I demand a list of 3 reasons why Denmark shouldn't invade your pathetic excuse of a country

I demand a list of 3 reasons why Denmark shouldn't invade your pathetic excuse of a country.


No excuse, do it. I really want to see it.

if denmark invades will I get a danish gf?


no, you get sent to the ovens and a danish will get your sheep gf.

We will rape every +6.3 qt like we did in England

Hug your loved ones

Because Denmark can't invade shit these days.

you can take my life but I'll never let you take my sheep gf

All your boats would probably sink trying to get here desu

Sweden has better tacos than us

We invade your coast every summer


1. Please do. So I can stop being a gook.
2. Please take over this pathetic tiny peninsula with your mighty and dauntless forces so it can be a member of EU as a part of Denmark's overseas territory.
3. Prithee, thou shouldst be generous and gracious enough to extricate these pathetic gooks from their hellish soil. I beseech thee and thy ruler.

Because we will defeat you with meme magic

swedish "tacos" are a travesty

You already have soldiers at our border, so just get it over with.

try it

1. niggers
2. mudslims
3. kikes

stay pure denmark

1. Try it.
2. Try it.
3. Blow it out your ass.

1. Beautiful montains
2. Lot of chocolate and cheese
3. Really rich country

oh no, we were supposed to give reasons NOT to invade our country ?
sorry there's none. my country is magic

1 You eat only salami and cum-cumber
2 your country look like a cancer on the European map
3 you doesn t exist on the military plan since Prussia kick your ass so hard so you still crying

1. HA
2. HA
3. HA
Regards, Sweden.

You'll fail like always, so it's a waste of our time.

If you can find us.

>invading the homeland of your queen

1. We are your friends
2. We are your biggest trading partners
3. Danish minorities live in Germany

>not getting invaded by the homeland of your king

1 We have nukes.
1 We can use them on our own clay, and then on yours.
1 We have nothing to loose.

1.-we're too far away
2.-we outnumber you almost 2 to 1
3.-you won't survive in the algarvian climate

Go ahead.
Once you reach my house, I'll open my butt for you

1. We are bikebuddies
2. We both like bikes

you'd get btfo m8