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Why can't I into Canada? Canadians don't want yurops?

300k doesn't seem like that much? I am sure USA gets more than that a year?

Immigration is pretty tricky in general. Thats why theres so many illegal immigrants "its easier to ask forgiveness than ask permission" after all.

Immigrants are good

They are oftentimes more patriotic than the native once naturalized and they do more work for less wages

Fuck off we're full.

Stop shitposting.

You also have over 10x our population.

>They are oftentimes more patriotic than the native once naturalized
Only if you have a gate. If getting citizenship is trivial then you'll get all sorts. If getting citizenship is very difficult, only those who really want it and believe in it will do it.

We've been letting hundreds of thousands in every year for over a decade. Harper let in like 250, 000 a year and basically sold citizenship to rich chinks.

We have 10x your population because we let in more immigrants. Its not like we're Native Americans hanging out down here, we are immigrants and immigrant-descendants.

If Canada wants to catch up (and you have a ton more land so no reason not to), you have to accept way more immigrants than you already are.


I'm pretty sure everyone can immigrate to Canada, including yuropeans

>10 million over 10 years
>1 million per year

>10x Canada's pop
>it's like Canada taking in 100 000

Wow, look at that.


If anything euros can get in easier because they likely speak one of our official languages and most likely have better educations or degrees that are recognized here. I know a number of people that moved here from the UK and Quebec probably has tons of people from France.

We had that many in the Harper era though

The people move to Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto though.

It's fucking retarded, our immigrants dont populate the rest of the country so our housing prices, traffic etc just gets fucked by pop density.

Maybe that's because the rest of your country is fucking Siberia tier

Pretty shitty normal
should be 10,000-ish and only skilled workers or business owners

Immigration is great if it's like ours til the 70s. It's not so great when the immigrants and basically at small scale war with the current population E.G. sandniggers and Africans

It requires expansion though.

I agree but Canacucks buy into the "immigration helps the Canadian economy" fib so don't ever expect immigration to hit that low in this country

>If Canada wants to catch up
no thanks
>you have a ton more land so no reason not to
only 30% of that land is livable; besides, almost all immigrants are concentrated in large cities


Why on earth would Canada want to "catch up" with you?

Somalis in our country don't work almost at all, and those that do don't tend to do their jobs. I've no idea how people, once faced with these facts, don't understand why there's no reason to bring these waste of money and space even when our reason for taking them in is basically emotional bulkshit put into a treaty that eastern europe breaks with zero retaliation anyway.

Misery loves company

Why would a country not want to become powerful?
Is race more important than power and wealth to you?

USA is the most powerful and influential nation in the world and arguably in human history. Canada is "america jr". You tell me.

>and only skilled workers

Do you not understand how our immigration systems works?

Your history of fucking up other countries is the reason you're powerful. Not being le 36%

That's a whole different story. In Canada we have the problem where the bulk of our immigrants meet our requirements of "skilled immigrants," but we don't have the economy to support their stay. Our job market sucks and housing is becoming expensive in our biggest cities (where the bulk of our immigrants are moving) so it gets to the point where both natives and immigrants in this country lose

Did you mistake this for a thread about the United States?


It's not about how big your military is, it's about not getting shot on your way back home from work, not having to do 2 jobs to not starve to death or getting in debt just to get an education or going to the doctor. The USA is simply a shit place to live in.

How does this "power" manifest itself in (You)r life?

As much as I hate the US this isn't really true

As bad as this shithole is at least we aren't Canada
Sorry Canada-bros

I probably take it for granted, but the fact that most discussions online pretty much center on me and my culture is a big one. Its not everything but its not nothing.

Obviously I've never been shot, worked two jobs or even went into deep debt (had a minor college debt that I paid off in 2 years by attending locally and living frugally). USA is fine to live in, you just need to use some common sense. Our medical system is total shit I give you that much, but Canada could use a bigger population if it ever wants to be relevant on the world stage.

No you're substantially worse, immigrants or not. I'd like anywhere in the "western" world except your shithole island.

Well, yes, it was an exaggaration I admit.

The point was why would canadians want to be relevant if it would lower their living standards

I feels great living in a superpower

If our current government wasn't full on retarded and fixed up our health care, deported a ton of unwelcome parasites and fixed up education since it's been fucked since the 80s at least, we'd probably be one of the best places to live in. Of course that's the meme normies permeate, but it's not true anymore, not until we fix it.

What makes american healthcare so bad though?

Nah m8
We aren't as batshit retarded as you guys are, the only good thing going for Canada at the moment is how close it is to America

Why do you have an inmigration minister, and why is he named ahmed hussen wtf?

>he deepthroats CBC non-sense
kys faggot

>tfw idiots think this means refugees
>tfw we're actually decreasing our intake of refugees and protected persons by 28%

>We aren't as batshit retarded as you guys are
How many times has your country used the military against animals again?

