White Americans

Do White Americans feel they have more in common with Russians and Germans than with Black Americans?


Suspicious silence ITT.

post o'reilly memes

I should spend more time programming to be better. Then I think about jobs and how normies program for money at jobs and it makes me think the whole thing is ugly and pedestrian and makes me demotivated for days.

hello leaf

yeah most programming jobs are shit and code monkey business. as compared to fun stuff you can program for yourself. but whatever pays your bills. and it is a comfy job still.

I honestly don't feel strongly either way and it's not something I find important. I dunno.
don't think about that then. write programs for your own use - it's very fun and rewarding to get a computer to do programmatically something you want it to do especially when you have a practical use for that task

>I honestly don't feel strongly either way and it's not something I find important. I dunno.
Traitor to Europe mutt piece of shit vermin human scum.


Probably because black Americans are black. People are tribal and prefer their own race.

All jokes aside, I do connect more with White Europeans than with African-Americans. I find that we share many of the same values and how similar world views. I think that the US and Europe both face many of the same issues, so its easier to discuss the topics with them.

If American says that he feels a connection to Russia he deserves to be in federal prison for espionage

Blacks don't act like us. At most they barely share a language

>White Americans
No such thing...


>white americans

no, I'm a racist WASP and I still feel like I have more in common culturally with a nigger than a German or Russian

this desu

No you don't

For me that isn't true. I feel like I have much more in common with black americans than euros. In fact I love them because they're my fellow countrymen. If you bully them at all.... I swear to god. A german or a russian wouldn't be able to understand american culture. I could go to chic-fil a w/ my black brethren as they are not snobs.

is that book any good?

Russians -> Yes, we're both the worlds leading space powers. We're both afflicted with hypermasculine hyperreligious play acting right now. We both had to beat the shit out of Germany after they got out of control, costing us dearly. We're both trying to fight off the disease known as Papism. We both have Eskimos. We're both thought of as powerful and rich but our people are actually mostly poor whites.

Germans -> Yes, I mean we both love to apologize for the Holocaust by importing huge numbers of African Arabs who hate Jews and us. No wait hold on...

100% I gave more in common with an eskimo than a black.

>Yes, we're both the worlds leading space powers
>We both had to beat the shit out of Germany

I like how you put two of the most hated europeans in the US in the OP just so americans admit that they love niggers more.