Why haven't we done this yet?
Why haven't we done this yet?
we need the fucking oil there dumbass.
The dude who drove the truck didnt live there
Aim a little more to the left, it missed ziostan.
>implying they wouldn't start fighting over Mound I. and launch their next holy piss wars from there next
> conveniently miss the worst country of then all
oy veyyyyyy
It would kick up so much dust there would be nuclear winter for 100's of years, not to mention all the free rads in the air and water from the amount of nukes required remove clay. are you retarded? do you think land just vaporizes when nuked? this is a bigger crater than from the asteroid that killed the dinos it would kill everyone
That would be really cool if it were an actual boundary
crater isn't big enough
Because those are Christian lands and need to be purged.
Because a bomb that big would put so much dust into the atmosphere that it would cause a 10,000 year ice age?
Any detonation that big is going to give the entire planet a goddamn category 11 Earthquake and also make the sky pitch-black for two years and too dim to farm for about twelve.
Your point?
Latinam disce, amator suum.
>it would cause a 10,000 year ice age?
so then no more niggers too? sounds like efficiency to me
>sparing Israel
unfortunately you couldn't make a hole that big without covering whats around it in debris. better reduce the size by about half.
A reasonable Aussie, is this real life?
You missed Turkey.
nihil sine deo
>implying peace is good for business
But I like Iran desu
Yeah but
Islam would be gone
Gib back shah
Kys scum
>israel surives
Need to nuke Jew York too while we're at it.
Shh goy.
Why the hate against Islam? All they want is to play basketball. islam= i slam
Because they're all in Europe now, kek.
kike detected
I prefer cooler weather.
Same desu. Haven't had a real winter in years.
>Turkey and Israel not turned to dust.
You missed Israel
>Implying hundreds of years of nuclear winter would not be preferable to living with Ahcmed
Honestly I don't mind Israel, you seem to be much better than the scummy Jews who stayed in the West. However people that insist that you are our allies should be surgically sterilized. You aren't our allies, we have never fought alongside each other in a single military conflict, you aren't a member of NATO. At best your goals and ours are sometimes tangentially aligned.
no we don't. it's time for the oil empires to die and be replaced with the long suppressed free energy.
Think of us as a white guy who lives in a nigger ghetto and tells you what shit is happening there for money
Wow how'd you do that? Nice detection skills.
>turkey still exists
>Afrika still exists
>problem solved
top kek
>leaving India, Pakistan, Egypt, and Libya alive
You had one job
>north africa still exists
Keep dreaming
> fund state sponsor of terrorism next door
> blame India
go to bed kissinger
You forgot the part where you rob us afterwards and tell our wife we go to gaybars
>Sup Forumsand thinking oil is only for gas
cuz nukes don't exist!
india and egypt will make GZ a cesspool of poo outta loo