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requesting lithuania-approved suicide methods

helium or NO2 tank

Hanging is 90% approved

any of these: thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=manly_suicide

Take me down to Tallinn city
Where the sea is green and the boys are pretty

dont do it dane-kun

im not up late, im up early

Oh, what are you waking up early for then?
Gonna head to the gym?

no i am having suicidal thoughts so im gonna think on them and go to school in 2 hours

watching steins gate too
gonna have to go find some breakfast
probably gonna have to go to the gas station and get a hot dog and some ciggies

>Hot chocolate on a chilly, windy autumn evening

I see
But wouldn't your future wife miss you if you pulled a Lithuania?

thanks lads

not gonna do anything right now, I just like fantasizing about it as a form of mental stimuli

I thought all you danes were hopped up on shit tonnes of antidepressants like all the other nordic countries.

Is it normally this sleepy in the thread?

fantasize about me please

This thread is going pretty fast for this time of the day.
What are you talking about?

don't believe you

I was just wondering because it seemed pretty lively up until now

that's because I just woke up

i have some but i've never taken them cause i don't wanna turn into a machine

that's kinda hard when i don't know what you look like but i'll try

i'll convince you somehow

heh i wonder that myself

>i've never taken them cause i don't wanna turn into a machine
Smart move, nobody likes a bartard

me, now fantasize

I don't care about no friends because they all were just fake


Wow it seems we're all cute 2d boys here


Looks like a scene from a glory hole porno


Well, It has 6 boys run a train on a prepubescent girl in the book.


nice satan trips



seeing your name
but ill be fine

wake up dummys!



Hey buddy

any club penguin man in?

hell yeah, I love me some puffles

Morning lads, I hope you guys will use the rest of the time productivly.

Use the time, learn new things. Make new friends. Try asking some girl out, but for gods sake make the best use of the time!

my dad works at disney so i got a Tame Arctic Fox

God having a shower and a shave makes me feel so much better.

wow, I am legitimately in awe
>not showering as soon as you get up

I think I might start doing that desu

>learn new things.
You mean learning new things about Satania?
>Make new friends.
On Sup Forums generals?
>Try asking some girl out,
You mean my wife Satania?

Who the fuck are you?

I feel super nice and fresh
piss off, Satania is absolute trash

*it feels

business idea: touhou club penguin

No, I meant learning things about stuff you can use for yourself in real life.

Like Rhetoric.

Make friends with people that exist.

Ask a real girl out, a girl that can actually provide you with warmth and love.

would play and pay money for

>Make friends with people that exist.
friendship after age 20 is a lie, simple as. you only lose friends from that point onwards.

It's starting to feel like I need to shower at night as well as in the morning in order not to get into bed sweaty

You can never have too many showers

This coming from the guy who can't even fit in his shower

I've started doing that the last week or two for the same reason.

Have a nice night buds

nighty night

Good night.
Sleep tight.
Don't let the bed bugs bite.

When I lived with my parents I would put a chair in my shower so I could relax and wash my hair without having to hunch over.

That is the way a loser thinks.

If you find some chap with the same interests as you and you get along with him, friendship is pausable.

Haha, nice one!

I wouldn't be suprised if you actually pulled a sofa into the shower so you could relax more, haha!

It never fails to amuse me when I see lanklets suffering because of their height

Why would I do that?
I sofa wouldn't fit in any shower I know of, and it would get all wet and moldy.

It's because there are too many manlets scurrying about building things down low because they can reach up high enough to make them proper sizes.

This is what happens when you take Super Male Vitality

Mums friend just arrived at our house. She's staying the night then flying to Brisbane AP on her way to Ecuador

Sneak into the guest room tonight desu

Not at all interested 2bh. I'll probably get invited to go out for dinner tonight. Ahhhh. I'll probably dodge that & order a pizza instead.

>I'll probably dodge that & order a pizza instead.
ah the classic, my mom's best friend is super annoying and they always would invite me out to dinner with them but I would rather die than listen to her ramblings for a few hours.
Home alone with delivered Hell's pizza on the mums card was some good times.

That sounds like the start of a great night in

Yes, just a shame so many opportunities & no woman to spend it with.

Back from work. How is everyone going today?

Welcome back.

I have a headache help me.

>can't even fit in his shower
>I would put a chair in my shower so I could relax and wash my hair without having to hunch over
pic related

Good night friend

>currently pissed off about not having my small pillow to put between my feet
ah yes autism

Have you drunk plenty of water & food?

Alright I guess

I know one thing, I need to have a wank tonight. Hahaha.

I didn't drink that much water today. I wake up every morning dehydrated and need to lay back down after waking up for another 10 minutes otherwise I pass out.

Welcome home honey
I crack up laughing whenever I imagine mr lanklet sitting on his chair in the shower
amen to that, maybe even more than one

Do you lads drink alcohol?

My work only serves healthy food like nuts and berry bags in the vending machines. Help me, please.

If I'm with friends sure

very occasionally, I'm quite fond of bourbon even though i'm a lightweight

Bring your own bloody food then.
You have enough money for it don'tcha?

But I don't want to see you buying unhealthy snacks ok!

I still don't believe you are that much of a lightweight, it didn't feel that way to me.

Hello! Aw don't make fun of him being tall can be difficult sometimes. How was your day?


Coffee sometimes helps for me
Although they may be headaches from caffeine withdrawal

I-I like chocolate though. I can't gain weight so it doesn't really bother me. I'm not a big eater desu.

I don't drink coffee or tea because I don't enjoy the taste. I'll just make myself some hot chocolate.

>I can't gain weight so it doesn't really bother me
If only we were all like that

The amount I had when I was out with you was about my limit, much more than that and it would've gone downhill
my day was alright, Monday's my day off so I did a bit of study and hung out on here for most of the day

I can fit my thumb and pinkie around my wrist. Makes me feel bad which is why I always wear my thicc suit to work.


Here is a google drive from KarenPoster over on Britpol!

>much more than that and it would've gone downhill

>I can fit my thumb and pinkie around my wrist.
...? even I can do that.