What's /b up to tonight?

What's /b up to tonight?

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saw the joker movie in beautiful burlington VT. it was decent

hanging and banging bro, how about yourself?

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Watching Netflix and smoking weed!

Drinking bro.

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How do you feel about Robert Pattinson being cast as the new Batman?
Using substance and memes to block out the ever present existential dread ;)

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My negro! What are you watching?

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Chilling watching scream

Working on Art, Surfing the Web and trying to work out Issues,

What are you drinking? I'm 4 deep into a 6 pack of Miller

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Dealing with emo girlfriend cutter. Fun times. Fml. Do I leave her, or do I be supportive?

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I loved the Scream movie series!! Scream 2 is my favorite, which one are you watching tonight?

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But do it in a supportive way

Even if she's mixed race, gorgeous, and has money?

I'm sure any issues you have are temporary. Try not to think too much about what issues you're having in your life, and focus on the things you're grateful for. You may find your worries are only as worrying as you allow them to be

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Shitty Steel Reserve, but it’s doing the job.

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learning stormworks

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Don't stick your dick in crazy

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She's doing it to manipulate people.


GTFO quick dawg

On the phone with my ex. Kinda happy that despite all the drama we have had, we can be good friends without complications

Drinking with the hubby hoping I get more then 5 pumps before he passes out

Playing battlefield v trying out the mp34 its pretty good

Steel Reserve is pretty shitty, but there's now way it's not happy about being freed from the can

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Peaky Blinders’

just got off of a facetime with the girl i liked but still feelin lonely as fuck and sittin in my bed not wanting to go to sleep, how about you user?

What are you two talking about?

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Just got home from leaf thanksgiving. Unpasteurized cheese, lots of fibre, fatty foods, tons of simple carbs, bottle conditioned beer. My bathroom could gas more jews than hitler could have ever hoped.

Sure bro... hope you’re doing well.

I had nachos for dinner. I was going to have fajitas because I had leftover chicken, but then I saw some tortilla chips on the counter so I thought about nachos. Plus I was out of soft shells so I just decided to have nachos instead.


your mother's erection?

>What's /b up to tonight?

bout 6'.

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Mostly just talk about movies I watch and she tells me about her day. Usually we’re emotional support for each other but life has been good for both of us lately so no need for that

Does your husband do kegal exercises? It can help improve sexual stamina, or so I've read

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more like 2’

yes. you got me. i'm 2 feet tall.

that was a real zinger.

I haven't played Battlefield 5, though I almost played the beta. Battlefield 4 and 1 are still my favorite games, and I keep coming back to them. I hope your MP34 doesn't get nerfed in later builds of them game :)

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Does she know about the feels you harbor for her?

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Lmao the only thing he excercises is his ego

I wish you both the best in whatever the future holds for your relationship :)

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she does, and i know she had feelings for me at some point, but idk if she still has them anymore, feelsbad

Have you brought this issue to his attention? Did he at least attempt the exercises?

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Maybe it might be time to move on? It would be a shame to waste any part of your life dwelling over something like. It's a big world, you don't want to miss too much of it :)

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I tried to stimulate the kegels via electrical stimulation, but he just shat himself :/

ah, if only it were that easy to move on. nice talking anyway user

She can't be a girlfriend to you if shes treating herself like that. Inb4 she cheats, kills herself, does anything which requires that level of nonexistant self worth. I used to be a piece of shit like that when I was 13. If shes legal, she is mentally unfit. Don't waste your time. Find your own happiness within, and go fuck some random bitches you can just be friends with. Tinder is actually p cool, I just met a guy and we fucked about 12 times in a night. Definitely what I needed after a sexless marriage and divorcing. Feels good man.

Did you try other options, or did you immediately jump to electrical stimulation?

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Drinking my ass off

Crocheting and watching Law n Order

i would feel very bad for her if i left tho, because she doesnt get a chance to vent her feelings to anyone else. ive still had sex with a few girls while ive had feelings for her, but none of them were love, just something to keep me going. shes the one i have genuine feelings for, and while sex is nice, the few relationships ive had are much better. i think the next step for me is trying to catch feels for someone else. thanks for the talk tho

Eh. You care too much. Lol. Your feelings are the only ones that should matter at the end of the day. if its causing you stress, fuck it. Stop caring so much. it's helped me a lot, career wise and relationship wise. i can't stand whining and bullshit. Granted I'm probably older than you and a lot more cynical, but she wont get better if she's cutting. it's attention seeking and if you tell her that you are done with her drama, you will probably do something better for her by giving her an opportunity to look at what kind of bullshit she's pulling, and maybe change it. I understand 'love' but its not rational. It's not something you should base anything off of if it's causing you stress, pain or negativity. Negative thinking and situations keep you in a negative point in your life. If you move on, you can find love with someone healthier that can build you up. You're on Sup Forums, people die. Just cut yourself off from feeling anything for her. It's as easy as 2 weeks of no contact. Helped me immensely. I understand you have to come to terms with it and be over it, but you reaching out seems like you're already nearing your breaking point. Don't let it get too far. You're the main character in your story, don't let anyone take over your plot. You furnish your own lifestyle. Allow yourself the control and you'll feel better. Just try and take a step back and see what happens. Whether it's perspective and nothing you do changes, it's just how you view her and yourself, that's still a step in the right direction. No one should have that much of a hold on your life. Its a distraction.

Fucking your mother

leave but do it slowly

Ummm....I just jumped to electrical stimulation.....should i not have done that??

i really do care too much. I wish i could just stop caring, but my mind is just too weak for that i guess. At this point im not really sure if shes a good factor in my life, because of the lack of interest reciprocation, but at the same time, shes my main source of stability. As someone who jumps around friend groups, i dont have that strong connections with any one person specifically besides her. I mean, i have friends that i can trust, but they havent been in my life for more that a year. Shes the only real constant i have in my life right now, and im at a point where im weighing the positives and negatives of either not talking to her and dealing with the shitty feeling and loss of stability thatll result from it, or just keeping going, even though in the long run idk how itll be for my mental stability. Shits hard man, and i dont wanna sound like a simp, but shes one of the only girls ive ever genuinely loved, and idk how i could face leaving that behind

My friend forgot that we were going to have a sleepover tonight so I'm pulling an all nighter. I'm just reading right now. Any recommendations on what to do so I don't get too bored?

spent some time with my gf, had tacos for dinner, spent the rest of the day online. good stuff

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Sitting in the vet cause my cat is probably going to die

this is the type of thread that Sup Forums is all about very wholesome.

beer, bourbon, and Sup Forums

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Going to drink myself to death.

Studying for a finance exam.