Hi Sup Forums - real life psychiatrist to help you with all your mental health questions... are you psychotic...

hi Sup Forums - real life psychiatrist to help you with all your mental health questions... are you psychotic? depressed? ask me anything

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Why do I enjoy anime so much? 37 m 60k a year. But I love anime.

Can you donate 1k monthly pls

I texted my former lover on her birthday yesterday when I was drunk to say happy birthday.
I’ve been avoiding her for a long time, she recently moved to my town for studies.
Havent seen her in two years and id rather not.
I asked her to meet me sometime next week.
whats wrong with me?

Yeah Why


I forgot to add 'me'

how sad if thats the reason

Sometimes when I've driving to and from work I get the urge to steer the car off the road and into a pole.

hey doc
i keep trying to be a nice guy by whatever subjective perspective i have.

why am i constantly disappointed in people and myself for being passively evil.

How is it half of the people i know think im "the nicest guy" and the other half seem to think im "dark as fuck", why do i use this as a metric to justify the people i trust.

why is my cry for help manifest in attempting to help others?

how can i come to terms with the world without losing touch with every bit of empathy i have left?

Can you explain the choice of your picture that you posted?

Why isn't sociopathy in the dsm

Yes. Please brainwash me. Tell me how to be "normal"

Why would u think there's anything wrong with you?


There was this girl I went out with for just over a year, I was her first, and she moved away to another country. Two years later she still sometimes texts me, still a bit sentimental like.
More recently she'd go all cold and rude, which is rather upsetting due to how nice a person she used to be. There's been quite low points in my life in that period where she'd text me all nice and friendly, luring me into a false sense of security and love and affection and then make these really nasty mocking jibes. I'm out of that point, life has moved on, I'm fine and everything.
But her? This mean and malicious behaviour genuinely confuses me. Any comment/observations on this?

is it malicious? or is it miscommunication, do you have an example?

perhaps she feels she lacks emotional closure as well, doesnt know how to handle that and so erratically acts out to illicit an equally erratic response? could also be that she changed into more of a bitch

Every psychiatrist went into it to try and solve their own problems, so what did you try to solve OP? Was it your massive faggotry? Because you failed.

I'm not entirely sure, I guess I've always been trying to move on from her so I never really tried to analyse it too much.

As for emotional closure I was going to say, 'probably not', she has before said to me that she's had sex with seven men (compared to my lovely 2 women, including her), but when I think about it, we talked fairly well every single night, usually on the phone, just talking about our day and whatever the hell else.
In contrast she now lives in American trashy college culture where relationships are often flimsy, and she had this boyfriend she was cheating on, and when she confessed (at my insistence), it turned out he was also cheating on her.

So hell maybe it is something like that. She does seem to have turned into quite a bitch.

Any particularly upsetting examples are far too personal to be giving here honestly.

I think I suffer from hubris/delusions of grandeur. As soon as I start doing well in life, I become very complacent and fuck up shortly after. I'm getting tired of living in this cycle.

I have an anti-social personality disorder and have been a naughty boy because of it (court-appointed shrink diagnosed me), what would you prescribe for my condition you lying piece of shit?

>Panic attacks since 1 1/2 Years
>General anxiousness since forever
>Was depressed and suicidal in my teenage years
>Alcohol misuse since 10 Years

The first two got drastically better since I started taking the antidepressant Sertralin recently and we will increase the dose.

>Increased stress at work caused me to get close to a burnout
>Increased my alcohol problem
>Currently I'm off of work and just laying around in bed, drinking some in the evening

My employer knows about my problems and it's ok for him if I don't show up for work for a while because they are insured for that case.
Now I have the chance to really do something, since I've got some time off for free from my employer. But I struggle to find the right therapy for me.
Do you have any recommendations. I am a little affraid of long (1 Month) stationary therapies especially when you are often in groups and have a tight schedule. I'm currently looking in to the possibility for an ambulatory alcohol withdrawal therapy at a clinic as a first step.