Twice if you count when we helped you out in the Middle East

What does that have to do with anything I said retard? Even if your chart is to be believed (which looks like it's from CBC itself so I don't know who the fuck you're saying is deepthroating CBC nonsense), that's just showing Canadians' views on INTEGRATION. I was talking about LEVELS OF IMMIGRATION

>We aren't as batshit retarded as you guys are
Such as?

>once naturalized
Problem is that most don't.

>300k doesn't seem like that much?

Consider this pyramid

Huh, never realized we had so many old farts

Our PM is less retarded and we have political parties that actually stand up for our people not just refugees

Its just stupid expensive, and the Obama reforms have spread the expense everywhere instead of concentrating it on the few sickfags. Got a health bill for a routine checkup for $250 and we have health insurance and I know there's more bills coming because my husband needed to go to a specialist. Fucking bullshit. Plus all those people who got shot out of network are in the news because their health insurance won't cover it. Plus my parents have to drive to Canada to get my brother's medicine (at 1/10 the cost of USA).

also you have a nicer climate to live in and nice beaches

Nobody even knows who your PM is.

Got to admit that Turnbull is pretty brilliant PM.
fuck canada

>The point was why would canadians want to be relevant if it would lower their living standards

It doesn't need to though, its not like any of USA's flaws happen because we are too big.

Shut up leafless Canada. You're just jealous we have a leaf and you don't.

>America has a low standard of living
this meme has got to stop
Only the bottom 1% live badly

>its not like any of USA's flaws happen because we are too big.
>too big

>only 1%
Jesus Christ man if you're gonna make shit up at least pretend to pick something even remotely believable.

His personal story is real impressive desu

just get it over with already
beckon in the chicano century

haha ebin :DDDD


Can I immigrate to Canada and live a comfy life growing wheat or rapeseed or whatever the fuck you grow there if I have a degree in Agriculture and turboautism?
>57% of Canadians want fewer immigrants and refugees
Suicide is always an option for you

Take it from a guy who is currently working and studying with french immigrants and also has a friend working in the Canadian center for prevention against radicalization, those 300k are mostly going to be refugees. All the french students and workers I've dealt with only had temporary visa and were forced to go back at some point. The gov doesn't want european immigration, they want Chinese investors, Indian engineers as well as African and middle-eastern factory workers.

>those 300k are mostly going to be refugees.
They aren't

I think the 300k is not even counting the "temporary" visas

wanna bet?

Let's wait and see

oh? how many refugee's did we take in 2016?

It literally only refers to economic immigrants and family reunification immigrants. Study visas, refugees, temp. workers etc. aren't counted in that figure.

Refugees aren't even a part of the 300,000 figure. It's unrelated.

46,700, the most since 1980. You know it's too many refugees when the UN is proud of Canada.

Every. Thread. Is. About. US.

Our population is like 35million though.

>only refers to economic immigrants and family reunification immigrants
God dammit. So we can expect Ahmed's 3 wives and 12 kids to be a good part of those 300k

>46,700, the most since 1980
so, since you imply that most of our 300k immigrants are going to be refugees, that means that the number of refugees entering Canada next year will be at least 150 000, over 3 times our highest refugee intake since 1980?
that sounds a bit off, pal

No, because those reunifications are classed as refugees as well. We have quite a way of accounting for refugees here :^)

Never implied that brainlet

>No, because those reunifications are classed as refugees
And where exactly can I confirm that statement?

>Never implied that
>those 300k are mostly going to be refugees
you clearly stated that most of our immigration will be refugees

those two posts are from different anons
>Refugees in Canada seeking to reunite with immediate family members overseas face very long processing delays.
>They seek reunification through:
>Dependants of refugees (DR2s) category (for people who were accepted as refugees in Canada, or
>One Year Window applications (for people who were resettled to Canada as refugees).
It's a refugee shill website complaining that refugee family reunifications aren't the same as regular family reuinifications.

>links someone else's post
If you can't follow a convo here it's not my fault :^)


I'm choosing between Canada and Spain to move temporarily in order to attend college, but I don't buy into this multicultural thing. How bad the situation is?


Won't really affect you beyond having to see nigs, pajeets, or chinks in school. Proportions of each vary depending on where you go.

>it requires expansion

No it doesn't, fuck off

Ah yes it makes perfect sense for 3 cities and their surrounding areas to get 99% of the immigrants while we have empty wastelands in the rest of the country

Too bad for you, no matter what you pick, you'll still end up in the foreign student dorm where the Tyrone, Ahmed and Pajeet are a majority


>they didn't stop the boats

I'm honestly relieved that all my province's immigrants stays concentrated in Montreal.

Stay mad faggot, Canada's our colony now.