Be me fat retard

>be me fat retard
>6/10 gf dumps me for redneck chad
>decide to stop being loser hit the gym
>lose 50 pounds
> 9/10 goth girl at work likes me
>start dating
> she seems closed off
>try to flirt with her, she’s reluctant
> sends her snowy village cus she likes winter, think nothing of it
> still dating, still withdrawn
>convinced she doesn’t actually like me, using me for baggage
>about to dump her, feel like shit wanna eat again
>text her how I feel
> “user, I love you,”
> she says it too
> see her phone
>he background is snowy village I sent her
>she draws me pics of stuff I like
> wants to move in with me
> says she’s trying not to freak me out and she’s afraid of coming on too strong and she needs time to open up

Bros I’m crying I fucking love her so much I don’t wanna lose her why am I so fucking retarded

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her pic now

Nice work user, but is she big titty goth gf?

Get that bitch a snowglobe.
Bitches love snowglobes.

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Then listen to her you fucking beta fag. Not everyone showers each other with affection 24/7 she probably just likes being alone and you should be good about the fact that she wants to date you and have someone invade her alone time. If you need constant affection all the time then dump her and find someone else or man up and let her open up at her own pace.

here's the real mindfuck that I think a lot of dudes don't get. women can be socially retarded too. incels think they're socially retarded and all women are masters of social activity but some are just as bad as you are. she doesn't know what to do or say either. she doesn't know what the right move is either. she likes you but doesn't know what to do about it either.

you'll have to help her as much as she helps you.

i don't really get what's the problem or why anything is complicated here. what is the fucking problem?

dont assume you know people and dismiss them so easily. instead of being afraid of the future, you should grow as a person and learn to not make assumptions about people in the future


just go slow and let her keep her pace, just reassure you are there for her no matter what.
FFS user 9/10 GOTH GRILL

I'm proud of you, frend. I'd kill for goth qt3.14 gf. remind yourself every day to show her you care for her.

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here's a bit of advice for you
when a problem presents itself, men want to find a solution

women just want to talk about it, the solution is secondary
find out how to achieve the middle ground

Very proud OP!
Thanks for sharing.

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What a nice story :)
Post her nudes

Also, this is a comfy thread now, since you chose to post that pic.

This guy knows whats up


Do not post pics of her here

Bad karma

I'm glad you found somebody you love user. It's the best feeling ever, isn't it?

Go OP you beautiful bastard. I may lurk here but I will live vicariously through your adventures. Dont fuck this up. She likes you for you it seems, dont try to be anything else

possibly the best chins advice ive ever seen

You’re such a fucking faggot.
Emotions, haha. The same chemicals that are flowing through your stupid little brain right now that make you feel this “love” will be the same chemicals that will cause you to 5150 once the bitch realizes how feminine and weak you really are and dumps your ass.

Oh shit its 1950s dad! Please don’t hit mom again cause you have no idea how to handle feelings and you think emotions are for “nancy boys”

im sry whats the problem?

>why am I so fucking retarded

I don't know but you need to kill yourself.

Oh another nancy boy eh? Say boy fetch me a branch from the tree out back. I'm going to show you how to be a man, pull my pants down while you're at it.

Finally good ending, nice work user

It's great you finally talked. But if you're both bad at that, it will kill off your love because you'll end up guessing what the other person is thinking.

Get good at it. Find out how to talk honestly to each other about your feelings, even if you don't do it with anyone else.

Oh 1950s dad, don’t take your repressed homosexual fantasies out on me please. What you and your platoon sergeant did was between you two!

Get the fuck away from this pessimistic hellhole and enjoy your life.

Nigga she is shit at communication

She's broken and is gonna cheat on you

this niggger right here

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baste op

fuck you

>socially/emotionally retarded girl
>still call her a 9/10

I can't believe how fucking superficial and dumb some of you fuckers are