Tell me something interesting about yourself!

Tell me something interesting about yourself!

Attached: Best Idol (416).jpg (981x1080, 284K)

Dolt douche bag Colbert needs pearl jam and worships custard and is nuts for Man foam.

Attached: 2hkxtUZ6CyoZET5Hg1lYEV18.png (290x219, 74K)

Fibber arse Colbert worshiPs NobSlurry.

Attached: n1fMaBKq0.png (355x349, 136K)

Megadouche Colbert loves dickhoney and loves loads and dEsires tadpoles

Attached: NowqSgH1q.png (550x550, 278K)

Windsucker Colbert needs erectoplasm and Delights in man period anD is smitten with love liquor

Attached: btxYVUo.png (394x402, 137K)

CocKsucker cockroach Colbert deLights in spunk

Attached: SKNF.png (461x485, 40K)

I actually love Pearl Jam


Attached: Best Idol (28).jpg (500x551, 268K)

Dolt Colbert iS nuts for crack wax.

Attached: 7VQXtXXg1WmN.png (240x240, 32K)

Fish git COlBerT needs diCKjelLY and is nuts for pube solvent and veneratEs dickpuddinG

Attached: FuIalPWF6pgIGIbGxG.png (591x602, 268K)

Twat assweed chickenfucKer Colbert loves hot milk and desires pube Solvent

Attached: qeTuumjHcXQtLbcI3Yq7owS.png (193x245, 70K)

Hypocrite con merchant Colbert worships hemulsion.

Attached: mf66YFYpOnrl4LUPcDGyFK80n.png (234x385, 126K)

BabY Colbert delights in loads and nEeds custard and desireS turkey spit.

Attached: X4Va98iDpYJS81WC8NpIdEajw.png (312x190, 73K)

FlAke cuntbitch Colbert is smitten with custard and desires lovE liquor

Attached: ttAQ9gpBIbJJDssSFq4jkORa3.png (229x229, 75K)

BoyfuCker IdioT Colbert is smitten with wank paste and Delights in male tears and needs spaff

Attached: V6lQMP6UOCN1d584TNEYj5rMvmb3piS1.png (585x439, 236K)

Im not actually who i tell everybody i am. And i have been living this way for almost 7 years now

MackerEl mutant snake Colbert desiRes baby batter.

Attached: pzbLGoRtTu7.png (461x486, 245K)

Stinkhole Rat shitter Colbert needs White light/white heat and is smitten with spraTz And loves white honey

Attached: 1Kn8ymQiTaITzLHFZ.png (269x270, 114K)

Chicken burdEn Colbert delights in dick jamba juice and worshIPs man period and is crazy aboUt wad

Attached: yjSBghVqL.png (234x392, 147K)

WhoRe fish animaL Colbert worships loads.

Attached: ixg0PKMYQc6q7nmeriV62g3KqWY6oO0s.png (289x295, 75K)

Then who are you?

Attached: 025570f4a64b77d8d1c41d202606c834.jpg (528x752, 340K)

Cousinfucker dodo neckBeard Colbert desires man seed.

Attached: BNI15aL473LtvRgJ9yYeEOchvC.png (585x439, 416K)

TreE Hugger iDiotist CoLbert deLights in weiner sauce and lovEs splashback.

Attached: FsntEaUcHr86UcaLn6E0xZjiuJOkQPiw.png (278x156, 28K)

Boozer ColbERt loves pearl jam and venerates hot milk and needs prick liquid.

Attached: DmZMWGpkGM.png (583x292, 217K)

HoseBag Colbert delights in man period and wOrships onwArd chrisTian soldiers and veneratEs cock snot

Attached: vwdcheqeo1UZLHwiayJVkcv.png (471x303, 270K)

Cuntzilla Colbert worshiPs loadS and needs nizzle-drizzle

Attached: dkIcIj4QFYhMi.png (278x185, 87K)

BirDbrain Colbert delights in nut butteR

Attached: vOmk6e0R64UPa9U7PY8WlpfYDf.png (227x263, 103K)

nice try glowguy

Skunkfucker mIssing Link Colbert lovEs hemulsion.

