Nigeria is a poor countr-

>Nigeria is a poor countr-

Other urls found in this thread:

>saving paint by dotted line
still need endavor


>Sup Forums thinks this looks like a "poor" country

Hahaha, Sup Forums. You're hilarious.

That would be Victoria Island, it's still a shithole, but it's where all of the rich people live. I fucking hate Nigera.


>"poverty" according to Sup Forums


> Nigeria

Are you Nigerian?

>doesn't know the difference between dotted lines and solid lines on a road.


Nigeria has commieblock, too. You can stay there instead of Vic Island, Ceмён.


i can smell this picture

I'm digging through my backup drive to find you some pics of my trip to Nigeria. Give me a minute.

Only a small handful of neighbourhoods. Mostly being demolished and replaced with modern construction.

looks like russia

>commie on suicide watch.

Do your best based green!

Took this pic from the plane, doesn't look much different than India, does it?

Just like Miami Beach.

>Tries to prove that Africans aren't poor and stupid
>Ignores 94.4% of the entire continent and focuses entirely on Kenya, Nigeria or Botswana

Every time.

stfu leaf

More like Poland.

Most of Lagos is on Google Street View now if you care enough.

Rwanda has universal healthcare and free education.

Also using 70 % renewable powersources

I wish I were Tutsi now.

Wow. Rwanda is more civilized than the US.

>Also using 70 % renewable powersources
if your country doesn't do this you aren't white or first world

>with a total of 100 lightbulbs in the country, we've managed to power 70 of them on renewable energy

Nigeria is shit. R W A N D A is where it's at.

T. Knower.

Looks nice after its built wait a couple years after neglect and it will look like shit like everything else.

the sad thing is that building is actually pretty OK for sub saharan africa standards

the average house in ghana from what I've seen of it is just a shack

or you aren't an irrelevant cuntry.

This photo reminds me of GTA San Andreas, for some reason.