Is my leg infected?

Is my leg infected?

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if gross puss is present then yes



Go see a doctor you ham planet tendies eating reeeeeeeeeetard

Yes. It’ll have to come off.

No it’s not infected it’s cancer

leprosy. definitely leprosy.

No, I'd give it a couple weeks then go to a dr.

The whole area is pretty painful

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It's not infected, puss isn't a sign of affection, it's the body fighting off germs at the surface, just rinse and put a cover mate

Are you diabetic?

If the area is inflamed and red yes it's an infection and yes he will need antibiotics before it turns septic

You can do one of 3 things
1.-wash it daily and hope for the best
2.-go to a medic who knows what the fuck is going on
3.-inject local anesthesics around the infected area, get a clean sharp object and make a cut on it. If puss comes out, get it all out as much as you can, clean and go get some antibiothics

Scabies is contagious and spreads quickly fucking white infested fuck KILL URSELF making the whites look bad

I’m not diabetic

Poke a bit of a hole and pour some rubbing alcohol in it

Good, at least it will heal quickly, but yeah, that shit is infected, probably haa a bunch of puss inside
Go get antibiotics from some medic that can prescribe them

Its Mites anons like ring worm

Guess I have to go with option 1. Can’t afford anything else.

Not on medicare?

Nope, nothing

As long as you don't have something that fucks with your immune system (like AIDS), it should limit itself.
If you do have something fucking with your immune system, that can spread to your bones and then it would have to be chopped off.

You can sign up for that shit online.

you just scab up weird
rub some neosporin on that shit if you're super worried, you'll be fine.

Just a scab. Pick it