How do you cope with everything that's happening?
I'm feeling down all the time because I know the future is going to be dark.
How do you cope with everything that's happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
I work hard and make good money, biy things I like for myself and be healthy.
Sex, drugs, alcohol, and other degeneracy just make things worse.
Future will be bright belive that we only need to suffer to get there :D.
Realize suicide is an option if it gets too bad.
>inb4 we're all reincarnated and there is no escape from this hell
Have guns, decent job, and tons of the herbal Jew
A good woman is the key to my fulfillment. I'm still trying to find the right woman to be my future wife and have a family with. It's worth meeting new woman and eventually finding the right one.
I have a good woman now and have had for 12 years, maybe that's why i am so happy all the time :D.
Only reason I feel down is because I want to celibate the coup with my friends but I'm back on the wagon
i try to catch every single pokemon and be the best
Cope? I'm hype as fuck with these happenings
>I'm feeling down all the time because I know the future is going to be dark.
You misspelled dank.
>op's pic related
Stay clear of it if you can, in all seriousness. It's sneaky, and takes more than it gives.
Same, I'm really scared of what might come next. I used to be so hopefull for the future but right now I feel like there's a deep darkness approaching and there's nothing we can do about it.
now everyone else will feel the pain of neetdom
We all know it's inevitable. All we can do now is to prepare for it. Go to the gym. Stockpile supplies. Make plans. And if your murrican buy some guns and ammo. If not improvise.
Nukes will brighten it up
>>inb4 we're all reincarnated and there is no escape from this hell
hate to break it to you..
I am buying a shitload of guns and ammo. I am developing an innawoods plan and a binder full of survivalist information.
It helps a little.
>“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
>"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
I've never worked a day in my life and if I live through the collapse then I've not really lost anything.
let me redpill you and everyone else itt...memeincarnation is real
Put your faith in Christ
You're gonna die anyways. Whether it's a bullet, a car crash or a tumor you're gonna die. Don't worry about the future, don't be a total cuck and live unprepared but don't worry about it all the time. Enjoy your blessings (small or big) and live one day at a time doing hopefully something that makes you happy.
We're alive to witness the end of the world. We're truly blessed, the last ones on the ride before the amusement park is closed.
Don't fall for the alcohol jew OP, it'll fuck you up in the end. Just find a productive job or talent to immerse yourself in, I play video games and draw, when I'm not working and I'm just fine.
It also helps that nothing happens in this country too.
anime and pornography
used to drink too but ruined liver doing that and it was too expensive for my NEETbux income anyway
The time has come, lets go get the undead army to save Europe from Islam.
Russia, I guess?
I just work hard, train hard, and eat right. Gotta be in shape for when the happening gets ebin
Says you. I'm banking on technoimmortality/the singularity, only way I can stop the panic attacks
idk user. I have nothing to live for. No job, living at home, no gf, no ambition, motivation or hope. Think about ending it every day. I don't drink though, can't even use alcohol to numb the pain. I'm trying SSRIs atm.
I don't follow politics, can any of you pathetic losers tell me what this habbening in turkey is about, and why it's a big deal
I found a higher power in Islam
Reminder that excessively worrying about the world on a global scale and your place in it is a sign of autism.
Focus on the near stuff - family, friends and personal connections. That's what matter anyways.
>I used to be so hopefull for the future but right now I feel like there's a deep darkness approaching and there's nothing we can do about it.
Me too user. I wish I could still believe in a bright future and relate to normal people. Right now my life is shit and I can't help but feel we're in a June 1914 situation.
Hold me anons.
Lots and lots of milk
It would be like if the US Army stormed the white house, put Obama in a cage, and took control of the government by force.
At least Ur not in hell like the US soldiers. They were a bunch of fucking idiots
You fool, KEK will make the future brighter than ever! The new dawn will be brighter than any of us can imagine!
nofap is the key brother
Rippetoe is that you?
The world is a safer place today than it has ever been in history.
You just know about more shit today because of mass media.
Get on well with them but I feel like they secretly resent me
>personal connections
I actually did it for 3 months and didn't feel any difference, can't speak for others but it didn't help me...
Oh ok, thanks for being nice enough to answer me, even after how rude i was to you guys :/
My point is that you should focus on filling those holes in your personal life rather than obsessing over who's the current king of Turkey or if Trump is going to build a wall.
A century ago there was a World War.
pic related
also opiates and weed
I'm feeling pretty good at the moment.
If he's past 20 he might as well keep obsessing over the king of turkey.
>kill yourself
>wake up on the day of Trump's campaign announcement speech
Working my nuts off to earn as much cash over the near future as possible. Spending it on kitting out my stealth camper van. Working out. Preparing for the moment the lights go out and shit starts getting hairy. Hitting the road with my dog when shit hits the fan.
Every day I envision the NWO. I'm personally terrified and emotionally destroyed by my vision of the future. Humanity as a whole will have been conquered. Its over guys
>Innocents slaughtered
>You only want this because you believe you can win
Is race war really the best/only option?
>tfw 21
I don't have a gun so I don't feel good. If I did then I would be /comfy/.
Keep living for the future you want. If it comes down to another war, we'll take up arms and fight for that future together, just like our great grandfathers did.
Stand strong and don't lose hope.
If everything goes to shit, I hope to stand next to you on the front lines, so that we can secure a brighter future for those who will come after us.
Live for your dreams, but prepare your body for war.
Don't cope.
Don't think about it.
Life is nothing in the void.
Enjoy it, hate it, do what you will with life, it is yours.
