Just imagine if... chocolate ice cream raped 54 women

Just imagine if... chocolate ice cream raped 54 women

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He still gots it. I was worried for the first few minutes. Then he turned it on and I was laughing the whole way through. The Oj stories. Kevin Hart. Oscars party. Amazing.

Yeah i liked the Texas special the most, literally couldn't breath from laughter during the closing bit

He's toned down that knock mic on the leg shit that was annoying in his first stand-up go

I am so happy Dave's back and still has it. An old-school, highly respected red pilled comedian is exactly what this country needs right now

The best thing about Chappelle coming back is all the butthurt he caused with those tranny jokes.

>red pilled

There's no end to cringey shit on this board. Kill yourself

Are you ok, little fellah?

he kind of lost it

all this time I realized his high pitched voice is what makes him so funny, now he sounds old

>thin skinned SJW can't recognize a joke

What's new?


the 1st special was easily better imo


he seemed like he was missing a cigarette in the first special when he moved his hand up to his face the whole time

You want a biscuit with that nigger?

For both his specials, it seems he has lifted a lot of material from Bill Burr.

>"I miss Bruce Jenner"
>Donald Sterling jokes

>same hero
>new boots
And then that motherfucka flies away.

I liked it.

I just watched this, it was shit. Unfunny nigger


well there you go

>redpilled is the definition of knowing truths people don't see/admit/understand
>talks about trannies being fucked up
>talks about how most gay people are just really annoying and obnoxious people, nothing to do with them sucking another guy's dick
I mean the user is right. Maybe you're the one that needs to kill themselves, do the thread a favor.

>>redpilled is the definition of knowing truths people don't see/admit/understand

Uh no, knowing truths people don't see/admit/understand is the definition of "redpilled".

Maybe you need to be "redpilled" on grammar.

He rapes, but he saves. And he saves more than he rapes. But he does rape.

>spends a good amount of stage time talking shit to an audience member just because he is a certain age

He rapes, but he saves. And he saves more than he rapes. But he does rape.

I really wanted to love this special. I did not. I got a few keks out of the OJ stuff but there were too many blue pills jammed in.

Whatever happened to "I bought this baby cash!" Dave Chapelle?

well there you go reddit

That part rubbed me wrong too. The guy was 24. I'm 26 and experienced a lot of the shit Dave was talking about.

I'm not sure Bill has exclusivity to joking about those two people.

>i wish i heard that joke
>in Dave's voice

said no one ever

It's more personal this time around. Remember when he said he had to watch Key and Peele do his show? He's not doing sketches any more, hes doing stand up, and it's really fucking good.

Naw LA special was better.

>talking shit
He was making jokes.

Is all of this younger generation so thin-skinned? I thought it was just the SJWs

What blue pills user? He got up on stage in front of an LA crowd and said how fucked up trannies are to riotous applause.

This man is a master.

Explain to me one thing he said that was wrong in that regard.

For a comedian he is pretty unfunny

>just because hes a certain age

Only a child could care about such a thing.

>People really felt like it wasn't funny and that they "wasted" a free trial
I mean sure it wasn't his best stuff but they were still p great

In that show and the one he did in Austin, he talked about

>nigs "wrongly" shot by cops
>how Bill Cosby dindu nuffin
>that black people are oppressed and white people don't understand oppression
>Donald Sterling and Paula Deen deserved to lose their jobs for being """racist"""
>all his "racist" anecdotal experiences that are all actually made up

What part of all that screams 'redpilled' to you?

dave does repeat some of the same formulas that he used in his old specials, but i still laugh my ass off even when i know where the joke is going

there will be more dave specials in the future on netflix

He used to be much better before. Now even tho it's still the same kinda humor, he's lost his touch. Dude's slow and lethargic as fuck, doesn't have the same kinda energy and mannerisms that made him hilarious in his prime. Like he just doesn't give a fuck now that he's gotten his $50m Netflix deal.

Sup Forums please leave

His voice is fucked from smoking. He doesn't sound as good, but he still has the same enjoyable melody and cadence.

Well he is black. Think about how you cover your insecurities by blaming minorities- black people do this but instead towards the establishment as a whole. Some would consider this being redpilled but it may be hard for you to step out of your own projections.

How are black people a minority?

It wasn't just that he was talking about them, he was also making pretty similar points/jokes.

It wasn't similar enough to call it joke theft imo but it still took some if the bite out of the punchline when you saw where it was going.

