Sup Forums Why communists still exists ?

Sup Forums Why communists still exists ?
Nobody realized they are responsible of millions of deaths ?
Oh "Real communism wasn t tryed"? my bad.

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Sup Forums Why capitalists still exists ?
Nobody realized they are responsible of millions of deaths ?
Oh "Real capitalism wasn t tryed"? my bad.

Commies beware
Death is a preferable alternative to communism

I don't know. it really makes me sick to my stomach. My grandfather back in the day and was shot to death trying to cross the berlin wall.

I don't know frog, i suppose the human is the only animal that fails with the same shit twice.
Yeah, i think people in Britain are suffering so much wow look at the poor britbongs being oppressed with capitalism wow hell on earth.

> (OP)
>Yeah, i think people in Britain are suffering so much wow look at the poor britbongs being oppressed with capitalism wow hell on earth.
We would be suffering if we didn't have some socialism such as the NHS

Sup Forums Why christians still exists ?
Nobody realized they are responsible of millions of deaths ?
Oh "Real Christianity wasn t tryed"? my bad.

We wouldn't be suffering if we didn't have ANY socialism at all.

>Real communism wasn t tryed
It's actually "communism cannot be achieved now"

your country will always be a shithole regardless of your political system

Communism was never tried. USSR was never really communist but we like to use their flag and symbol and preach about Lenin and Trotsky anyway because fuck consistence.

What do you guys think of my post? I got perma banned in several Marxist forums for use it.

I'm curious, where did capitalists promise that nobody will die and everyone will live in utopia? Please quote the page from the capitalist manifesto

>t. country saved by Maggie Thatcher

Maybe, but left spectrum has the ability to convert shitty countries into sewage tier ones

If mentally ill people got aborted, there will be no communism.

I'm a gommie but I'm not very fond of the human race. Human behaviour is too random and unpredictable to organise all production and consumption in a planned manner. So the solution is to take humanity away from humans, as done in Piteşti prison or Vorkuta.

Ohhh yeas, the Spanish communist. Probably don't even learn about his own history, just memes from 9gag.

Pic related, communism being tried in spain.

to kill nazis which is still exists

Why spaniards like communism so much?, you guys don't see our example?, both of us share the same language and a lot of culture, why do you still like one of the worst diseases of humanity?

He is under age and did not learn about the Spanish civil war.

Pic related, literally the same people destroying statues in America because it's offensive.

What's 150 yards long and eats potatoes?
>A Moscow queue waiting to buy meat.

>l-look, people are killed in war, what a surprise!
Kek, name one faction that wasn't cruel in our civil war. Fascists imprisoned my dad's underage aunt and wouldn't even give her water, expecting her to confess to crimes she didn't commit or die of thirst. My grandma's uncle, a priest, was captured by Communists - they poked out his eyes, tied him to a horse and dragged him by the horse to the wall where they shot him. People in this country are scared shitless of civil wars since the '36 grimdark one.

We are traditionally Catholic societies. We are group-oriented, community-oriented, like the orthodox Russians or Confucianist Chinese. Capitalism, democracy and individual responsibility only tune well with Calvinists. Our societies will rush to a community-oriented system in a heartbeat, be it Socialism, Fascism or anarchism. With or without socialism, Venezuela has suffered in each oil crisis, anyway. Diversify your economy or you'll end up like... well, Venezuela.

You really are comparing the two sides with this example? Thanks for reinforcing my point.

Little Boy: What will communism be like when perfected?
His Father: Everyone will have what he needs.
Little Boy: But what if there is a shortage of meat?
His Father: There will be a sign in the butcher shop saying, "No one needs meat today."

>70% private sector is socialism guys!

I dunno

This planet is overpopulated, we could use some communism.

We'll eventually have some form of communism anyway, as machines will do most of the work.

what did he mean by this

>Diversify your economy or you'll end up like... well, Venezuela.

