Hola, my Mongoloids brethren :)

Hola, my Mongoloids brethren :)

Other urls found in this thread:


Dumb weeb

waaa tadakuni-kun desu ne



Our mongoloids were genocided, sorry bro.

Hola, negroid brotha


Alright lads

nice cat.

pls post cat



why i live there

Ponja feo

cute cat desu


Do you guys actually use the kanji for kudasai? This is the first time I've seen it used in an informal setting. Also
>still fucking up verb conjugation
It's taking me forever to learn that shit.


My bad. Official grammar rules state that [下さい] is for asking to give an object while [ください] is a general request.

I want to impregnate hundreds of Japanese girls

What's the situation right now with the nintendo switch, is it available somewhere right now? I'm going to weebland in february and wanna purchase one there.

hola rice nigger, hate your threads

How much for the cat?

*mongols about*

Frda is not for sale >;0

My ancestor :)

My cousin :)

He was born 20000 years after his ancestors went to your land

Kill me

Went to china once and people were very rude because they thought I was at least half jap. Took a while to convince them, as a kid I wished to belike my sister she barely looks mongoloid and I always wondered why I looked different than my friends, a rounder face/head and my nose wasn't as sharp

You say that but I've been there a million times and saw thousands of mestizos walking the streets. Of course they call themselves "pardos" so they're not amerindian lol, they prefer to lie about being half black than saying they're indians even if it's very noticeable.

Literally me :)