The fact that this generation flies off the fucking handle anytime anyone says anything they disagree with prooves it isn't less emotuonal than older generations.

You're fucking retarded, mate

Kek 26 isnt old dumb fucko you're practically still a child

That was the kind of shit comedians should be telling, it was sad and funny at the same time. Totally said everything in as few words as possible. It was a great show.

He's been out of the circuit for years. Of course he's going to be off his game initially. It was still better than 97% of stand up today, especially the leftists bullshit spewed on late-night shows.

Pretty meh.
>You can't rape feet
got a laugh out of me though.

Dave still slangin them redpills


>she doesn't know what it means to be redpilled

Dave Chappelle Didn’t Change with the Times—and That’s the Problem
>GQ columnist Damon Young argues that the iconic comedian's new Netflix specials are a relic of a different era.

Just more proof Dave is redpilled af.

Only autistics could possibly find that offensive

I bet you enjoy the "works" of Amy Schumer.

Some blacks are wrongly shot by cops.

He goes off on Cosby. Or did you miss the whole "rapes and saves" bit?

And as a black man, he takes offense to people who act like they're more oppressed.

Those are all redpills.

>It wasn't similar enough to call it joke theft imo but it still took some if the bite out of the punchline when you saw where it was going.

It's just a sane take on trannies, aka, how everyone felt about trannies 17 years ago before everyone lost their minds.

How is he oppressed though? Cunt's making bank and he's oppressed?



He probably means black-americans.

In what sense?

Where can I watch his new specials online? I don't have netflix b/c I'm a poor neet.

>thats fucked up

pfffft, as if you've ever heard of care bears

He meant blacks are oppressed

That's his point. He was making pop culture references that people in their 20s would be familiar with, but acting like only old people would know about it

Some PEOPLE are wrongly shot by cops
Sometimes they're white, sometimes they're black

Some PEOPLE are rightfully shot by cops.
Sometimes they're white, sometimes they're black

He himself makes the joke "I'm black...but I'm Dave Chappelle" in his bit about getting pulled over by the cops.

Black people as a whole have it tougher than white people as a whole. Dave Chappelle has it better than the vast majority of both

Yeah but since Dave is black, "his people" will expect him to talk about blacks shot by cops, even though he "lives among the whites."

this is the most coherent post i've seen in a good while

Use your parents netflix

How? I see nothing that shows them being oppressed.

are you fucking 6?

something bothers me about the notion that someone's comedy style should change because people are more easily offended now.
are you really your own person at that point?


SJWs consider Dave a "relic" because he hasn't "gotten with the times" and adopted all their LGBT feminist special snowflake bullshit, where they like to censor free speech.

Dave should keep offending people. Plenty of comedians say no topic should be off limits for comedy.

Lenny Bruce is well-remembered for attacking sacred cows. In 2017, the "sacred cows" are mostly secular inventions of the Left.

So it's all hot-air? Thanks for indulging my foreigners curiosity user

>he doesn't understand statistics

Because it was all truth, hence 'redpill.' And he didn't imply that Cosby dindu nuffin. Do you really understand what redpilled means?

I don't care much for chocolate ice cream

strawberry cheesecake is more my speed

btw dave just wants you to think of 54 women getting BLACKED

I think I liked the Texas one better as well.
Some parts felt a bit weak and not that original, and yeah the mic thing was maybe a bit too much.
Can't remember anything about the second one other than it being pretty good overrall

yeah, and black people tend to be shot by cops in a far bigger % than whites.
Of course a black person will interpret it in that way, not saying it is the truth but it's understandable
you silly goose

I knew his vaccination joke would have gotten him flack, and it wasn't that great.
but the homo/tranny stuff was perfectly fine.
Just because some retards complain about this and call it bigoted doesnt mean everybody on the left agrees with them, you fucking spergs.
just using the blanket term sjw extending it from a single person to everybody really shows how intellectually deficient you are

That's what every muslim thinks but dont say because if they did, they'd be thrown out of the country.

Dave gets a free pass cause he's Dave

It's not understandable because it's factually wrong. Unless niggers are cops now.

>because it's factually wrong
how so

Why is he constantly smoking cigarettes?

He was way too soft though. Transgenders are mentally ill and he should have mentioned that. He lost his edge. Hollywood cucked him.

in your haste to make this post you must have forgotten the part containing your argument