>be communist in charge
>nationalize everything
>everything fails because it's state run
>survive only on oil because it's one of the hardest things to screw up
>petrol workers strike
>strike is not allowed in communist countries because everyone is happy
>workers get beat, most of them flew the country and some are arrested
>state hire party members to run the refineries
>none know shit, except the communist manifest
>every single refinery start to blow up
>petrol shortage in the largest oil reserve in the world

I love the Mao meme.

>This planet is overpopulated, we could use some communism.
Sure we could, generally the population starve to the death and then we would not have over population problems.

nothing more insufferable than a fucking communist

This is the real face of these so-called humanitarians who work for the greater good of mankind.

capitalism and communism are both shit.

>Sup Forums Why communists still exists ?
because if you are an ordinary person it is literally the best system for you
>Nobody realized they are responsible of millions of deaths ?
no, they aren't.
also for the sweet oil money and other profits capitalists killed, tortured and enslaved tens of millions of people ifnot more
>Oh "Real communism wasn t tryed"? my bad.
it did. but only during 50-70s of the 20th century in the USSR and live was great back then. communism does work but the problem is that there are always a few people who brainwash the population into thinking that communism is bad and use all the resources they got to make it fall since they don't want to share the capital they stole with the masses

Let me guess, you are a Argentinian economy student?

t. delusional retard

based belgie

>taking radcen meme seriously
Fucking ape

Everything is respnosible for million death,
As long as you make bland propaganda insteed of properly educating people on that manner it will continue to exist.

If you repeat this shit in front of your father, he will give you a slap in your face that throw you in the other corner of Russia.

no,just an argentinian.

Well, if you want to take the risk then keep with it. I just hope the majority of people in Spain don't have your mindset.
Then what is nationalization of all big private companies, censorship of all media that opposes the goverment, sanctions to public workers that don't vote for the ruling party, the creation of paramilitary groups that support the regime.. Is this the new neo-liberalism or what? retard
Brazilian brother gave a excellent review, that's Venezuela in a nutshell

>he never read "The Wealth of Nations"

Thanks for the kek

commuism is always the endgoal. slowly but surely we will move closer to it user.

>not being a radical centrist and a radical midlander

Communists are masters and professionals at pointing out (usually) valid criticisms of Capitalism, but they fall short in producing a better alternative.

this t b h
literally need to get rid off merchants and their usury

No you dense mother fucker. Communism was already dead in Europe when you are born. You never talked to someone living in the most miserable way possible.
You country was never run by ex-terrorists who got arrested because they bomb libraries and buses. Seriously, all our corrupts politicians where Marxist in the 70's and got exiled in some shithole like Cuba or even Albania, just to come back years later and turn Brazil into a fucking hell.

Anarcho-Communism is the only *real* communism

>a critique of mercantilism/protectionism is the capitalist manifesto


How is things in Venezuela right now?

There is literally written it will lead to high wages better work conditions etc. utopian shit that for doesn't happen at all except people making it.

If you just want to show me that you have mental disablilities then you succeeded. Socialists (real leftists not those us democrat capitalists) are on the rise here and never been properly dead. You have to educate people what it is. No smart Person will support it if you confront them with the unsolveable issues it brings with it.

Fixing capitalism is a much easier and resource-saving alternative to tearing everything apart for a lesser alternative of Communism

>there was never any starvation in capitalist countries
>big improvements are found in every capitalist country, not just one or two handpicked one
>no major achievement can be found in a communist country

>that for doesn't happen at all except people making it

Why would he?

I have a reading tip for you. Dostoevski - The Possessed (bezy).

Too bad that cannot be achieved because most people are not willing to share voluntarily. Communism *REQUIRES* a strong and oppressive state.

>all those labour union shit
>all those it took to make people earn proper wages for working only 40h
You maybe read a little on history.
Just because now capitalism is a comfy way of living it wasn't always this way.
Alone all those violent suprising of angry factory workers in UK 100 years ago that got beaten down by force.

People who defend a hardcore capitalism are just as dumb as any commiefags.

>proper wages
If you have an abundance of unskilled labour force, how much are you going to pay them?

