In less than an hour, I'm going to lay on my side...

In less than an hour, I'm going to lay on my side. A soccer player wearing a pair of steel toed boots is going to kick me in stomach with a running start. Then, while I'm recovering, gets to do the same to my lower back.

How do I lessen the impact? Do I tense up my abs? How do I breath? What's the worst damage he can do?

Attached: kick_comic_boot_boom_ss.jpg (500x500, 32K)

Any advice appreciated

live stream it whatever you do.

tense your abs, slow and longs breaths


I'm sure someone will film it. Thank you for the advice.

It's a long story. I'd rather just get advice.

Ok, wish me luck. Tense abs, slow breathing.

Stop cock teasing give us the story

If this is cock teasing you're sick. I cheated on my girlfriend. She broke up with me. She has a new boyfriend, I desperately need a job and he can hire me. However, he wants me to do this and I can start working after I recover from any injury. I know you're going to tell me to sue or some shit. That's not how we do.

Tense abs is wrong. That will just cause all of the force to go right into your organs. You want a full deep breath, then exhale the air as you get kicked. This redirects much of the force into compressing the air as it leaves your chest and lessens the energy directed into your organs. It's precisely what they teach boxers and martial artists for receiving body blows.

That said, a running start with steel tie boots from a strong leg will probably cause massive internal hemmoraging and/or organ rupture. You will very likely end up in the hospital.

As did the kick to your back, if he hits your spine you could get paralyzed. If he hits a kidney, it may rupture or shut down.

In short, going through with this is a profoundly stupid idea and you'll likely end up in the hospital with permanent damage.

Also, I'm freaking out here. If anyone has advice other than don't do it, that would be appreciated. If anyone has realistic ideas about potential injuries I'm facing, let me know that too.

Thank you for this info.

If he's doing it to see if you have the stones (and then doesnt actually go full force), that's one thing.

If he actually had any reason to hurt you, your gonna need very good insurance... And as I said, you'll probably suffer permanent (potentially life threatening) damage.

The one to the back will do much more damage. Get drunk first

He doesn't want to hire me but I asked him what price and he said this.


Why thre back?

Oh, and if he misses and hits your ribs instead, you could be looking at cracked or broken ribs (which in turn can pierce your lungs or heart). Truthfully, the chest kick is probably a safer bet statistically, but nearly guarantees at least cracked ribs (very painful recovery). If he lands right over your heart, severe coronary swelling/damage could kill you.

Not even close to worth it.
He's gotta be fucking with you.
And after he does it and says "I changed my mind" you're gonna feel like ass in the hospital, peeing into a bag.

Safer but pierced lung or heart. Fuck.

He won't change his mind but it's physical labor. If it takes time to recover that'll be bad.

I was thinking this would be like pulled muscles in my back and getting my air knocked out with a chance of serious injury.

He's on his way over.

Hardly. If he means to hurt you, a running start and the steel toed boots are gonna put you in the hospital almost guaranteed. If you're extremely lucky, all it will be is massive internal bleeding/bruising and a bruised kidney. That's the best case scenario. Still looking at weeks to months out of commission.

Worst case is broken spine, wheelchair for life.

2nd worse case is dead (not entirely unlikely.)

Again, supremely bad idea to go through with this. I sincerely hope you're larping. If not, I hope your nurses are hot.

He's here. Thank you. Signing out.

oh shit

Spreading the impact across as much of the body as possible is the way to handle extreme damage. You want him to kick you with his laces rather than his toe.

Also you want to lie close to the fetal position with your knees up and stomach in. This will mean that you hopefully will get less impact because the swing of the leg will be over reaching.

The shot to the back is the problematic one. You need to try and take as much of it on your butt as possible. Spinal injuries are no joke.

Tensing muscles isnt going to help that much for the kick to the back. Remember, the more flesh between your organs and the kick, the better.

This is definitely fake but okay

Why would he hire someone who has just had the shit kicked out of them?

Plot twist; guy is just gonna put the boots to OP to please his new girlfriend. He ain't gonna hire some gimp, and anyone worth their salt wouldn't put a dude your gf loved in the mix again, even if he gets his ass stomped.

OP is probably a Mexican. And he's just gonna get crushed for nothing. Kek.

Attached: 1570331282621.png (640x754, 530K)

He's not hired until or unless he recovers, if I understand right.

>he wants me to do this and I can start working after I recover from any injury
permanent injury is what you're looking at, if not death from internal bleeding.

Advice - don't do it:
it will possibly kill you.
Harry Houdini believed he could withstand an abdominal punch from anybody, but he was killed by a single punch.

A single kick to your abdomen, by a football player in steel toecap boots WILL cause severe injury at the very least. If that is followed by a similar kick to your back you will either die, or spend the rest of your life as a paraplegic invalid.

OP is dead or dying right now.
