I have almost a thousand matches on tinder

i have almost a thousand matches on tinder


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What do you look like

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joe rogan + john travolta = mr. clean?

i’m a fairly avg looking dude

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What's the point?

How long have you been on tinder for?

Can confirm this is all you have to look like for chicks to dig you. The jew fro helps + glasses helps a lot too. Also nice hair Sup Forumsro. Curly headed fucks we out here

Is that a khorne tattoo?

More garbage. Who cares about npc bitches with generic pickup lines faggot

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absolutely. take a shower and have a good sense of humor and that’s all you really need. i’m not a hot chad type by any means but i’m still very successful with women
no sir it is a circa survive tat

just to give a few tips for guys who might have a question or two on how to improve their tinder game

Have you ever got into an actual relationship through tinder?

yes my last long term relationship was a little over two years. most happy i’ve ever been but i messed it up so that’s on me. but tinder definitely works on occasion

Lmao @ the take a shower park but bro I feel you. Doesn't take that much time out of the day to clean your ass and use deoderant, I see so many ppl who don't do this.

right a lot of /r9k/ incel types don’t realize that their basic effort/attitude is their problem. i am by no means a model or anything but i keep myself clean, read a bunch, and treat women like actual people and whattayaknow it works. who knew?

What do you like to read?

I really don't fucking get it

I min/max tinder, full reset, pic testing, everything and I maybe get 5 matches a week

i’m big into reddit. i like their ask historians/ask science communities. space is also really fascinating. medical journals. basically anything to further my understanding of the world around me. psychology/sociology papers as well

how densely populated is your area? i live near a major city so i have a lot of exposure, and i’m sure that helps based on numbers alone. if you’re in a more rural area, you might have less opportunity.


Kek if only mr wojak

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> Bump because I'm desperate and this is important (lol)

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I'm a ladies man too just like op

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You might be a disgusting Nazi/incel faggot?

I wish

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nah man just tryna make conversation:D

youll have to explain min/maxing tinder... cause your pics probably suck

Post pictures or share stories retard some people learn through example

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how old/which city

how do you open, how quick do you ask to meet

also, those convos lel

Mine is better

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I'm unironically a white nationalist. So that may be it.

Not incredibly dense. About 150k, though it is a college town.

They're not too terrible. I think Tinder is just a scam. Their elo system buttfucks you if you aren't 8/10+. I'm an average looking guy maybe even a little below.

To explain min/maxing - reset account for noob boost using anonymizing methods. Tinder tracks everything, it's rumored they even have photo recognition to prevent you from doing it.

I get opinions of pictures from photo feeler and girls i've fucked to see which one they like the most.

yeah man. people tend to find nazi’s/white nationalists pretty gross. see my earlier comment on “attitude” being some people’s barrier from success with women
24, chicago area
beautiful. juturna is my favorite album

also here’s a recent convo

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Not unsuccessful with women buddy, just not Tinder. I'm glad the whole half-fag thing is working out for you but I would never stoop that low to having a girl imagine cum in my asshole. I can only imagine how many problems with women you must have when you fuck your own frame like that. Maybe you like being a bitch's bitch, more power to you.

humor works fellas

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Hmmm...So he was behind that...

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>unironically using words like “frame”
>not understanding that people like to laugh
>not understanding that taking yourself way too seriously makes everyone sick of you and makes you look like a monumental tool

it’s not too late to change, man. you can be happy if you stop reading those toxic redpill/PUA forums and just be yourself

Post the full conversations? Or does it just end there

nah there’s more identifying information than i’m comfortable sharing. but i got both of these girls numbers and have become good friends with Jillian since. it’s not always about sleeping with people, sometimes you just meet someone cool :)

With those lame pickup lines?
No offense, that may work in the US but in civilized places like europe girls will think you are either retarded or dropped on the head as a kid.

Nice larping

Hahahaha aka you haven’t gotten with any...just blur it out with snap. Why humble brag about it then?

Right? His screenshots are borderline cringe

well it’s not about the specific lines that i use or the conversation that i make. it’s more about the approach to people in general. a lot of people get too hung up on the specifics and forget about the most important part— building a genuine rapport and connection with the person on the other side of the screen

sorry i know that probably sounded pretty preachy. not trying to be pretentious or anything, just in my experience this has led me to the most success with women that i’ve ever had

i’m sorry you feel that way.

maybe it’s just not your brand of humor. that’s okay, everyone is different

Bruh, not asking for advice lol I’m just calling for out this obvious humble brag of something so inconsequential with tinder matches

If you want matches just get boost/gold. Any below average dude could get 1000 matches with gold and time lol and if you want to brag about making friendships don’t talk about tinder lmao

And also still didn’t deny not getting any/posting conversations lol

i think that’s what you’re missing here. people like to be treated like people. making genuine conversation and connection is what *makes* someone want to meet and hang out with you. i’ve slept with 20 or so women over the last 6 months by going into conversations /not/ trying to fuck someone. that’s a toxic mindset that will work in the opposite direction you want.

What bio do you use, I can never think of a good bio...

>unironically using words like "toxic"
>not understanding you're a dancing clown puppet to the people around you
>not understanding that if you act like a clown people will treat you like one and makes you look like a catastrophic faggot

I have absolutely no desire to change. I just got out of a year long LTR about a week ago with an intelligent beautiful girl who gave me $5000 when we parted right after a long shopping holiday she paid for. Ironically we met on Tinder. I get with plenty beautiful intelligent women. I have fun mini/ltrs which the women respect me and make my life easier. If I hadn't discovered the red pill and game I would be just like you. I seriously urge you to drop the SJW reddit garbage. In the long run women will use you and you'll probably get cucked and ruined in divorce by the "girl of your dreams" because you didn't see the warning signs and approached things incorrectly.

