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>Fox News in charge of writing headlines.

"Anti- racist Sportscenter anchor reassigned after GOP butthurt."

There, FTFY

>reassigned to a blog
>sh-she won

Good, she was insufferable. Still not watching that garbage.

Let's be honest

we'd all smash

>to a shitty website no one reads
>from primetime sportscenter


I keep seeing people say she was reassigned. Where's the official statement for her being reassigned? All I've seen are statements saying she's signed up with the online broadcast. Which, in this age of cord cutting, might actually be a win instead of a loss.

didn't say she won, said she was reassigned due to GOP butthurt.

Can you read?

mmm yea

I don't want her nigger aids desu

we did it, Sup Forums!

Let's be honest: Sup Forums couldn't handle the banter. She got under your skin.

>anti trump sports show host
im not sure if this is the best or the worst timeline

She is unironically one of the most openly racist people on American television. Definitely in the top 10 easily. Go fuck yourself.

Jemele has a lot of white in her, Looks like she even has green eyes. Shes kinda cute

Haha you polfags are triggered but you're always the first ones to talk shit about your ethnostate and day of rope.

Since when the hell does ESPN give a shit what the GOP thinks? What are you talking about? She's a shitty host that was shoe horned in because of affirmative action, drove ratings down because no one wanted to watch her ramble on about wypipo every day, the company was losing too much money because of it, she lost her job. Grow up.

With a baseball bat

>tfw she will never make you her white reparations cuck-slave

Anti-Racist is codeword for Anti-White

I hope your insane northern cousin kills you all

bye felicia

Funny thing is she won't learn a damn thing from this, if anything she'll double down and blame everyone except herself.


>Haha you porfags are tliggeled but you'le arways the filst ones to tark shit about youl ethnostate and day of lope.

That's a serviceman, not a gook
South Koreans would see our leftists and think they were fucking idiots

nah, no one really watches recap shows on a computer. they could just go to the leagues website and watch extended highlights there. old sc is more background tv viewing at best these days.

too much credit. serviceman? more like english teacher

It's not even a recap show.


>Anchor Jemele Hill is leaving SportsCenter to head to The Undefeated, ESPN's site about the intersection of sports, race and culture.

I will never stop laughng at white men who think they're being targeted by the "system" or whatever.

The days of when sports were sports and sportcenter was just sports sold the most money because a product that is sold should not be a political talk show either. Keep politics with politics. Sportcenter dug itself a grave.

How should we act? We are the global minority..... You're not by chance that dumb Obamaleaf that posted the cherry-picked graph are you? If so, I'd really like to meet up with you sometime and beat the fuck out of your soyboy ass.

they died when stuart scott passed away in my book. losing all the talent over the years and having them turn into a social justice shithole what killed them complete.y

it's insane. you'd think that affirmative action is a pervasive plague or that the average income of Sup Forums is $300,000. just another group of people obsessed with being the victim.

>reassigned after GOP butthurt.

No, she got reassigned because no one was watching her dumbass show.

She's a race-baiting fraud and I'm happy that she's failed. But that doesn't mean I think that society is out to get me.

>But that doesn't mean I think that society is out to get me.
Until you see the (((powers that be))) crowing about how great it is that whites are going extinct.

Just because they aren't going door-to-door with machetes (yet) doesn't meant that they aren't out to get you.

>responding to leafs



Let them try. White people are pretty good at race wars.

How will bl*cks recover?

please take my picture off Sup Forums

Think of all the things that get changed because leftist butthurt. Sucks doesn't it?


It has nothing to do with drumpf, she's a tiring shitshow of a host. Pure cancer

>literal who tries to start shit with the richest sports franchise in the world
>gets unequivocally btfo

Muh racism


This is not only racist, but sexist as well. smdh espn... smdh...

it didnt make sense for her to host SPORTSCenter.... she belongs on a politics show




>meet up with you sometime and beat the fuck out of your soyboy ass.
You can stay at my place on the condition you let me join you wreck that faggot

>Redo sports center to make it way more black

>Urban "cool" set, black lingo, jokes and black hosts

>Ratings absolutely plummet and look even worst because PTI is the lead in and it loses almost all of those viewers

anyone else remember when this website was funny?

