 128k and a floppy drive.

Packard Bell. Idk how much it was my parents bought it