Attached: 3qnRmhCsqcFcr.png (339x238, 48K)

Why is your thread being spammed by an easily filtered bot?

Edgelord macKeRel toad Colbert idolizes scum And dElights in custArd and venerates spaff.

Attached: fcuHjBztwmlUoI1JIU7sxWN.png (460x462, 281K)

Reject sheepfucker cow Colbert adores cock snot and worships waNk paste and is crazy about lIve cultuRes.

Attached: WwFn41Ll7N1247j9am.png (590x334, 156K)

Pissface CoLBert needs prick liquid and is sMitten with fAce cream

Attached: glfmyZKsRP228ODgkKfVIXKPy.png (383x390, 174K)

Cunt slAve Colbert is crazy abouT spunk and delights in high fructose porn syrup and desires slime.

Attached: Jg8iD1RFEE6AZFR9tA2kpm0Tdv.png (593x543, 233K)

Shitehawk cunt shit stain COlbert Is crazy aBout splashback

Attached: x2cSQ7Zxkczj81cXw9JawlmL4nLlsr8cJN1.png (315x211, 68K)

A man in hiding. Witness protection

Cockfucker WreTch COlbeRT idolizes TurkEy spit

Attached: 7iAMdXMMtbs4d.png (537x537, 343K)

Attached: MsqqniBl6BIhX5M4pb6losPq.png (168x126, 44K)

Retard Colbert is nuts for loads and is crazy about oil of man.

Attached: dwGXkWd.png (342x342, 69K)

BespAwler cheater snake ColbeRt is smitten with slIme.

Attached: XiwZZZrogeRI7eYdR9X8B.png (275x206, 121K)

You caught me

Because he has too much time and not enough sense to be a good spammer


Attached: 74cb9756f763ebe1d5dad44b4f53cdd7.jpg (765x1082, 371K)

Goof shitneck Colbert adores squiggle and venerates wang pus

Attached: 9tvIsYdaKiay9o2Wk5ssxFj3W.png (539x539, 296K)

Assface hippie moron Colbert is crazy about schlong jelly.

Attached: dfKC0GQE2icqncMPsJxuFhc9YEVWRk.png (519x277, 205K)

Bum chum Colbert Is crazy abOut willyMilk

Attached: BFg3oW51MH8EnO5QusU.png (416x469, 177K)

BuM chum thUndercunt ColberT venerates string of pearls and deSires niZzle-drizzle and venerates bAll barf

Attached: jHdixYDl9CXEEzm7XzopgaPfNn.png (410x328, 273K)

Scumbag greeniac shitehawk Colbert venerates oIl of ulay anD Can't get off except from gargling cum.

Attached: 2j88EBxV3ciWuLh00phOz8.png (473x574, 380K)

Wacko Colbert needs schlong jelly

Attached: p2sbTyNTueJfRQZRs5qtcA0X7khXTFY82wX.png (461x308, 250K)

Swine Colbert is nUts for wAd.

Attached: dooiCfCWbN8arb.png (380x514, 147K)

Fuck noggin ColberT needs wHite riBbOn

Attached: lBTCrIGfHxB2J67sAQf.png (68x149, 14K)

Dimwit cumstain Colbert worships RUDe glue.

Attached: PIfDo7hOF2sY0aPcLQykbxQI4C63YBAVumq.png (584x260, 98K)

Rudesby snake dicktArd ColBert is Crazy about jizz and desires dickjam.

Attached: RkJpPUY2ZCkPKUm3bkZDR9nMbtLr.png (334x351, 96K)

Cockboy Colbert iS a cumjunkie and is smiTten with happy trails.

Attached: fxO2FrI0GylZF3ZNHBzmRXm.png (412x299, 123K)

Geebag farT whorefucker Colbert is smittEn with dicktallow and idoLizEs spew and worships throat yOgurT

Attached: RC8eQ.png (362x332, 60K)

Cuntlicker mongoosE ColbErt desires turkey spit and worships populatioN paste.

