How factual is this?

How factual is this?

I don't think the Caspian Sea stones women.


pretty accreate here desu

>le northern russians are finns/balts meme

Paint whole Finland dark blue and it's accurate

I love how the next stage from turbonormie is "stones woman" btw

Yes, they were but soviet union assraped them so they became russians.

No, they never were
Maybe a few thousand years ago, but not a century ago

We are more similar than many want to admit

we northern russians have nothing to do we the southern russians
>Russians in northern European Russia share moderate genetic similarities with Uralic peoples,[1][2] who lived in modern north-central European Russia and were partly assimilated by the Slavs as the Slavs migrated northeastwards. Southern Russians however tend to be genetically closer related to Caucasian peoples as a result of Russian expansion.
north-western federal district of russia is my home country, the rest are filthy barbarians


Why would you want to be related to your biggest enemies, lol

We have nothing in common with you.

Ye ye ye, the aryan blonde and the dark hair subhuman meme. Guess Hitler&friends were subhumans aswell. What can you do.

Many North Russians and Finns have common direct ancestors, same fatherlines

I think it's easy to see with bare eye

Facts are facts Ivan

stop with this autism meme, it makes no fucking sense.

They are not his enemies, South Russians are.

Russians never mixed with finns. Stop wewuzing, it is embarrassing.

Technically they did

sissy wh*Te subhumans

The fact that your ancestors got cucked by the Russian bull doesn't mean that we are relatives, it's not how it works. Russian population never mixed with local tribes, especially not finns.

Many local tribes were "Finnic"

And North Russian men are from Finnic paternal lines so you didn't cuck them

but I wouldn't say they are "Finns"

NO ONE gives a SHIT about Finland!
Finnish genes
Finnish language
Finnish culture
Finnish people
Finnish society
Finnish cuisine
So shut up

>And North Russian men are from Finnic paternal lines



>stones woman


Yeah it does, you are god damn autistic


need an american to help me out