Characters you pretended to be. I was in sixth grade

Characters you pretended to be. I was in sixth grade.

Lol I could see edgy Junior high students identifying with Brendan. What a shit flick.

no dude it was so good when i was in 6th grade.

Maybe I should have watched it in sixth grade instead of senior year. I might have appreciated it more.

its everything i wanted to be

Were you also a fan of Death Note?

literally me

I prentended I was the Thunderfighter. Not the pilot but the spaceship. Patrolling the playground at recess, blasting the little kids, good times.
And fuck those X-wing kids fuck them right in the ass.

came here to post this

I still act like him


I was in 8th grade

it may have been a flick, but it was pure flickkino.

I was in preschool

Rian Johnson sucks

I was obsessed with Inspector gadget. I used to run around the culdesac wearing one of those generic red/blue caps with a spinner on top while trying to fly like him.

When I was in grade school I wanted to "lie in bed naked" with Penny


>merely pretending to be autistic

Step it up, famalam, pic related is who you should aspire to be.

Seventh Grade

me too iam 12

this x10