Do you happen to have any recommendations for me?

sup psych user
I have a diaper fetish. As in; it turns me on sexually to wear them etc.
It doesn't affect my regular life all that much, but I can't fully stop. Every so often the 'urge' becomes unbearable, fapping won't give me a clear mind anymore and I just have to act it out anymore. Also somewhat oedipal tendencies add to my enjoyment of it. Specifically not my actual mother, but women acting out that role (or whom I choose to imagine playing that role) make my dick even more diamonds.
I can't imagine my life without it honestly; but do you have any experience with this shit in general, and the efficacy of methods to stop?
Otherwise, mental health tips regarding continuing this in a psychologically healthy way would be welcome.

Attached: im feelin great.jpg (420x470, 44K)

user here

have you ever heard of the sinclair method /bro?

hi Sup Forums - real fake life psychiatrist to help you with all your mental health questions... are you psychic? Undepressed? ask me about my weinier.

No, I'm just reading into it now. Sound interesting and promising, thanks for the tip!

It's the reddit spacing, a healthy dose of suicide should be prescribed

I want to beat my ef gfs ass for not even giving me a chance to work on myself. I supported that dumb bitch when she was self harming and alcoholic. Do you think I should give women the big middle finger and focus on self betterment? Also should I talk to this hoe ever again? Ive currently been no contact for a week. We broke up like 9 days ago

I've been really depressed since the death of someone super close to me in feb 14. lost job, etc etc. My question is, now that i am doing better, i wonder if adderall made me psychotic in a way. I started taking 30mg instant release pills for weight loss, then also to perform better, stay awake longer for different things.

i started to feel like certain things in my life were maybe not real. Like i'd have thoughts about my ex being completely made up in my mind like in "a beautiful mind"

then when i'd miss her really bad or needed to get motivated to get shit done, i'd picture her on the side of my vision. or riding shotgun on my suv. i knew she wasn't there, but i felt really really like "letting go" of that notion that she wasn't real and wanted to just start talking to her and making her "more real". when i broke up with her in april i felt like i lost what drove me to be better.

did adderrall do this to me? i recently quit it, maybe 2 weeks ago.

all good my friend.

the trick im told is to *keep* drinking when they prescribe the blockers so as the system learns when not to give a reward. apparently a lot of the treatment providers are claiming amazing results from just the medication but its not really how the method is supposed to work

fuck reddit.

its more like a general lack of IQ and it helps me construe my thoughts without actually having to develop any skill in phrasing or sentencing structure

its also manageably understood even by the intellectually superior such as yourself

theres an elegant simplicity to simplicity

focus on yourself first, eventually you will attract someone who will be worthy for what you are growing into being.

if you focus on improving others, theyll just leave when theyre better off and youre still the same shitty person having grown very little in that time

Thanks doctor. Thats what i’ll do. Started kickboxing again, been working more, focusing on school. Fucking women, they’re all selfish in college.

Peace Doctor, you’re a good user.

Have u tried dealing with your childhood trauma?

that sounds like it may be potentially related.

sounds like theres some unresolved issues relating to that relationship.

have you got access to a professional to talk to about this?

Perhaps having a talk to your physician about adjusting the dosage or medication to something that feels more natural to you.

Possibly develop "mental benchmarks" for you to keep a grip on things. Create a set of mantras to focus on, or create a specific point of focus for conscious meditation somewhat akin to the notion of a token in inception. Use it as a method to centre yourself and to breathe become mindful again.

Doubtful and horseshit advice. He should figure out why relationships are the bane of his miserable existence

How much time and money did it cost you to become a psychiatrist and why did you choose to do it?

you too /bro

Fuck em' for now, until they start to prove themselves as an equal, dont bother pandering to those who arent worth the time

when things are right, you'll know. Just keep grinding, your on the right track

well done, keep it up. The better you are the better those around you are by default.

isnt that exactly what i said without an edgy pessimistic tone?

