What's your favorite part about Canada?

What's your favorite part about Canada?

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The country itself, excluding the politics and people

proximity to the USA

The way people speak up there. Also, Ontario above the UP


The methheads with their stupid shopping carts

Well it's a big place. There's something for everyone.
As a Canadian, I like this too.
Eh buddy.
What is your favorite poutine?
I wouldn't know.

Bagged milk.

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That I was born here.


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the losers who get ahead of you in traffic and drive at 45 because they're either high, senile, passive-aggressive assholes, or don't have a life with stuff in it they want to get to.

The parts outside of it, specifically the USA.

Unironically the weather.

Canafag here. Literally most shit people. We live on border of states and Americans are by far more polite. However, canadian pussy is better.

snow is the shit when you have interresting machines. I used to have a RWD and 4x4 Grand vitara, I'd spend hours drifting in the snow in the neighborhoods. I had an old snowmobile. I was really having a blast during winter, it became my favorite season. A nice crispy -30C too is nice sometimes when there's no wind and no snowfall, it really makes you appreciate the comfort or your home, or heat in general

>canadian pussy is better

really? Never tried american pussy

>If you don't like this country, you can GET OUT
- said no Canadian ever
Snow is so cozy.

Way too much effort in perfection. Canadian girls seem more confident.

Lays Ketchup chips. Universal healthcare. Dirty bitches like the dude from PEC posted

Bullshit. Not only do canadians use that phrase but they also tried to milk the "lock her up" phrase from dynamite trumps campaign days. Fucking stupid.

Lock him up.


americunt here, used to fish in Canada every summer with my dad when I was a kid through teen. Many examples of Canadians going out of their way to be helpful.

No experience with Canadian pussy, except in my imagination...

Traveled there quite a bit. I liked Banf, Vancouver island and the cadbury candy bars. Fucking hated the city Vancouver

Any 905/289 nudes

I'll get right into what this thread was meant for

Literally nothing. Cuckold shithole.

are you angry? who hurt you?

I was there in the 90s and you had pizza at Mcdonalds. Anybody else remember that?

lol select mcdonalds had pizza and it was GREAT fucking pizza too.

What’s wrong hun?

You can still get pizza at like 3 McD's in the US.


the fact I don't live there

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I was not even born back then, shit you're old!


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Why you no like Van?

pretty eyes

this kid grew up to do bad incest porn


It just seems like every other big dirty city to me. I guess I had too high of expectations. I like seattle more

Probably because it’s exactly like every other big dirty city.

it's not a dirty city. it has dirt, but its very contained (thanks to the 2010 winter olympics)

Do you guys have a bunch of leftover shit from the olympics? I drove through calgary and they still had the big ski jumps and some other stuff that just looked out of place.

>I like seattle more
so you're into heroine?

I'm a dummy heroin

well they completely redid the highway to whistler. used to be a death trap and now its 4 lanes wide and really fun to drive

that was like a $4 billion dollar upgrade

Limestoner if you’re on here lmk

Vancouver seems to have plenty of fuck ups too. I dont love seattle, I just find it a little better than vancouver. Im obly comparing them because they are geographicly close

Our experience went either way. Polite as hell or rude as fuck without much middle ground. Canadian rudeness is different though, very condescending and patronizing. The most polite people seem to be Americans who immigrated

My gf lives there

>this kid grew up to do bad incest porn

is there good incest porn

Lol. Isnt that what every loser says?

nothing i hate it here

The country to the north

The new burgers we have in the UK

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is it good?

As a Canadian myself, I can say with certainty that there is nothing of value here whatsoever.

what about all the mooses and the gooses?

How they are open minded about weed consumption

LOLE, they're useless.

you are

They have very polite border guards in my experience.

East Hastings is the greasiest stretch of street in all of canada

hi canada fag from 519, country is tight as hell and its not the states. Bunch of shiitters south of us. buddy doesn't even call smokes darts.

i lived right on main and pender

Whatever gulag we will be able to send King Cuck /The King of Woke to after the next federal election.


What did you expect?


donair in Nova Scotia

the american border

I think I was in Calgary and there was porn shops and drive thru liquor stores everywhere

I'd say the wilderness and lack of people once you go north a bit.

Pot is legal and our beer isn't like sex in a canoe. Fucking close to water.

the fact that weed is legal


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