There was an attempt on my life earlier I'm moving to Alaska Anchorage temporarily to hide

There was an attempt on my life earlier I'm moving to Alaska Anchorage temporarily to hide.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll see you there...


It was a diversion, he's actually off to Fiji! Quick, get HQ on the two-way radio!

I'll go in Anchorage to be sure, go in Fidji


On my way there, using my fabricated passport.

That's funny OP. I know Greek who plans on fleeing to Alaska after he failed to kill someone.

youre my favorite poster :3

what's his name, we want him

Acknowledged. Abort Theta. Repeat. Abort Theta. Gamma in effect. Assets on the way. Confirmation 93631706389510520 WHITE. Wait for our signal. God Is With Us.

Everyone in this thread stay at your current locations.
Agents have been dispatched to you to gather more information.

my flight is in half an hour

Take seat 26B and follow the instructions under the seat.

WHy are you posting all that you dumb twat.

Maybe they are waiting at the airport with some VX

You witnessed in Hokkaido that doubting me was wrong

Gamma Protocol activated. Send assets to sweep the LZ.

I found something in the NKVD archives.
I'll tell you later.


I'm CIA.

Not this time, Chaim! I've rigged my safehouse with claymores and I have enough shells to down all of your enforcers.

the signal has been fired

Satellite image showing 3 persons are following you. They are converging on the next intersection. Kill the taxi driver and take control.

Zeta station responded to the message with an outdated key

Your sister is being held captive in my facility in Caracas, she is safe and sound and video evidence is on the way to you.
Act wisely if you wish for her to live, Pekka.

It's a technical malfunction, we haven't been hacked or anything. No worries. Proceed as usual.

I hope you enjoy it. Alaska is beautiful and they still have shit like Blockbuster do you can experience some nostalgic americana

I make saussages out if them and feed them to the pigs nd stray doggos.
They are about to eat kosher

my danish agent has failed again
it seems i need to do something about him

Zeta station, reply with Code Phrase White please.

There is one pc from israel that sends corrupted blocks in our blockchain

but she died in the Yerevan-shootout.....

My deep neural network is detecting increased amounts of Uranium enrichment coming from South East Asia.

The nuclear warheads will be launched at 1200 GMT if the code is not inputted.

Zeta Station is COMPROMIZED. Code Phrase received but with SUICIDE sequence.

are you the same greek who posted a few months ago because you talked too much to a guy's gf and he challenged you to a public fight and you couldn't refuse because your family is prestigious in the village ?

My God... Liquidate ALL assets.

Warriors, come out and play!

Am I the only one triggered by "Alaska Anchorage"

It's supposed to fucking be the city then the state.

Not knowing that everything is reversed in greece

>American education

It's code.


Is it really?
Even still, that doesn't give him the right to do the wrong in English

You see, Sup Forums is monitored by alphabet agencies. These threads are smokescreen. In between these posts is the real message. This allows us to talk in the open but not found.

Plot twist: OP flees to Alaska and turns into an heroin addict by the end of the year

>have attempt on life
>flee to america to hide and preserve your life
>get shot


how will you support yourself?
get onto one of those living wild in alaska type shows?

Did she?

Godspeed, Greekanon. You are the last hope of western civilization.

>to do the wrong in English
Soviet spy, report back to Moscow, the Motherland needs you.

Currently occupying seat 2GC waiting for The Greek. All agents stay in position.

Should I ready the SAMs in case Agent Kiwi is compromised?

FUCK. I think he's been kidnapped by another agency.

There is no chance of compromise, Agent Cowboy. Confirming once again that the trap is set. I have Talisman standing by.

Repeat : The Baklava is ready to be baked.

See Do we have a contingency plan for this?

Contact Natália in Tirana. She can wire the gang a ransom.

Mission: Crashing that plane


The population of Anchorage is just under 300K. If you were trying to hide, wouldn't you be safer in a major city? Besides which: the winter in Alaska is something fierce.

masked man has been dispatched to intercept OPs plane