OP has left that chat trips

it's only user now

No. That's not what you did

I've seen a man get hit by a car and he went flying smashing his head open on the road and spilling his literal brains on the road. You'd think I'd be shocked but I felt nothing, no Adrenalin or fear or anything like it was just nothing. I also watch rekt threads on Sup Forums and /gif/ daily and feel the same about the horrible way people are either murdered or die for various reasons. Idk what that makes me but it surely can't be normal. Diagnose me OP

I had a goal for >5 years to get a sought-after and exclusive job. I achieved my goal, but now I don't know what to do. I enjoy my job a lot, but I feel like I'm less happy now than when I was trying to achieve my goal.

What should I do?

If I'm riding passenger I have violent thoughts about killing the person driving for some reason. I don't think like that all the time but it's weird

you should probably also focus on yourself for a while.

tends to be good advice.

hope youre ok user

seems like a trigger motivation.
Reward from shock value, created a habit that slowly gets less shocking. nows theres no reward.

Or potentially something that should be called RepetitiveTSD.

Tell me about what you think it is, that might help?

Again, not doc, just user

Hey there doc, my mom tried to commit suicide when I was 7 yo, since then I've been having periods of time where I couldn't get some good sleeps for about two months (usually when I was between 12 and 15). Since two years (I'm 20 btw) I've been having this anxiety feeling getting worse to the point where I have to walk out of class to get inside a bathroom to cry and try to calmn myself down. Usually these episodes starts with a chest pain, a difficult to breath, like I can't or I just forgot how to do it properly, urges to cry and start to feel cold in my hands and legs. Lastly, my ex gf just left me two months ago, and since then the anxiety has gotten even worse. I've had a nightmare with her and since then I haven't had a good sleep. My therapist said that I'm depressive and have general anxiety, she also said that I should go to a psychiatrist but I'm scared of it. (I'm sorry if couldn't get myself clear, english's not my mother tongue)

Build a bigger mousetrap

Set another set of goals to work towards, always maintain an active goal of improvement in a new skill or an old one.

Stagnation is the enemy. Nothing "great" ever happened with "good enough"

25 m
Had a girlfirend 6/10 for about 2 years
Every time i tried to penetrate her i lost my erection on the spot
Have no problem when im masturbatimg or watching porn
Doctors told me to man up and that its psychological
Help im scared of getting a gf again (im a fitness model 8-9/10 and that makes it even worse)

Oh, also, I'm actually a social inept and since my gf left me I've been having trouble trying to talk to people. Anxiety racks up and I start to feel nauseous and just want to avoid any contact with people. And places with loud noises and a lot of people are things that make my anxiety to increase.

>are you psychotic? depressed?
Paranoid schizophrenic
>ask me anything
Was math invented or discovered?

Perhaps seek some real world help.

Its ok, its normal for thoughts to venture to macabre. But if it becomes a symptomatic problem or you start questioning how bad it would be, then its time to talk to someone and get a feeling of why.

Driving and passenger implies you have control of the end of someones life as well as your own.

Suicide can come from feeling a lack of control, murder/suicide is a tempting measure of control for a final act.

Not a doc

Whats your thoughts on this??

More info

The indecent with the man that was run over happend when I was 19 before I'd ever gone on Sup Forums or wanted to look up death videos. I started lurking when I was 22 and found that rekt threads were a thing and since then I can't stop watching them. I dunno about
>trigger motivation
Because I'm not sure what it means coud you explain OP?

6/10? are you not attracted to her? do you have a preconception of her being "tainted" by something?

what about handjobs or oral? is it just penetration.

>least manly profession on the planet said "man up"

img source?

Go and see the psychiatrist. What harm do you see coming from that?

They are there exactly for this. There a numerous treatments for anxiety, we just need to work out what is right for you.

This is the path to feeling better, even if you decide this kind of help isn't for you, at least you'll know for sure after you try.


