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>take quality stop motion cartoon
>turn it into DUDE TRUMP LMAO
American """""""humor"""""""
Is... is it over? Is Drumpf finally finished?
Blompf btfo by the hilarious madman Colbert xD
donald trump raped and murdered a girl in 1990
Crumpht BTFO'd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to fucking choke anybody who uses this.
drumpf btfo how will he ever recover?
liberals amirite?
stop my sides can only take so much xD
How sustainable is Colbert at this rate?
Will viewers unironically still cheer and clap 3 years from now when he's still at this same shit?
Who are you talking to?
what is this faggot's obsession with trump?
haha, but seriously we can't let this man get his hands on the nuclear codes.
he prob doesnt care, he gets fed his material and their audience will eat it up
You raped your own sister yesterday
>wow, lying is easy
No one likes your meme president.
in all seriousness tho we cannot let him get a hold of the nuclear codes
What was his name again?
{{{They}}} made it work for 8 years of Bush and all he ever did was fuck up some words. I assume they can do the same with Trump.
They just ran jokes about Bush accidentally pronouncing a word wrong and were loved for it. Bush wasn't even that bad until the economy collapsed, but that was Clintons fault anyway
Donald Trump
>Implying every other site isn't just a neo-liberal to hard left echo chamber
Why would Americans do this to the leader of their own country?
And they should have ended it with Ivanka answering. That would have definitely got Trump to tweet about him, which is what he craves the most.
>Bush wasn't even that bad
What's the joke?
if anyone has to ask what the joke is you've generally failed
or you're a dense butthurt drumpf supporter
>Why would Americans do this to the leader of their own country?
We're a bunch of ornery fuckers. Hating whoever's in power is basically traditional.
Do people even know why they hate Trump or are they just lapping up what these "funny men" are spouting? It's weird to think him as the most hated president when he hasn't actually done anything bad. I mean at least Bush invaded Iraq.
donald trump is stupid!
the world is going to end! lol
i know because a comedian told me.
Guys, I voted for Trump, but I'm starting to regret it. It's been 4 months and he hasn't done anything for us. Hillary was right all along, we should have voted for her.
It's not that he's "done anything bad", he's just completely incompetent - can't pass a healthcare bill even with GOP control of both houses, can't pass an immigration bill without huge judicial flaws, his AG recused himself almost on day one, etc, etc...
Hillary got a arapist off with 2 months.
>>What's this? This can't be real or I would have heard about it before now.
>when he hasn't actually done anything at all
Fixed that for you. How was the plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days going again?
He lied about bringing coal back and my dad fell for it. He also cut aid to retired coal miners in the Appalachia region so his 1% buddies can get tax cuts.
Implying Sup Forums is any different
I'm sure people will vote democrat after they've obstructed Trump.
>hard left
Go away Mel Gibson, you're drunk.
Now that's the art of the deal. We needed her.
Can he even launch them cuz his hands are SO SMALL XD
You know disliking Trump =/= liking Clinton, yes?
That's exactly the point. It's all the same so don't try to act like you're some enlightened unbiased individual who's got it all figured out.
You don't get banned, shadowbanned, or have your posts literally hidden just for having unpopular opinions on Sup Forums.
>Iraq was a mistake
Say that to my dead brother you fucking can't
Are you saying it would have been a mistake if he were alive?
No, you just have thirty idiots yell SHILL SAGE KEK BLUEPILL REDDIT JEW.
So many of you idiots are going to look back in ten years at your fervor for Trump and cringe. You voted in a person stupider, more disgusting, and more selfish than the average Sup Forums shitposter. Let that sink in.
This country needs a shower
>hurr hillary is evil because she did her job durr
>not understanding our legal system at all
typical drooling retard trump supporter
>defending the war that got your brother killed
How cucked can one man be?
You're right, that would suggest someone is reading and checking your posts instead of shitposting, replying "shill" over and over and basically reducing whatever discussion existed to a screeching contest.
That's so much better, right?
>invade Iraq
>lose hundreds of lives
>Iraq is even more of a shithole than it was before
Wtf I want Drumpf impeached now
If people quote an unpopular opinion in mass droves, it actually drives more attention to it. The complete opposite of downvoting it to be hidden.
Or it's unironically too deep for you numale brain.
>Do people even know why they hate Trump
i hate him because he's a dumb, arrogant, obnoxious lout with the personality of a turd. i'm ok with him being the president of the US though.