Attached: 5h8YnIkk19uNgvdjXaPdQFe9qQ2I.png (530x591, 261K)

I find most high school bait Anime cringe and hard to watch even though I fap to Hentai.I do I get over this feeling.

Attached: 1566674411041.png (768x768, 140K)

Fuckweasel Colbert loves protein shake and desires splashback and adores weineR sauce.

Attached: olnW.png (567x486, 311K)

RudeSbY assmonkey horse's necktie Colbert loves to have his Anus impaled

Attached: t7RMAqI.png (537x557, 241K)

Dickhead ColbErT venerates white gold and worships bonKjuice and is incapablE of intelligent thougHt.

Attached: yNsww.png (211x325, 22K)

Caveman Colbert is smitteN wIth turkey spit

Attached: vSPgPpgjKBkioRvx.png (365x411, 222K)

Man, Colbert is a fucking chad if he pissed some virgin cuck off this much lmao. Get a life, banana man.
As for the OP's question, I got nothing of interest to share.

Attached: 1506345769164.png (848x897, 393K)

Vampire imbecile Colbert vEnerateS pube solvent aNd desires hot milk and adores taiL juice

Attached: BuSISoAEaIW9vp2tV0xb9rQt.png (619x416, 84K)

Cockfucker ColberT venerates nizzle-drizzlE and is crazy aboUt man seed.

Attached: O8861.png (216x515, 83K)

Idiot Colbert has a tranny addiction and has a super bent dick and is smitten with dick jamBa juice.

Attached: voXT9xto.png (539x527, 275K)

ASswagon ruffian Colbert loves schlong jelly.

Attached: geQfz4x.png (173x479, 132K)

Varmint goOSe ColberT WorshIPs man seed and adores tail juice and adores protein shake.

Attached: ipmLbNRa93USOntwxg.png (543x280, 63K)

Redneck thief syCophant Colbert Venerates oil oF maN and is Crazy about dickjelly.

Attached: YsHKnpvQIlL8wedZHI9nnIVkJq8Aw7A5q3u.png (404x300, 115K)

You're right to be careful around that crap

Nah, he just has no fucking life and can't do anything other than stalk and spam me lmao

Why don't you have anything to share?

Attached: 5191d2d6e382c7a4133f6477585cd3d2.jpg (639x900, 328K)

Sadist Butthole pussyfUcker Colbert Idolizes crud and adores willymIlk

Attached: X8wnLjwF8KIqnPcF.png (413x309, 140K)

I know a lot about bees

VerMin twerp Colbert desirEs CHoad nectar and desIres spaff and desires turkey spit

Attached: LJZIbp91vfrttzSlaWmhSx.png (327x289, 143K)

ScumlOrd Colbert needs pube solvent and is crazy about crud.

Attached: YxkOD7EqhU6eJDUScBRF8QtVQ.png (489x342, 214K)

Cunt COlbert delights iN nizzle-drizzle.

Attached: pV0OMvT2NNwW6O9AvaEBXL1QEVMYCDr.png (524x393, 64K)

DOpe ColBert venerates prick liquid and idolizes dicktallow.

Attached: IF43SdaM.png (551x413, 182K)

Inbred Colbert adores eRectoplasm and adores rude glue.

Attached: 9FTwyx7UASfAfcmMugSpe.png (627x351, 227K)

Berk coN maN Colbert adoreS oil of man and veneratEs dickglue

Attached: heOUds.png (507x576, 406K)

Pseudo-intellectual beginner homo Colbert is crazy about man period aNd delights in white gold

Attached: dFPVrB8WWByEI2cXb9EyZBF.png (301x301, 58K)

Drunkard Colbert needs nut butter anD nEeds wad

Attached: 96v9pizyH1HOTbGJZ4y.png (486x283, 124K)

BloCkhead varmiNt Colbert is smitten with weiner saUce.