Attached: taytaybonk.gif (500x295, 377K)

O waw i just checked the posts most of you are pathetic losers my mom that my sister that you just cant live with a mild depression or something which literally has no physical manifestilation in your lives unlike mine :(((

Interpreted and codified from observations of natural serendipity

"more than one" has existed in every animal language beyond simple life.
We have simply added more "more than ones" and agreed as language evolved.

Not really a chicken or the egg question.
Me to user

Sounds like the only thing youre worried about is not being worried.

You know youre not as bad as the environment you built around you.

How do you feel about yourself? are you at ease with who you are?

I don't event know. I feel like I'm scared of being rejected for having a mental illness. And going to a psych it's kind of hard for me, acknowledging that I'm really not "normal" and that people might find me weird or odd (inb4 people had called me that but now I feel like there's a real meaning behind that). And also, I don't want to take meds for it.

Hey bro

Doc left, this is user.

Perhaps this is something you should seek help with.

What do you associate with the diapers, is it scatalogical. Is it an infantalism kick?

What was your relationship like with your dad?

Is this a product of an environment you created or one that you found yourself growing into?

I don't have a problem with myself or the way that I live. I have active friends and don't have any weird violent thoughts, from the way I see it I'm a perfectly normal functioning human that just happens to not feel anything about death. I've never been depressed and don't have any other mental illness that have been diagnosed. Because before now I've never had any mental red flags aside from this one.
>Sounds like the only thing youre worried about is not being worried.
That's a great way to put it because suerly this isn't something to ignore.
>You know youre not as bad as the environment you built around you.
I don't understand

its ok user.

Lashing out is fine.

But you need to speak about what the issue is as well sometime, that way we can work on it.

Not attracted to her but i though its gonna be a good experience because I was a virgin.
She dint give blowjobs she did not know how i did cum from a handjob on 2 different occasions.
Quick info about me which might have something to do but it i cant help it
Father divorced mothercwhen i was 3 had many different marrigies after that i have 6 siblings
I was tortured by my second dad when i was 7 till like 9
Watched my grandfather get assassinated when i was 6
My entire family is very successfull with each member of it achieving 7 figures without having anything to do with each other
(Father doctor ceo of a hospital mother doctor ceo of a different hospital aunt real estate owner other aunt movie producer grandparents engineers and were part of the biggest oil trading companies
Sooo yea even ifcits because im scared to end up like my dad i cant wait to be like 35 to have sex so i can support a family

No no no, get that out of your head. The myth is that theres anyone out there in society who is well adjusted.

Show me a well adjusted person to a society like this and ill show you the same person is insane for thinking "everything is ok"

Everything is fucked, but we have to make it better.

The good people are the ones who know they need work. Theyre also the only ones working on themselves.

The mind is a muscle, you have to work on it as well. no shame in that.

If you are stronger in yourself, you are stronger for life, theres no real downside unless you admit to being dangerous.

when you see a dude cut off a head, it can be calming to know that they're the real monsters.

No nothing wrong with feeling no empathy to things that dont really affect you.

Humans are shit, most of them wouldn't change their most basic of habits if it meant people didnt die.

Socially speaking so long as you dont do the killing you're in the clear. Its only a symtomatic problem if you fixate or fantasise and derive pleasure or a compulsion towards it.

Can't deny what you're saying. I think I'll have to grow a pair and go to the psychiatrist. It's pretty tiresome to live with this. And even if I don't want to get on medication, I'll find something to hold onto it and keep getting better. Thanks my man.

When i was a kid like 12 i used to jerk off with other kids on summer camps without problems or we would "play" with the girls and touch eachother and i was super hard but right now thats not the case

i have schizophrenia how do i know if im psychotic?

Didnt live up to the hype?

It's something that comes with development, and connection. Sex is a practiced skill, and performance art between people to a degree, it takes a few rehearsals to find what kind of role you want to play or if you have chemistry on stage.