I wouldn't. I can find better blacks in favelas by the dozens here.


even that guy posts here less than you

>hates white people
>"anti racist"

low IQ nigger detected

>smashing aunt jemima

i didnt know asians had a black mama fetish


thank god

People still watch E!SPN?

t. triggered gook

The only things I watch on E!SJW is live sports and 30 for 30s desu

If ESPN actually had any balls they would have fired her ass. But then they would have Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the rest of the niggers from the NAACP(Now apes are called people) all over them.


>this flood of leftie butthurt ITT

great thread

Look, all I know is that I want anyone who has ever uttered the phrase "fuck white people" to hang themselves. Is that so much to ask?

>The Undefeated, ESPN's site about the intersection of sports, race and culture.
>there are people who would actually watch this

upvoted :^)

>that shit in her teeth

no one does lmao, it's hemorrhaging money


they aren't being oppressed, they're trying to oppress others, who are trying to re-write our country's history because the real version hurts their feelings.

honestly with all her bullshit and the agenda and mmmmhmmmmm you go girl hot takes Im glad
maybe we will see a return to actual sports shows in a few years, hosted by actually funny white guys with stuff to say
but this does nothing to solve the real problem
>espn show format
>3 black guys talking over eachother while an out of touch white woman nervously laughs and tries to segue into the next section but keeps getting interrupted with "ohhhh not me son""awwww hell no back in my day we finna never ride dat bench""I see you shinin young blood"

the only thing to actually watch on tv are sports radio shows that they televise.
Golic and Wingo is GOAT and the dan patrick show is pretty good. I mean I think it would be fun to be a stephen A or kellerman or bayless and just yell stupid shit for millions of dollars but give it a break.

I will never stop laughing at Canadians as they are too stupid to realize they are losing their country to refugees and illegal aliens. I hope Trump manages to totally shut down the illegal alien system in the U.S. and deport them all. Maybe Canada can take them and enjoy having a bunch of idiots and criminals who will never amount to anything.

How's Trudeau's open door policy going so far, eh?

this is bait

>THEY are the ones trying to rewrite history
The irony of this considering what the far left had been doing to rile them up so bad.

nah nigga, suicide is for whitey and chinks

lmao look at this shook abo posting tumblr memes because a shite negress got booted off SC and back to ESPNBuzzfeed

Seems like you guys are losing this one and celebrating your own demise in most white countries

It won't be much longer now

First, SC6 loses half of PTI audience. Second, Nike may want ESPN to cater to urban black youth but old white men are the people who pay the $12 or so each month for ESPN. Disney, being idiots, forgot that. Also, I am sure that some network mouth breather is RIGHT NOW saying "I guess we need to get more white men. Lets find white southerners and put them on but this time with country music!" These are the people who try to rule over us.

I didn't feel worried about what she said because smart people know it's bullshit. But she made sports into racebaiting and she continued ruining a show I once enjoyed a lot. That's why I'm happy she's gone.

Legitimately made me laugh.


im not big into race wars and i dont visit pol at all, but you'd be ignorant to think its not coming and it wont be a good outcome for non white/asians

>sport had been cancelled
Always cracks me up.

do you even realise how sexist and raycist that is, xir?

was it the jews tho

>SJW faggots throwing bitch fits when the exact same thing they do gets turned on them

>reddit spacing
>using "FTFY" on Sup Forums
Oh my god, we've captured ourselves a reddit boy

>Since when the hell does ESPN give a shit what the GOP thinks?
Since they demoted an accomplished writer and TV personality for speaking out against our racist POTUS, why is everyone illiterate ITT

>Think of all the things that get changed because leftist butthurt.
Yeah, founded America, freed the slaves and created the 5-day work-week.

Isn't the Netherlands one of the most liberal countries in the world? Proxy harder.

>doesn't have an argument
>literally makes fun of spacing
>has never seen "ftfy" on Sup Forums

An autist AND a newfag, the rare two-fer.

>founding of America
>change promoted due to leftist butthurt

It's 7 in the morning and this is already the most retarded thing I'll read today.

>First, SC6 loses half of PTI audience
What's that? You mean old white guys don't want to watch the show hosted by two black writers? Could it be that they're not the same demographic at all? Nope, hurts muh brain muscle too much. Other show must just be bad. Cancel it (wait, they didn't cancel it, they just moved the one who called out white racism and left the other one on the air. HMM).

>Second... old white men are the people who pay the $12 or so each month for ESPN.
Pretty sure lots of people pay for ESPN, fuckstick, diversifying the audience is more money for everyone.

If you're about to tell me that the USA was founded by conservatives, please just stop right there and put a gun in your mouth.

lmao sent to the back of the bus