What do you think about Satan?

What do you think about Satan?

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from my experience living on earth, i say he probably had a really good reason to rebel against god. i would be interested in an opportunity to meet him and learn more.

Same, also bump

I love the presents at Christmas


Cute fairytale to scare Christfags. Like the eternal boogeyman or something. He isn't the real bad guy, kind of like Anakin vs Obi-wan.

He is a p cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

I think I'm a pretty legit dude, it's not like I'm evil like not in the human sense. I was just the right guy for the job.

Probably a androgynous twink. Virgin Samael got thrown down from heaven by chad Michael.

bad guy, don't like him

he’s a larping faggot

he's a bretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

major uncool guy

you forget that satan is just a representation of a human form to make us easier to digest it or remember it but satan is not a person instead, satan is the act tha is in every men , the evil that men do,the opposite of good, that is satan, he will never come up from hell and meet men, he doestn excist instead the negative energyu to the extreme excist

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The bible isnt real so satan isnt real. wake up people

Every time it appeared in the old testament, it was at the behest of YHVH. The new testament refashioned it into some great evil thing. Just one more reason Christianity makes little sense.

No. You fucking wake up

Satan is more real than you and I, and he’s the demon who runs the evil in this world. God is going to destroy him and Lucifer knows his time is limited, so that’s why he’s trying to drag as many down with him as he can.

In the end, God is going to win

Seems like an alright guy.

He's responsible for a lot of good music

Imagine its backwards.. God is the evil one and Lucifer is the good one. That would be so silly.