>Repeated over and over
Nope. Even if it is fake
>go to Iraq
>BTFO Saddam and his entire sadistic crime
>spend the next 7 years stabilizing the region (much like we did with Germany, Japan and S. Korea)
>Michael Moore farts and cries
>Obongo gets elected
>Withdrawals troops
>Arms ISIS
>ISIS takes over Iraq and most of Syria
>Trump gets elected
>ISIS BTFO of Iraq within two months
>ISIS will be BTFO of Syria by next summer
>try to stabilize region again
This is the actual course of events. Hopefully the Democrats don't fuck it up again.
seriously, how do you fuck up healthcare when you control 2/3 of congress?
user, he has the worst personality in America to be handed Executive Power.
And he's lazy to boot.
A successful Hillary is worse than a Trump who can't get legislation passed.
College kids and manchild liberals literally get thier news from "comedy" shows. The hate Trump because he's portrayed by Jewish media as a cartoon Disney villain. Look at all of the Henry Potter wizard analogies they make.
>it actually drives more attention to it
Yeah, so everybody can keep memeing at it with little to no regard to its actual content. You're trying so, so hard to make (You)s a valuable discourse tool when they're really not.
>The complete opposite of downvoting it to be hidden.
>our shit is bad, but this shit is bad too, so it's okay
Nice logic there, lad. Enjoy your containment board.
>he ever did was fuck up some words.
And create the surveillance state
And get us unto a war under false pretences
And let 9/11 happen even though our government knew about it in advance
By no longer actually being a coherent party in any sense outside of the nominal.
>I dropped out of high school and spend my days in a trailer blaming liberals for my pathetic state.
>being this butthurt over simple observations
Trump was supposed to be the great comedy president, but these buttblasted cucks jumped the gun and drove all the jokes into ground before he was even elected. I'd wager most people are probably just sick of hearing about it now, watching Alec Baldwin's Trump skit and talking about grabbing pussy for the billionth time makes me nauseous
Paul Ryan
>shitposters make you opinion standout
>Henry Potter
high school dropouts and toothless rednecks literally are victims of poe's law, taking their political opinions from ironic bait that fooled them so hard they constructed their entire ideology around it
>confirms Sup Forums is filled with shitposters
I thought liberals were supposed to care about the underprivileged working class, not vilify them.
Remember when Max was a beta edgelord who'd do anything for shock value? Now he's doing cartoons for the Neo Colbert Report. I wasn't exactly his biggest fan, but that nigga sold out.
who the fuck is max
Shut up racist inbred retard, we are the resistance, we are the proletariat, we are going to destroy you capitalist bourgeois scum.
Mix Gilardi, the animator who does Colbert's Trump cartoons. He was big on YT a while back.
>>being this butthurt over simple observations
Why do leftists hate white people?
>If you don't support Trump then you're a liberal.
Democrats being obstructive
>I don't understand what neo-liberal means.
Here's a pro-tip, champ: If you're a capitalist then you're a neo-liberal. Pretty much the complete opposite of a leftist.
I'm not talking about the same sites, I'm broadly covering shit from Facebook and Reddit up to Tumblr and TheMarySue
>ignore the workers you fucked over with your stupid policies because you have migrants
>migrants get deported
8 years
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes. sage
They never had a plan in the first place and Obamacare has been effective in states that have taken the govt money to expand medicare. The GOP is going to have to concede that it's here to stay and it was a crafty bit of legislation that they only opposed, in the first place, because it gave them an easy rallying cry to get their base (who ironically benefit the most from ACA) out to vote in angry droves. Well, that and the fact that the Tea Party side of the GOP thought that they weren't gutting Obamacare enough and wouldn't go along.
They have no alternative. And, though Trump never came out and said it exactly, the only way to get what he's been suggesting (better health care at no cost to the individual) is Single Payer, which means raising taxes on the rich and that shit ain't happening.
Insurance companies are fine to keep the law intact too because it guarantees them fresh, working-age payers.
The Republicans will try to focus on tax reform, but I think people are going to lose their shit on that issue as well when they learn they'll only be saving hundreds annually while the 1% saves millions. Republican policies aren't only unpopular, the GOP is quickly learning that they're not feasible.
And Trump is a shit leader with no leverage. No one is going to fall in line behind him in either party or house.