The basic difference between communism and capitalism is that individual poverty is the fault of the system in communism while it's the fault of the individual in capitalism.

he was too young in the 70s but he keeps saying that even later, in the late 70s and 80s life was much easier and better than it is now. you had a guaranteed job after you graduated he and my mother both received a free flat (apartment) and so on. the Soviet Union was great
>oogha boogha

Then stop immigrating here so we don't get this abundance.
Open Borders is capitalists wet dream and only reason we got those refugees.

I was expecting an american flag before clicking...

>Blaming shitty political decisions on Capitalism

eww a faggot

>No smart Person will support it
Then they are send to gulags.
>People who defend a hardcore capitalism are just as dumb as any commiefags.
I must agree with you in this one.

I don't even bother to be reasonable with a shart since your mental capabilites are that of a glorified nigger.

Just stop replying to me and wait until you got extinct with your other fat brethren.

>tfw like neither capitalism nor communism

nobody glorifies niggers

>guaranteed job
Such a dream in a ex communist country. Here we can chose what job we want. And we are free to change between those jobs if we want/need. No one is designated to a remote town with one factory where you are forced to live from potato for the rest of the life.

>Open Borders is capitalists wet dream
That is true. Fuck libertarians.
If they want more consumers/work force, then they need to improve the birth rate, not import more people.

Americans do

>Open Borders is capitalists wet dream and only reason we got those refugees
The reason why you got the refugees is because you got national pride beaten out of you in WW2 so you instead decided to compete for the most accepting and peaceful country in Europe. Which lead to high gibs which are about as anti-capitalistic as it gets. You get refugees because those already there send letter/e-mails home about how much they take in gibs and how much is it in their monopoly currency.

As for Czechs and other slavs migrating, it's simple. Lower your wages and they won't have a need to. or tell your companies that moved their production here to pay better.

oh okay...

shart tier reply

You culture after 2000 actually do this.


>improve the birth rate
For that you need to to supress female empowerment, education and workforce participation. You also have to abandon government-run pension systems and healthcare.

Can't argue with economics I guess

UK does this too, and so America.
The rapid industrialization create a big surplus of jobs, this brought a lot of people abroad to work for cheap salaries (way bigger than their salaries back home), this even draft woman from the homestead to the factories.
Communist did not suffer with this, because they are unable to create jobs.

What is the German equivalent of Dumb American Sharters?

Because you are one

>le ebin guilt trippin meme
>le national pride
>le other monkey arguments
>le raise our wages
>le lower your wages

You are a nigger in your head. Accept this and acknowledge that we are happy that you just shit post here and don't hold any responsibility with your 12 years.

>You also have to abandon government-run pension systems and healthcare.
If Europe keep receiving immigrants and refugees, then they will need to abandon it.
Let's follow my line of thinking (feel free to disagree)
>tax break for people with kids (huge tax breaks, at the point where economically viable have kids)
>people spend more because they now have kids
>economy flow better
>more jobs are created to supply those young people
>youth engage in work force have a better purchase power

you didn't get it. you have a guaranteed job in case you failed to find one yourself. of course there were programs that required you to work for some period (usually it was about 3 years) wherever they send you but no one forced you to pick that degree. not to mention for many people it was a fun and interesting experience (unless you had to work in the far north)

>required you to work for some period
after you graduated i mean

the world communism means literally nothing at this point

>this even draft woman from the homestead to the factories
That was two world wars where the men went fighting and the women had to produce the guns and ammo and after the war it styed as status quo

Die Linke/Grün voter

I didn't want to but if you are asking for it...

>huge tax breaks
So who's gonna pay for that elderly army while those kids are in the making?

>only reason we got those refugees
So what happened to the humanitarian "muh poor refugees from war-torn countries" goal, which was the main justification for refugees anyways?

If it was for cheap jobs, Germany capitalists would just lobby fir looser immigration/work visa laws.