But jumping in deep with a pro early on is also not the most attractive thing..

Is it a wife? that thing has to kiss your kids someday, so its hard to be your most depraved self.

Theres so many factors to all of it. How much of this stems from the issues with you father? how closely related do you think it is?

>when you see a dude cut off a head, it can be calming to know that they're the real monsters.
I never think that far ahead when watching videos like that

I decided to tell my closest friend what I witnessed, how I felt and what I do now and he didn't seem to think it was weird. Or he's just not saying anything about it to my face, though he seemed sincere. If I'm ever asked about it I won't lie about how I fell because I like to be transparent about my feelings because lying just causes problems.

I think I have an issue with motivation/ambition.

I have no goals, i dont know what to do with my life, it seems like everyone else is growing but me. As if as I'm an observer of life instead of an active participant. At the same time I dont really mind, but I'm afraid I'll regret wasting my time when I'm older.

I dont want to waste my potential, but I cant figure out how to get off my ass when there is no motivation. (I also procrastinate a lot).

>What do you associate with the diapers, is it scatalogical. Is it an infantalism kick?
it's infantilism and taboo, mostly

relationship with my dad was and is good. no weird shit happened when I was growing up.

>Is this a product of an environment you created or one that you found yourself growing into?
Psychologically I think it has to be both. I've personally only been able to observe the latter though.

Medication is not for everyone.

Depression is a hard habit to stop feeding, but just keep choosing to consciously move forward and eventually you will be further ahead than you were before

If they try to force you onto it or they arent giving you the treatment you feel like you need, ask for a recommendation or walk away.

The only medicine we will take is that we think we need.

The only love we accept is the love we think we deserve.

You deserve love my man. Love yourself.

Youve got this bro


old dick syndrome.

recommend exploring your inner freak.

You've stop "exploring" those things you didnt know

No not yet. My psychiatrist is more focused on my alcohol issue and I also have the feeling that we do not really trust each other in some way. Yet I wold like to talk about the things from my childhood, at the end I think they are the root cause for all my other issues

I empathize a lot with the description of schizoids and deal with some depressive like symptoms (low energy, low motivation, low self esteem). Would therapy help me pull my shit together?

It might sound cheesy lol, but hey, sometimes we just want to hear shit like this.

Thanks user. Gonna try my best. You too keep safe. Godspeed.

Ok thanks. I always appreciate advice from retards

Talk to people from around different environments, talk to a professional it doesn't hurt if theres no problem and if there is, youre in the right place to fix it..

How do you feel? is it causing problems for you?

talk to more people about it.

Rotten was popular for a reason. if the world is made of freaks, is it wrong to be freaky?

I dont think youre weird.

How to very fix low self esteem?
I consider myself worse than the worst criminal, worse than a dog, not worthy of breathing the same air as others and deserving eternal enslavement with no respite.
Believe every day, every hour, even second I live is on borrowed time. I don't deserve it, so the fact that I am not dead and still alive makes me feel like a cheat and scum.
In fact, I have a hard time convincing myself to write this post since I would never seek any real help (do not think I'm worth the doctors' time). I feel extremely guilty for wasting your time now.

I have a strong automatic negative reaction to people (family) saying they love me, need me, care about me. Every time I hear something like this I cry inside that I drag them down with my person.

Not masochistic, I do not enjoy it. No clue what causes it, but it in turn causes lots of other problems (depression, indecisiveness, lack of initiative, backing away from arguments, no masculinity).

I actively refuse any help offered in this regard because I do not consider myself worthy of it. I'm not worthy of a normal dignified life. I deserve everything worst.

Am I a lost cause? What do?