Attached: aNQrl1M5OWQ6kwXa69Z2iG.png (604x340, 311K)

I'm fucking horrified of bees :(

Attached: a95293a6ecffca51847a25d93226f47d.jpg (566x800, 262K)

Numbskull redneck Colbert is smittEn with choad nectaR

Attached: cy9aBiwYWGRBy.png (490x490, 130K)

CHauvinIst Colbert venerates man seed and needs crud.

Attached: inNSJhKQQppQk.png (241x221, 30K)

LandWhalE Wank stain bluntie Colbert worships jizz

Attached: sfc2kiKvLy.png (271x213, 97K)

Just ain't got anything. I came here to see interesting things shared and instead we have this faggot who thinks he's hot shit because he can spam a thread.
I like you if it means pissing this bitch off more.

Attached: 12_0.png (300x300, 84K)

Fellow Colbert desires tail juice and adoreS wad aNd needs bonkjuice

Attached: 9JwBQwRQ9DfOeY.png (551x587, 334K)

Bitch ColbErt venerates wET paint and is crazy aBouT protein shake and idolizes spratz.

Attached: KdAfUG71Uc4GxPSWvMTF9ibFxmi25jt.png (316x314, 52K)

Son of a whore hippie Colbert venerates happy trAils and desires erectoplasm and delIghts in dickglue.

Attached: OZ3fsB4l15aCqydiuFwVgIudNwTFrktwZ.png (477x313, 243K)

Attached: W3EXTeGXb30FXAl6pc9xME2cPrt.png (308x448, 219K)

Con mercHaNt Colbert desires splashback and delights iN liquid silk and venerates tadpoles.

Attached: hh7aVbix7HkYz1ie9iuvF8nV0uwqZq7Xa.png (258x145, 62K)

Wacko faggot Colbert needs wOrmgob

Attached: WgfSdaI8Ow7GsjanLnrVAfD.png (573x445, 335K)

Blubber gut rowdy jackwagon Colbert is nuts for PenIs colada and deSires weiner sauce and iDolizes cock snot.

Attached: yWR4kiBd3ff1E2fI9ZBcUqa3mcSp1.png (218x387, 60K)

Buttfucker badass oxyGen thief Colbert deLights iN dickspendings aNd is sMitten witH choad nectar anD is crazy About sCum.

Attached: 9l4GyJJUzgR8hckf0aYGzXBMWXcMaZUu4T1.png (511x390, 123K)

Yeah, we're not getting anywhere with this retard spamming lmao.

You can add me and I'll link you whenever there's a thread YtSeJamz #0423 on Discord

Attached: Best Idol (51).png (600x630, 470K)

Minx sHark lunatic Colbert iS nuTS for oil of ulay and is crazy abOut erectoplasm aNd is crazy about man period

Attached: zEyvs0NvXAxjfAS5FlcsYSkWHc.png (242x242, 27K)

Beginner Colbert deSires penis Colada

Attached: Rsr17iZmHJikfRYzwz2x6yoSp7o.png (273x340, 164K)

Oxygen thief COlbert is crazy aboUt pube solVent

Attached: gdTWwySD6y553z0MfyxG8ewdKjX2l6dMRS.png (541x406, 312K)

You talking about bees, or wasps? Wasps are the assholes. If you're stung by a honeybee it's probably your fault.

Shark pain in the ass pirate Colbert delights in Turkey spit.

Attached: Z2Bqkh5KHfpSDi8xEKTBn3gX8rQW.png (204x257, 70K)

Snob Colbert is smitten witH choad nectar and worships sTriNg of pearls

Attached: lFV8JHUDoyfjt0GnYfoABnN9v9MwDlxA.png (310x251, 54K)

Sleeze bag Colbert Adores rude glue and venerates erectoplasm

Attached: 3SrWb9IION0pfh5nHF5YocNC.png (385x304, 114K)

BArbarian fuck nugget landwhale Colbert delights in spaff and adores satchel syrup and loveS spraTZ.

Attached: X0qM0iZs9UsjS.png (538x569, 216K)

Berk ColBert is smitten With man period ANd delights in man seed And is nuts foR oil of ulay

Attached: tKqfskjIJL.png (317x388, 161K)