>So what happened to the humanitarian
>a shart unironically doesn't know how politics work
Nobody gives a single shit about humanities here. Yeah we will get an immigration law and lobbiests were fucking demanding it already in the 60. And we got the turks but no immigration act. Now we get an immigration act because people go apeshit over those repafugees.

>That was two world wars where the men went fighting and the women
Quite a feminist lie. Europe had a war every 5 years, and woman where responsible for keeping the country running during this time. It always being like that...
>So who's gonna pay for that elderly army while those kids are in the making?
The real question is, who is going to pay for the elderly army when there is no kids around?

Most of the Europe is cucked because the youth is unemployable. People are living until their 30 in their parents home without a job. If those kids start early in the work force, they will generate tax and be able to afford homes and move out, being able to build their own families.
Pic related, the cause of the social problem of Europe. A shitload of non employed kids living on welfare like niggers. Fuck neetbucks.

usually npd or afd

>Europe had a war every 5 years
Not total war. Napoleon was the closest and even then it wasn't a total war in the vein of WW1 and 2. Also, there was a big gap between the Franco-Prussian war and WW1.

>The real question is, who is going to pay for the elderly army when there is no kids around?
Yeah, that's a big one. I recommend stashing your money in something the government can't easily take.

>If those kids start early in the work force
>generate tax and be able to afford homes and move out
Nope. The market for real estate is fucked in Europe. The real cause is that employing people in Europe is too expensive because of all the socialist shit tacked on in the 60s and 70s. That along with education taking longer and longer, elderly living longer and longer so no inheritance for a long time for many of those young people, cost of raising a kid rising causing a big dip in life quality.

>Nope. The market for real estate is fucked in Europe.
No it's not. I just google and i was able to find apartments for less than 250k in berlin.
I am sorry, but if you expect to purchase a house with one year saving, you are delusional.
>That along with education taking longer and longer
Free education?
Boy, i pay for my entire graduation while working. Did not find it difficult at all.

>cost of raising a kid rising causing a big dip in life quality.
"life quality" is a meme. You can feed and dress kids for very little. It's a American meme that you need to dress them in expensive brands and feed them with expensive junk food. Just learn how to cook.

Ask your grandmother what is the cost of raise kids.

It's capitalism.
Kill yourself.

>You can feed and dress kids for very little.
Kindergarten. Toys. Bed. Safety seat for the car. Extra-curricular activities. Computer. Phone. Sports equipment. Pocket money. Schoolbooks.
>ask your grandma
Ignoring the fact she is senile, she wouldn't know anything considering the differences between childhood back then and now.

Use the state own or leave your kids with your parents (probably they will insist in this one).
Give a hand full of toys and they are set.
Seriously, kids will play with anything. My neighbor was dirty poor and we play with him using painted stones because we did not wanted to humiliate him.
Lel, on craiglist you can get a decent one for the value of the transport (if you are so poor that can't afford one)
>Safety seat for the car
Same thing. People are happy in handle stuff they don't use anymore.
>Extra-curricular activities
I was a boy scout and it was dirty cheap.
Ohh yeah, kids now days require a last generation with 2 top end graphic cards to browse youtube and watch gameplays.
Who gives a cellphone to a kid?
> Sports equipment
A football ball? Boy, it's cheap than a Macdonald.
>Pocket money
Learn to say no.
Nice try, your taxes already paid for this one.

>it's all cheap and dandy as long as you give your child a third-world childhood

>third-world childhood
I was very happy in my childhood. Both my parents where always present because they own small business in home. And i had a lot of friends to play with.
Mean while, first worlders are crying in their bedrooms at the age of 30, without having a single day of work.
I would not change this memories for anything.

You don't understand the human nature. The greatest the struggle, the most happy we are.

Because everybody around you had more or less the same.

Dude, Brazil has some of the greatest inequality in the world.
One of my neighbor was so poor that he used nails to fix his flipflops. Mean while, the other neighbor visit Disneyland every year.
This did not affected me, nor both of my childhood friends.

You have to go back, kike.