There's no harm being a nice funny guy but to disrespect yourself for other's enjoyment is an invitation for others to disrespect you. I seriously hope you don't do that.

Thoughts on super like?

you sound like someone who isn’t very happy with themselves. i’m sorry that you feel that way about women, and i’ve been there before too. i used to read all the same red pill bs and it was toxic to my life. it made me angry and upset and bitter. it’s never too late to change.

obviously i can’t make you do that, and a stranger on Sup Forums isn’t going to change your mind but i want you to know from the bottom of my heart that you can change your perspective and you might feel differently in the future.

you just don’t sound like a very happy person to me, but you can be. remember that.

i use them on occasion if i see someone really cute with a good bio and i want to make sure i get there attention in some way

Post your tinder profile. I am having shit luck with it. 12 matches and had this profile for 6 weeks.

Buddy, you're the one looking for validation on an anonymous image board about your Tinder achievements [probably because it would be passe on Reddit]. I don't know why you're accusing me of unhappiness, maybe you should look inward.

Why would I change my perspective if leads to happiness and success with women. My viewpoint is based on literal evolutionary psychology which humans are nowhere near adapting past.

I see why you get along with women, you drive your conversations with a strong emotionality. And that works if you remain masculine, but judging how you speak to men and your obvious need for validation from them I doubt most of them respect you.

Can I make a couple of guesses about you?
You're a feminist or an "ally"
You're bi
You vote democrat
You were or are close with your mother and not your father
You have more female "friends" than male.

How far off the mark am I pal?

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Lmao can I just guess that’s both of y’all are unhappy...


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Do you feel fufilled?

you’re right about everything except being bi and having more female friends than male. but that’s an easy guess because i know i come across and pretty liberal.

not particularly, but i’m sure i’ll get there. i don’t think women are the key to happiness, finding a partner is just one aspect.

Good answer and good luck.

And genuine conversation is talking about Garfield and cumming riiiiiiggggghhht. Bro I think you’re borderline psychopathic or lying to yourself if you think what you’re doing is creating genuine rapport and connection....you wouldn’t be on Sup Forums and you’d have more than just selfies of yourself as photos (I.e you don’t have enough social interaction/friends/groups to have non-selfies)

thank you, that’s very kind of you

>mfw this thread
Enjoy your vd scumbag

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actually i just use that as a filter. 1) that’s my kind of absurdist humor 2) if someone reacts positively to that as an opener it means more than likely they will be in line with the kind of jokes i make later on. anyone who doesn’t like it will unmatch and filter themselves out.

it’s just a joke my guy

>unironically posting stonetoss macros

okay guy

Fake and gay.

>has no pictures that aren’t selfies

quite the incorrect assumption

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Id hardly call that humor...saying crass, ridiculous things that are probably regurgitated versions of jokes you’ve seen on reddit isnt humor...it’s just uncreative/at most a shock value pick up line to get girls to respond how ridiculous it is...not because their humor is align with hours. Honestly it’s kinda ironic that you think otherwise..I’m goin to guess that you’re decent at talking to women over text/app but in real life you wouldn’t be able to do shit with them...
Ah a picture with immediate family. Did your mom take that for you orrrr? Also not very cool/progressive minded/healthy that you’re posting pictures of your family like that honestly...

why do you normies come and ruin Sup Forums all the time?

Fund my tindee gowld?

Venmo @C_Sagen

I just wanted tits

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it is well known that western girls are fucking idiots, socially inept and not worth anyones time.

Click farm?

again, clearly it’s not your kind of humor and that’s ok

Out of all of the matches how many of the girls do you actually bed?

Ah man it was just starting to get fun to argue and you cop out like that. Gl bro and hope you really do find fulfillment. And also would delete that picture of your family, hell would I want any of my family on this website

here’s a guesstimate of the stats:

of all the girls i match with, maybe 1/3 reply to the first message

of those, 1/2 i have a conversation with longer than 3 or 4 messages

of those, 1/2 i get a snap or phone number and continue talking to them

and of those girls, probably 1/4 i end up meeting and sleeping with. so out of the 2k ish girls i’ve matched with and talked to, ive slept with maybe 35-40ish?

Ok grandpa its not 2006 anymore

any tips on getting past that embarrassment of being on tinder?
what's the excuse when people you know find out and start shitting on you for using a dating app?

yeah and it’s not 1945 either, adolf. stone toss is literally a nazi and his opinions are hot trash

i’m very open about it to be honest. at least in my area (chicago-ish) a majority of people currently use or have used dating apps. mostly tinder. so there’s very little stigma around it. a lot of my friend group has actually met their SO on tinder or bumble


Think that’s bad!?!?
Be me,3yrs on Tinder,2 matches.

I am fit and take care of myself but I have a hard time with women. Idk if its the women where I live are picky or my face but it's not as easy as you're making it out to be dude.

All this is so basic it's not even funny

Bruh this is literally straight from reddit

Your humor is retarded. I don't think I know anyone who would find your "humor" funny so I'm actually surprised that girl didn't unmatch you

Incel here you guys shouldn't have sex. Watch the Joker instead