You're not helping anyone. Depression is a symptom of something else. Probably childhood trauma. Just saying "be happy" don't fix shit. What if you just said it ok to be miserable? When we reach eternal nothingness we will know how we lived our lives doesn't matter

It's been constructive OP, will seek help with a prof

I mean obviously it comes with practice bro i had this girl in every position possible and im hard but at the moment i try to penetrate her im soft i even tried viagra or that other thing it still did not work
Nah i dont want a wife i wanna have sex i dont want kids either
I dont talk with my father havent done so in years im just scared that if i get a hot gf now i wont be able to get hard just as with her
Dont get me wrong but honestly i had so much experience with that girl like literally i would try it every other day for like 2 years and i just couldnt do it ofc she was taking it because she wont ever date a guy who looks like me ever again buti just gave up at one point and broke up with her.
Too bad looks like ill be jacking off for the rest of my life while literally 9s and 10s are teasing me that im gay that im not paying attention to them

Wow. Who molested you? Your parents?

do you have vices?

Given a choice what do you want and why dont you feel like you deserve a part of it?

When you accept you deserve to chase your dreams and theyre what you want, im sure youll have no issues chasing them.

Where do you want to be, how will you get there?

Visualise it, write it down, Break it into steps and manifest that shit

You are worth it. Theres nothing silly about using your life to achieve what you want

spent much time actually changing diapers?? that could be a good wind down..

remember diapers are crying babies and feces.

naturally, just free association to see if anything stood out in particular.

this is out of my league as an user, if youre worried seek pro help but im happy to talk?

I may have a crush on my professor.

I say "may" because I'm still kind of undershirt as to what kind of love it is. He's not exactly what you would call a hunk. Rather, I think it has more so to do with the fact that he's a really intelligent and caring man. He has several degrees in various sciences, including Biology and Chemistry, has a loving family and is pretty well off (he collects lots of war antiques like blades and canons), yet he's always been super approachable and friendly whenever I've spoken to him.

I think what it comes down to is that I see him as the idealized projection of my future; he's everything I've ever wanted to be and more. Problem is, I'm unsure as to how to deal with these feelings. I can't just blurt it out, because I will likely get expelled (and also potentially get him fired). I just want to find a way to cope with how I feel or come to some kind of resolution on it.

if you can logically argue a single point and show me where im wrong. ill send you a pic of me sucking my own dick.

Theyre platitudes, but why dont you deserve to be happy too?

You replied to me, the one with depression and anxiety lol. I know that dude, I mean, what's even the point so I just try my best even tho I know that sometimes I just feel miserable. I do keep in mind that "Everything is good" is such a toxic and stupid idea to hang on to, so I just do what I have to do to feel a little more comfortable with me and the shit I'm going through. Going to therapy and trying to focus on myself. I'm not saying that this will be fixed in the month that'll come or with just a "positive" attitude everything will be alright. Tbh I don't give a fuck about all of that. I just want to be calmn with myself even if I can't fix this in the long term. Learn to be alone again, and learn to live with the anxiety.

You will only accept the love you feel you deserve.

Do you understand what that saying means?

You are not capable of letting yourself be a human and feel like a human until you allow yourself and choose to be free.

user, im hurting too and thats ok, its natural

Would it hurt your circumstance to try?

surely finding out either way is a forward step?

Ensure any treatment is right for you, if theres no progress adjust the treatment until you find what works for you.
Doesn't hurt to try and fix broken things

There's no way to find out. I hope no one.

I'm the only one at fault for my situation, I will blame nobody else for it. Not even hypothetically.

Op i suffer from depression and when it gets deep i have anxiety and all. I take magnesium and breathe, think of good things but still feel worthless.

I have changed jobs many times. Currently i am a manager at a major corporation and feel like im useless so looking to leave. What you got for me?

No, youre activly choosing to sulk instead of choosing to try.

its hard and uncomfortable and doesnt feel good. At least feeding depression you feel you have control. but you dont.

If youre not choosing to try, your choosing to fail by default. if thats the case its whose fault is it, the worlds or yours.

Grow up, pessimism isnt realism and it helps nothing and no one

How do i trick my husband into getting me off more than twice a year?