Hey everyone

Hey everyone,

I’m 23, grew grew up in an incredibly abusive home and am currently staying in a shelter.

Something that I have wanted to do for awhile now, but haven’t been able to, is finish my high school education. I feel that through being in a safe place and seeing a therapist, I’m now in a position where I can do it. Unfortunately, I’ve aged out of being able to attend school. In my state, the oldest they’ll accept you is 21. I’m currently filling out an application for an online school and they are requesting my birth certificate.

May someone please photoshop the pictures (I’ll upload one here and then upload only two more in the comments) so they have the year 1997 instead of 1995?

Thank you! It would mean so much!

Attached: 2C134594-EDD0-4659-991F-D39B620C0A81.jpg (454x83, 16K)

Attached: 29A9A597-1626-4B95-8568-F72B8C0F192D.jpg (623x92, 21K)

Attached: 55A8E678-9F54-4A1D-B20A-2FE3B880EA21.jpg (419x115, 13K)

wtf just get your ged like everyone else getting their life together


There are adult highschools you can also try community college. Some will accept you without a high school education.


You can get your GED whenever. Don't commit fraud, it's only going to fuck you over later.

good luck dumbfag

Attached: zzz.png (686x465, 133K)

Not too convincing.

nobody cares you worthless sack of shit. I hate you and I will be happy when you die you tax guzzling faggot

post more of the document with more numbers and an actual "7"

Faggot show proof

Attached: IMG_20181205_174307_01.jpg (2448x3264, 1.07M)

Let me know if there’s any other way I can help. Thank you!

Attached: 84604279-C82A-4D6E-8017-0656549302ED.jpg (165x177, 12K)

Interestingly enough, the doctor’s handwriting in the 15 is so bad that the 5 looks like a 7, so the year could be photoshopped in a fairly convincing way.


You fucking moron... That is a 7 learn how BCs work

Is this some pedo trying to get to a highschool?

Not your personal fraud army faggot. Find an adult education center and get GED.




Get your GED. It's effectively the same thing and has no age limit.


Hope you come through for the OP Sup Forumsrother

Even if you did get it photoshopped you'd be too dumb to finish school. We can tell by your retarded idea.


Get a GED you fucking faggot. No one here is going to commit fraud for you, officer.

You don’t speak for everyone.



Attached: vand.png (500x404, 99K)



Just get a GED retard


No wonder you didn't graduate. You're a potato.



Are pedo?


You are aware they can find this info elsewhere right? And you intentionally forging a government document is definitely going to be fraud, and you're gonna be far more abused in prison.

Just get your fuckin GED and go to community college, or get a trade job

A fraud charge when there is no financial loss?

"Fraudis generallydefined in thelaw as an intentional misrepresentation of material existing fact made by one person to another with knowledge of its falsity and for the purpose of inducing the other person to act, and upon which the other person relies with resulting injury or damage"

In this case, damage refers to the policies of the school being broken. Guaranteed theres a little check box at the end of the online form he's filling out that says "I agree all this information is correct", which would be a lie.

Get your GED my guy, why do you even want to go back to high school at 23?

There’s breaking the law and there’s also breaking the law. In other words, it’s illegal to steal an item from the Dollar Tree, but that doesn’t you act like it’s as serious as armed robbery because it’s both stealing.

Get real. The worst thing that will happen is that they’ll reject the document. That’s it.



get a ged wtf


Just tell them you’re from a foreign country and they’ll let you in and probably pass you, and let you behave as a third world peasant if you’d like without consequence

Remember we’re all the same, no better or worse

Unless you are white then you are worse

But also how the fuck do you fail high school


You don’t need to have the December date photoshopped. That’s from the bottom of the certificate and can easily be cut out.

I had nachos for dinner. I was going to have fajitas because I had leftover chicken, but then I saw some tortilla chips on the counter so I thought about nachos. Plus I was out of soft shells so I just decided to have nachos instead.

The fuck? Just get the GED. Its equivalent and can be used to attend legit college. That's what i did. Had to send in for a new birth certificate first though. Takes a few weeks so just chill til you get the certificate, then get your GED. If the recovery program could see me now theyd want me to speak in the rehab inpatient facility every fucking week

>Just get the GED. Its equivalent and can be used to attend legit college.

>be me
>have friend
>friend drops out of high school just to get away from a shitty home
>moves halfway across country
>hangs with legit college students
>find he likes this whole school thing
>gets GED
>a few years later, gets PhD, wife, kids, picket-fence life