I've just accepted it and listen to music, casually waiting for the day it all goes to complete shit
The past 2 years have been GREAT for us, what are you talking about? It's all been unfolding perfectly since GamerGate. Did you not see sadfrog turn into smug pepe?
Ever consider you're just addicted to being a sad faggot?
lol @ being sad on the eve of the Trumpenkrieg
I drink heavily
It's finally a time where the strong independent man can shine, and all these fake Chad's will be seen for what they are.
Exercise, take your protein and arm yourself in some way. Feel good being strong.
same , everyday i feel like everything
crumbles more and more creating an unstoppable push into oblivion.
I have to overcome that with training and working hard and eating decently right.
Also reading a lot on tribalism and the nature of things.
Other than that I cannot talk to anyone anymore.
Just enjoy your time alive leaf, once the lights go out then you will have peace.
The present's dark. I just take solace in the fact that soon, other people will be suffering alongside next to me.
Maybe one day we can cast off the shackles of the old world where everyone has stacks of expectations with little to no payout. Maybe then we can try to rebuild the world the way it was supposed to be.
At least for a little while before our grandkids fuck everything up, repeating the cycle.
We're gaining ground but we're also trudging through the mud. Not smooth sailing by any means. If you're European things are just fucked. Did you forget about the whole migrant crisis ordeal? There were very few Muzzies in Germoney 2 years ago, now there's millions.
What a year it's been and it's only just past halfway through!
Soooo many happenings!
I picked the right year to NEETire.
Feels fucking great m8.
Nothing like watching the world go down in flames.
I'm pumped for all of the action going on
>TEXIT next pls kek
You need to develop a normie face. Say the things people expect of you, blend into their group, never say what you truly think
TEXIT will start the great water wars.
Ride the tiger
>I picked the right year to NEETire.
Iktf. Been unemployed for a little over 3 months.
>oh fuck I should go to bed
>remember i have absolutely nothing to do the next day
>dad gets a little salty but mom loves having me around all day
I'll get a job after the convention probably.
The far right is rising. How did you think that would happen? By things being perfect forever?
Western civilization became weak and foreigners and subversive kikes took advantage of it. Now its immune system is kicking in.
you guys are such faggots. I'm willing to bet money you get off to cuckold porn. you actually WANT to be sad and demoralized. confirm or deny this.
>alcohol jew
>beer was invented by German monks
yeah, no.
Your picture sums me up pretty well. I start drinking by around 4:30 at the latest, and end up passed out by 9:00 after quite a few beers and some hard liquor. I'm depressed by the world.
Accept death. Quit being afraid and continue with your day. if the time comes for you to fight then fight but accept that you will die just like every man before you.
Depression is for faggots.
I would rather things never had to come to this point. Stop projecting.
>How do you cope with everything that's happening?
The promises of God. People living without God have no hope or salvation.
We live in a time where the future is bleak economic slavery for the elite, or freedom & it feels like an old flame in my heart is being reignited as the establishment collapses in front of us, we have a chance to claw back some freedom.
I hope you take the time to do extra chores for your dad and make his life easier and thank him for providing when you sit down at the dinner table :)
I love it. Societal collapse soon, we are all going to be sent to camps!
you WANT to feel despair and sadness. you are a cuck. everything is going right and you have sad feelings cuz its not perfect omg why
confirm or deny: have you ever masturbated to cuckold porn?
I am laughing.
>mom loves having me around all day
Are you two fucking?
kill yourself
I stopped drinking and im working my body up to join the marines
im 26
The future is going to be GLORIOUS.
For a fucking lefty leaf, perhaps.
Not the rest, the exact opposite.
Stock up on whiskey and guns
Yeah, I mow the lawn every friday, do the dishes, clean the house, go grocery shopping and pick the Pops up from work every day(he takes a taxi in the AM). Besides when he's whining about me getting a job we have a very good relationship.
No but I do all the shit that she would have to do when I was at work. I have a good relationship with both my parents. She also likes having somebody to talk to. She's redpilled and loves politics which is nice. My parents are pretty old.
I hope we get more happenings. Because if everything continues on the trajectory we are on right now (meaning no more happenings), the West will become an even bigger multicultural, progressive hellhole, many parts of Europe become more Islamic and China slowly but surely becomes the World's leading super power while we all get privilege checking devices.
But with happenings everything is possible, WW3 is preferable to a slow and agonizing death of the West.
>have you ever masturbated to cuckold porn?
I rarely masturbate to 3D. If I do its gangbang. Had an extremely awkward group sex experience in HS so its my ultimate fetish
>he can't answer yes or no
>he gets off to despair
>he wants to be sad during the rise of Emperor Trump
I can already tell you were one of those "VOTING DOESNT MATTER" fags back when Trump first announced.
If you're sad about your life, I'd rather you killed yourself than tried to demoralize others as we gain momentum.
I feel like things are going to get so much better because war is needed to fix all this shit
swede bro gets it
You have to take breaks from this news stuff.
Watch some movies, play some games, read books, whatever (even gardening if that's your thing).
>I can already tell you were one of those "VOTING DOESNT MATTER" fags back when Trump first announced.
God dammit you need to stop projecting so hard. I was a Randlet/Cruzmissile before Trump announced. I watched his speech live. I posted in the very first Trump generals. I was planning on voting for the Republican nominee no matter who it was. I've been on this board since ZimZam, why would I have such a shitty high school-tier defeatist attitude like that? I may be depressed but I'm not that juvenile.
>Be armed
>Be drunk
>Be ready
>Be excited
Me personally, I see myself as a future hero of the new confederacy.
Is that a cute girl from your town? :^)